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Messages - djwudi

Pages: [1]
Hi folks!

I hope you don't mind me dropping in on the conversation. I help handle Norwescon's Twitter and Facebook pages (and am also their photographer), so I keep a Google alert for "norwescon" running that pulled up this conversation.

Norwescon is the Northwest's largest regional Sci Fi/Fantasy convention, usually pulling in a bit over 3,000 attendees over the course of the four-day Easter weekend. Maybe not up to Dragoncon standards, but we strive to keep a balance between being big enough to be well-rounded and interesting, and small enough to not feel like you're drowning in a sea of fen.

As programming and scheduling is still being hammered out, I can't guarantee anything regarding autograph sessions, and this is not official word (just covering my bases here). In the past, however, we've tried to have at least three autograph sessions, and the "big names" usually try to be around for two of them. I just went through my photos of the autograph sessions from last year and realized that though I got the people giving autographs, I didn't get any good shots of the room to give you an idea of lines. Sorry about that! I don't remember it being insanely packed, however, and the guests were quite good about being willing to chat if there was time (I spent a good few minutes camera-geeking with artist John Jude Palencar).

If you have any other questions, our website was already posted above, and you might be able to get a feel for the convention by going through our Flickr photostream. Of course, you're welcome to ask me questions as well, and I'll do my best to answer...however, as I'm not a regular on this board and I have to balance Norwescon duties with the "real world," I can't necessarily guarantee a swift response.

I hope this has helped, and we'd love to see you at the con!

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