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Messages - kertain

Pages: [1] 2
DFRPG / Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:19:23 PM »
Thanks guys, gonna think about it some more.
My game is Sunday so any more suggestions would be appreciated.

DFRPG / Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:47:38 PM »
Afternoon Folks,
I have a player who acquired the "Sickle of Light" and he wants it to be an cool.
He left if up to me how to build it and I thought it would be cool to have it be Uriels Sickle and him not know it right away.

Can you guys help me build it?
This is what I came up with:
+2 Sickel of Light (weapon 3)
-1 True Stike (+1 Weapon roll)
-1 Deaths blow (+2 Stress to darkness)

I want it to be juicy but am running into a mental block.
Edit: He is a combat heavy character with "Marked by Power" already. So something to compliment that would be cool.


DFRPG / Re: Info for those with the pre-release PDFs
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:14:04 PM »
Yes you can.

I have both books physically and only had to email Fred a picture of myself hold them (I didn't have the original receipt).
He then sent me a link to download the PDFs (which are excellent quality)

I love these guys :)

DFRPG / Re: Compelling Consequences
« on: May 18, 2011, 09:53:08 PM »
I thought the book said since their was no FP given there is none earned.
You don't spend a FP to tag an aspect that you caused someone to have huh?

Or am I confusing things...*digs through the book*

DFRPG / Re: Weak book binding.
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:01:58 PM »
Sucks about the binding, but I am glad Fred sorted you out :)

I have to say I have used the crap out of both my books and neither show any sign of binding issues.
Its funny because just a few days ago I made a comment to a friend on how well my books were holding up.


DFRPG / Re: Looking for 1 player in the Austin, TX area.
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:33:24 AM »
meh too bad..I would join but I live in Houston.
So close yet too far. :)

I do have a friend that lives in Austin..will shoot your post over to him.

I don't have anything constructive to add, nor would I attempt to keep up with you guys.
Just wanted to say thank you for the effort put into this list, it has made my life much easier.

I have to say we have a top notch community.

DFRPG / Re: I'm just not a good gm...
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:35:04 PM »
Investigation and "who done it" games are rather hard to run to begin with.
I think the best way to handle that is to have an idea of what happened, but also be open to the direction your players go.
You might find that they come up with some pretty interesting ideas (some you might not think of) on their own. If its a fun idea and your good with improv, then go in that direction.

Having multiple endings, a list of all the NPCs/bad guys, possible murders/kidnappers in your head will help when they take a sudden turn. If you let them lead the story along, then they won't get stuck in a corner as often. If there is only one "right answer" they might never figure it out. In the end they will never know that "Bob the Janitor" wasn't your originally intended murderer/kidnapper, they will just think you are super clever and feel good about a job well done :D
In other words see where they lead you and build the story around that.

It hard to balance rail-roady and plot elements, but your players should always be able to figure something out. If they are clever it should be rewarded even if they manged to kill your big baddie too soon. Then again there is nothing wrong with him having a super-duper backup plan to get away and then implementing that, or reenforcement show up and forcing the group to make a choice to fight or leave. Then again..they might surprise you and disrupt even that plan. In that case you just need to roll with the punches and figure something out.

That all said: Certain events can and will happen regardless. A certain building could collapse with a controlled demolition, certain NPCs may die in a fire, or the Big Baddie might have certain plans thought out well in advance.
The world will keep moving and your players can't control everything, but should at least have a chance :)

my 2c

DFRPG / Re: Sweet fudge dice!
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:23:43 AM »
Nope, looks like they ship everywhere:
"Shipping to: Worldwide"

I sent these to my wife in hopes she takes the hint for fathers day :D

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG in the Finals Round on RPG Geek
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:21:39 AM »
Go Dresden go!

DFRPG / Sweet fudge dice!
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:59:12 AM »

DFRPG / Re: NPC Fate Points
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:12:06 AM »
I like this idea BumblingBear, was wondering how to handle that in my game as well.


DFRPG / Re: Real-time online DFRPG games?
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:33:36 AM »
Infrno is a virtual tabletop and scheduling services (for free!)
Its pretty slick..about to start a game for my brothers who live out of town.

Obsidian Portal is a game management site which many more features (but no virtual tabletop)
I use it to run my local games, it has a built in forum, wiki, campaign log, notes, characters..pretty much anything you need to keep yourself and your players updates/coordinated.
Its not free(but cheap) to own the GM portion, but is free for any of your players to contribute and view all your content.

Unfortunately these are two separate sites at the moment.
I have spoken to the developer of Obsidian Portal and he said he is working with the Infrno team to possible link their two services, but he told me they will probable remain separate.
Tis a shame because both do their "thing" very well, but it would be nice to have them on a single site :)

Edit: Here is a link to our Shadowrun game...its has made all of our lives much much easier :)

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo- PC's
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:32:24 PM »
Thanks guys!
Yah I had forgotten Athletics was the primary "dodge" skill..I bumped that up significantly. :)

Fixed the control and focus for the wizard and re-worked the panthers skillset and also added some more social skills all around.
They aren't very balanced but this is for a very short focused demo game, group primarily wanted to see how combat went and how the aspect system works.

Thanks again :)

« on: April 10, 2011, 03:01:52 AM »

I am running my first Dresden "demo" game and created three PCs for my group.
The setting is during WWII and the players are sent in to take care of an evil Nazi sorcerer...super original I know...  ;D

I wanted to show the group what could be done with the system and not limit myself to just 3x wizards. This will be a combat heavy session so I geared all my guys towards that..not super balanced in a "real" game I know.

Anyone mind looking them over and make sure I didn't jack something up?
I am thinking specifically on the Focus Items for the wizard, Item of Power for the Emissary, and Were Form powers/ were skills separation.

Up to your waist: 7 refresh, 25 skill points, skill cap Great
High Concept: Wizardling (wizard in training..not fully ripe)
Trouble: I pissed off something nasty...

Great: Conviction, Endurance
Good: Discipline, Guns
Fair: Lore, Fists, Alertness
Average: Intimidation, Might, Athletics, Rapport, Stealth

-3 Evocation
-2 Ritual
-0 Wizards Constitution
-1 Sight
-0 Soulgaze
Total Refresh Adjustment: -6

Evocation: (Fire, Water, Sprit)
Control: Fire +1

Focus Items:
Jade necklace: +1 Defence (Spirit)
Ritual Bone (wand): +1 power to fire and wair
2 open enchanted item slots

Physical: 0000XXXX
Mental: 0000XXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 1


High Concept: Emissary of Thor
Trouble:The gods themselves have pity on me

Great: Weapon, Fists
Good: Might, Endurance
Fair: Guns, Intimidation, Athletics
Average: Alertness, Driving, Discipline, Presence, Lore

+2 Thor's Hammer
    -2 Inhuman Strenght
    -2 Inhuman Toughness
    +1 Catch: Weakness to spirit attacks
-2 Inhuman Recovery
-1 Wall of Death
-1 Ripioste
Total Refresh Adjustment: -5

Physical: 000000XX
Mental: 00XXXXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 2


High Concept: Were Panther
Trouble:Soul of a Predator

Great: Guns, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Investigation
Fair: Driving, Scholarship, Fists
Average: Lore, Survival, Intimidation, Stealth, Burglary

Skills as a Panther:
Great: Fists, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Stealth
Fair: Might, Survival, Athletics
Average: x, x, x, x, x

-1 Beast Change
-1 Echoes of the Beast
+1 Human form
-2 Inhuman Speed
-2 Inhuman Strength
-1 Claws
Total Refresh Adjustment: -6

Physical: 0000XXXX
Mental: 00XXXXXX
Social: 00XXXXXX

Adjusted Refresh: 1

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