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Messages - Mortax

Pages: [1] 2 3
DF Spoilers / Re: Dragon con videos?
« on: September 12, 2022, 11:45:08 PM »
I kinda assumed it was churchill's bowler hat when he said it. 😆

DF Spoilers / Re: Dragon con videos?
« on: September 10, 2022, 11:39:16 PM »
One of the ones I hadn't heard before was "when did marcone pick up the coin?"

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DF Spoilers / What happened to Judas Iscariot?
« on: September 10, 2022, 11:09:52 PM »
So, of course this question pops into my head the day AFTER I could have asked jim at dragon con. 😅  (if anyone has pics of my butters cosplay, I'd love to see them.  I was the one with the faith saber I need to put a dimmer on. 😆)

I was listening to death masks, and I was struck by a thought. Given what the noose does for Nick, what happened to to Judas when he used it? Did he die, come back, or become something else?

Him dying is the obvious answer,  given the noose doesnt protect the wearer.  But that would be the boring explinations; and there's also some interesting story possibilities. Also you have both the noose and the 30 silver pieces tied up in his death.  That says to me there might be more to the story.

He could have been the first to be made immortal by the noose, until nick stole it from him. Assuming nick isnt judas, which I dont think he is.

Theres also the thread of it being the origin for some supernatural baddie. Sort of like in dracula 2000.


Ps, I've not been on here in a few years, so if there has been discussion on this, please point me that way.

True, but it is also bound by what appears to be a restriction of actions with higher power levels.

Cinder Spires Books / Re: ???????
« on: March 16, 2013, 05:56:33 PM »
As far as I can remember, nothing of the sort happened in the book.


From what I remember of the book:
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I don't remember if the girls exact age was mentioned, but no, she was not a child.  It was one reviewer saying something inflammatory.  Others who gave it negative review didn't mention it, and I didn't remember it as such nor anyone else here.

So the reviewer was just blowing exhaust out of her hoop.

I'll leave this after this post so we don't get into TT territory, but a lot of governments are totally acceptable to their people, but condemned by the outside world. And vice versa. And everything in-between.

As far as the topic is concerned, "evil" is very obviously a subjective definition for us. But in the DV, I think Mab is very much NOT in the "evil" part of the supernatural spectrum.

"Luke, you're going to discover that a great many truths we hold dear greatly depend on our point of view."  Obi-Wan Kenobi

Pretty much sums that one up. :)

Possibly, but if Maeve recently did a good job as WL then got infected before Summer Knight and then right after did an awful job and neglected her duties as WL it should have gotten Mab and Winter's attention that something was majorly wrong and Maeve was infected. I think Maeve was doing a poor job for a while and Nemesis just enhanced the negative aspects of Maeve.

The only thing that makes me hesitate to agree is this:
It's what, 4 or 5 years in between SK and Mab needing a translator? (Ie when she found out and became PISSED)  That is not a terribly long time.  It was about the same amount of time between that (her being pissed) and her telling Harry to kack her.  For an immortal, that's not very long.

  The analysis is specifically looking for common terminology between Outsiders' magic description and mortal magic descriptions.  My hesitance to include "hungry"/"empty" is due to the lack of association with the Outsiders.  Mordite is described as empty and hungry, and consumes everything from our reality.  And Raith's magic is also listed as "empty".  But I don't think we have evidence in the books that Raith's magic immunity is tied to Outsiders.  There may have been a WoJ on it a while back, but I haven't read it recently.
Doubtful that they're infected.  I'm convinced they're involved, but they may have avoided actual infection.  They seem to fall more into Duck's theories about mortals wielding Outsiders as a weapon. 

I think Eb said something about Raith being protected by outsiders.  Back when he was explaining Mag Sr.'s death and why he thought her deathcurse did nothing.

I can't remember if it's there, or when Peabody opens his gate.  (Which would likely be a reference to that one.)

Whose to say there isn't a huge overlap on purpose?

After all, trafficking with outsiders and opening the outer gates are seen as black magic.

You've got my vote. :)

There was some discussion on the similarity to the feeling of the events in PG with the fetches and the fog in summer knight some time ago.  I've always been suspisiouse of Elaine.,32157

Your conclusions convince me even more.

I mean, an ex returned from the dead, that appears helpful?

Anna Sheridan anyone?

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Solution: Black carpet. 8)

(Looks into bedroom.) Hahahahaha....

I have really odd color carpets, now that I think of it.

If your carpets are red, it doesn't matter. :D

(Looks at floor) Hehehehehe.

That is how I remember it, but I don't have my DF books at hand.

Which is EXACTLY why Mr. Butcher put it in. :D

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