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Messages - easl

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DFRPG / Re: Modular abilities
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:36:23 AM »
Re: recovery.  I am perfectly okay with a person shifting to recovery and getting the recovery effect.  With two caveats:
1. Their Catch is always in effect.  Always.  Doesn't matter what modular powers they have on at the time they take a wound; if some damage part of the catch, Recovery won't fix it.
2. I wouldn't allow modular to shift into the Mythic level of anything unless you are being very liberal with other pcs and npcs using it.  Even if you allow other pcs to get mythic level abilities, I might think twice about letting modular emulate it.  I think being the absolute best bad*ss should be reserved for the folks who pay 'full price' for it.  But that's just me.

DFRPG / Re: New Concept/Template: Shaman of the Land
« on: November 02, 2013, 02:34:10 AM »
So what do you suggest?

1. Make it somewhat difficult to gain powers.  Since this is a shaman, how about they must perform a 24-hour "commune with the land" ritual to get them?

2. You don't keep them if you move far from the source.  So, that unseelie magic you got from Arctis Tor doesn't stick with you when you come back to Chicago.  This would also prevent Shamans from becoming grab-bags of powers from different areas.

3. Personally I like the idea of shamans acquiring other groups' sponsored magic...because I'd see it as an opportunity to have them owe favors to lots of other supernatural entities.  I'd have the sponsor insist on a favor for pretty much every use.  And hey, who knows - if the shaman does a good job paying them back and impresses the entity, they could end up with a lot of supernatural friends, too.  That would also be very much in line with the concept, I think.

Just a few suggestions.

  • I want a bunch more skill points than I actually get. Looking up, I didn't even manage to grab any of Alertness, Investigation, Contacts, Guns, or Fists. Probably one of those should replace Steath at Fair.

There is no ideal way in cannon to handle this, but there are a couple of kludges.  Kludge 1: take an aspect like "jack of all trades" or "been around the block" specifically designed to let you use fate points to shore up lower skills.  Kludge 2: take a stunt.  Remember, stunts can be changed between sessions so having one lets you effectively shift around a little bonus on a regular basis. Kludge 3: take Beast Change but rename it something like "broad training" and have it be purely internal. take all your knowledge and social skills in one set, and all your physical skills in another.  In essence, for -1 you double your skill allocations.  It may not be a great fit for your detective but I think this third option works well with spy- or military- type templates, where the character is expected to have a decent, upstanding moral side but be able to switch to killer in a few seconds.  Kludge 4: increase your Conviction and take Guide My Hand.  Link it to your prime concept (protecting the city or whatever).  This lets you use a fate point to substitute Conviction for any skill.  Remember, one of the True Faith wielders in the Dresden Files is an atheist, so nothing says Guide has to have a deity as a source.  Any powerful ideology will do.

  • My catch is pure mortals. We're planning on a mob-heavy campaign, so that's probably going to come up pretty often. Is that too broad/too narrow/cheesy/just right/etc for 3 points? Is supernatural toughness a good choice or would a mix of toughness and recovery be better? Maybe just recovery (she's certainly strong enough that she could wear a vest in most situations and her background supports it)?

Personally I'd give you the 4-point catch because its incredibly easy to figure that out on the fly.  The moment Henchmen 1 tears through your defenses, Big Bad observing from the background (or getting the after-action report) knows your weakness. But that's just me.

Maybe the best way to handle the cost is to ask yourself how easy YOU, the player, want it to be to find out your catch.  Remember this is storytelling; for 0, practically nobody in the story will put 2 and 2 together, even if its obvious.  For -1, its probably like an action movie: the story antagonists will be inordinately slow to figure it out, but the smart ones will do so eventually.  For -2, you are making your personal story more realistic, where the bad guys are as smart as the players and figure stuff out after one or two encounters.   Rather than asking what the cost ought to be (based on realism), ask yourself which of those story types do you want your pc to star in? Do you want finding our your catch to be a regular part of your game sessions, something that happens occasionally, or something that never happens?[/list]

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:29:30 AM »
I'd add Sidney Reilly to the list - the British agent on which James Bond was based.  He would've been 65 in 1938, had he lived that long - in RL he didn't but maybe in your world, he did!

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items for Non-Spellcasters...
« on: September 10, 2011, 12:02:41 AM »
Another option: tell the players that you'll go with whatever solution they want - costs nothing, costs FP, costs refresh, whatever - but that they should keep in mind that the bad guys will have the same access they do.  So unless they want every mook in existence coming at them armed with flame wands and enchanted bullet-repelling bracelets, they should think seriously about the 'free' option.

DFRPG / Re: 7th law violations and non-spellcasters
« on: August 25, 2011, 08:58:29 PM »
I agree with Tsunami (I.e., it depends on whether you and they want to be in trouble for it).  But if I were game world king, I would go pretty lax on non-spellcasters.  The vampire nations are part of the accords, and they mind control all the time.  So either they are constantly breaking the rules and nobody says anything about it, or they aren't breaking the rules.

Perhaps it's useful to add "...using magic" to the end of all those rules.  The laws say it's illegal to kill...using magic.  It's illegal to shapechange someone...using magic.  It's illegal to time travel...using magic.  And, it's illegal to try and gain knowledge of, or contact, old ones...using magic.  Where "magic" here refers narrowly to spellcasting, not every supernatural ability in the book (figuratively and literally).

DFRPG / Re: The Six Swordsmen.
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:38:36 AM »
So, now that we are all on the same page, lets get down to brass tacks. We have six swords of metaphysical (and sometimes physical) significance. What awesome things can we do with them?

While it doesn't really fit with the three faith swords, you could go Lord of the Rings on them.  Maybe some evil bad hid a bit of his soul in each, and he wants it back.  Maybe he controls one of them, and through it, has partial control over the rest. To fit this into the DFRPG, you could say one of them has a denarian coin in the hilt.

Or go Dragonbone Chair.  Act 1: face the group with a big outsider bad.  The big bad seems unstoppable for a few sessions.  Act 2: the PC's get wind there's a prophesy about the forces of evil being defeated if they're all brought together.  They work to bring them together. Act 3: somewhere close to the very end let them discover that it's an outsider prophesy, and the "evil" in it is referring to the forces of creation.  So now they've got them together and they have to figure out how to stop the things in motion they started. :)

DFRPG / Re: Healing with enchanted items?
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:14:00 PM »
As winter magic can only do entropic things through thaumaturgy at evocation speeds i drew the conclusion that summer magic should be equally devastating when used in such a way. That makes quite a lot of sense to me, since evocation speed magic (that is not used by plot devices) tends to be on the destructive side of things.

Its you're game, but I think the paragraph on YS290 starting "In addition, Summer magic..." is pretty clear that it allows biomancy effects at evocation speed.  It specifically says it allows evocation spell effects that encourage renewal. AKA, healing.

Totally agree with most of the other comments here about limitations on healing.  But, the greater point is, whatever healing you allow thaumaturgy to do (be that a lot or a little), IMO YS is saying summer beasties can do it at evocation speeds.

Its all part of that natural cycle/opposites thing the fae have going: Summer fae make the best friends...and winter fae make the worst enemies. :)

DFRPG / Re: Two questions
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:53:10 PM »
Ok... so I've been educating myself about the system and I just picked up the first two books.
2.  Only mortal magic is beholden to the laws of magic, right?  So theoretically, an Emissary of Power could use magic gained from .... The Flying Spaghetti Monster to kill mortals and he/she would not be violating any supernatural laws, right?

As HobbitGuy says, that depends on your group.

But one thing that seems to be common in the dresdenverse is that the other powers who have signed the unseelie accords are pretty lax about enforcing the penalties the White Council enforces on humans.  So one advantage a vampire or sidhe spellcaster should probably have (if you're staying close to the books) is that their bosses are far less likely to care if they kill someone with magic. For example
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DFRPG / Re: True Faith of alternate faiths/philosophies?
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:06:33 AM »
A person with True Faith in the philosophy of Nietzsche could be quite interesting.

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So I would say yes, its possible for true faith to occur in alternate faiths/philosophies

DFRPG / Re: White court feedings
« on: January 03, 2011, 12:04:59 AM »
Sports complex would definitely be a good place, which reminds me: Bars.  Why do a lot of people go to them?  Because they're desperate/lonely/insert negative emotion here. :)

Not to mention, any big office building would probably be a cesspool of despair and hopelessness. It's not called the "Daily Grind" for nothing. :)

I'm surprised no one has mentioned casinos, horse tracks, sports betting areas, etc...  If your game is set in Philadelphia, I might be tempted to locate the center of local despair whampire power in Atlantic City, its pretty close.

DFRPG / Re: Catch Ideas
« on: December 26, 2010, 05:45:05 PM »
Well the examples don't always follow the rules then.  Cold Iron is clearly a +4 catch.  It's easily acquired and anyone who knows anything about magic knows about faeries and cold iron.  For many of the little faeries it makes sense to be only +1 or +3 because you can't have a catch that equals your Toughness and Recovery together.  But an Elder Gruff still gets +3, despite his Supernatural Toughness and Inhuman Recovery.  Is this just a typo then?

That is not a typo, its just that the rules have successfully confused you. :)

While the catch applies to all toughness/recovery powers, you only get the cost reduction to one of your powers (the highest cost one), and the final refresh cost for that power can't go to 0, it must be -1.  You do not get a cost reduction to the whole package of powers, you just get it to one.

So for the Gruffs, their highest power is Supernatural (cost: -4), so at most they can receive +3 from their catch, even if the catch you design for them would technically give +4 catch.  It doesn't matter that they have 6 refresh of toughness/recovery powers, the catch "rebate" is limited by their single highest one.

In short, if your highest power is Inhuman, no matter what catch you take its only going to be worth +1.  If your highest power is Supernatural, max catch rebate is +3.  If you highest power is Mythic, max catch rebate is +5.

You can house-rule it differently, of course, but them's the rules as written.

DFRPG / Re: Lasting Emotion and Feeding
« on: December 10, 2010, 11:59:51 PM »
I'm not sure about it either, but here's one way of thinking about it (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a noob about it too):  You choose either 'maneuver' or 'attack,' you don't get both at once.  So, in the first exchange the vamp doesn't get the +2 stress bonus from lasting emotion, because he/she is using a maneuver to establish the emotion and not technically attacking.  In subsequent exchanges he/she can use 'attack' instead and get the bonus.

DFRPG / Re: Need Help with an Unanswerable 8-Ball Question
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:48:47 AM »
I have decided that to destroy the 8-Ball, you have to ask it the one question it cannot answer.  The problem is, I have no idea what would be a good question.

These are a couple more paradox-type questions:

For 2 fate points: "What is the question you cannot answer?" followed by asking that question.

Or if your players wants to do it in one: "If I were to ask you the one question to which you don't know the answer, what would your answer be?"

DFRPG / Re: Mimic stunt & mimic skill - do they require people eating?
« on: December 06, 2010, 01:20:24 AM »
I totally agree with Arctyrix and Wilder that stealing someone's supernatural powers requires the evil people eating.

I guess my issue was that the description of what you have to do (the evil people eating) occurs in the sub-section on supernatural powers; it isn't in the general description of the power.  That's why I asked whether the other two sub-powers had the same requirement, because it seems in the written description to be specific to copying/stealing the supernatural stuff.

Also note I wasn't intending to get "cutting" someone else's skills for free.  The goal was "copying," i.e. they keep their level of ability regardless.   I would have to say that consistency of reading requires that if the evil people eating only applies to the supernatural stuff, the reduction only applies there too.

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