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Messages - Zygoptera

Pages: [1] 2
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: The ads!
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:07:18 AM »
Oh wow, I didn't even notice the ad at the bottom of the page 'til now. Like everyone said above me, well done Fred on making them not obnoxious!

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: November 09, 2007, 01:49:33 AM »
I just see Murph as being more sober (personality-wise, not booze-wise, you nutjobs ;D ) than either of the characters Sackhoff's played that I've seen. Plus, Sackhoff just doesn't give the impression of tininess. But I'll freely admit she's got the 'tude down pat.

Not having ever even watched the show Heroes, I picture Murphy looking similar to Clea DuVall.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 06, 2007, 05:27:56 AM »
Awesome sketches! I love the third one!

Last I saw - and do please remind me to look this up if I don't come back to it - polar bears are genetically closer to weasels, ferrets and so forth than to other bears. Convergent evolution to some extent.

From what I've quickly read up on Google Scholar, all evidence points to polar bears being actual bears.
Phylogenetic Relationships of North American Ursids Based on Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA
Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Evolution in the Arctoidea (full text avail)
An Empirical Evaluation of Genetic Distance.....From Bear (Ursidae) Populations (full text avail)

Polar bears are not real bears? They're genetically very closely related to brown bears. What research are you looking at, just curiously?

Site Suggestions & Support / Weird page change
« on: July 05, 2007, 05:27:30 AM »
Hi y'all. I don't even know how to really describe this in a way that'll make sense but hopefully one of y'all will get my problem and help me out. I was trying to just right click and push "t" to open up a thread as another tab, but I pushed what I think was "g" and now the jim-butcher site looks all funny. Lots of text became white colored, when I pull up the forum page, there's nothing showing in the boxes on the left anymore (I think there used to be a triangle in it before), and when I go into one of the topic pages, nothing shows up in the first two boxes on the left and nothing shows up on the very right where there used to say something about going to the last page. I tried doing right click and "g" again, but it didn't go back to normal. I pushed reload and it's still the same. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and how I can get this to go back to normal? Thanks!

Oh, and also, this seems to be a problem only for this website now. (Though for some strange reason, it may possibly also done weird stuff to my excel program.) God I hate computers so much.

Author Craft / Re: Present tense
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:10:00 AM »
Oh wow what's Laurie's book about? I have to get a copy of that.

I've read present tense stuff and liked it. I've also read novels that switched back and forth. There's a Star Trek novel, who's title escapes me, that prominentlly features Doctor McCoy, and it's set mostlly on a world with genetically enhanced assasins. When the novel switches to an assasin's pov it's present tense. I thought that really helped get you into the assasin's mind frame.

Called "The Gun Seller" and when I went to look through it again, I realized that it's really more of a weird mix between a story being told in the present tense but using the past tense to tell it. I know, that doesn't make any sense at all. Sorry. Look up the excerpt on amazon to see what I mean. But it's a fun read. I'd recommend it.

Author Craft / Re: Present tense
« on: May 09, 2007, 10:05:48 PM »
Interestingly enough, Hugh Laurie (yes, the guy who plays House) wrote a book a while back and used the present tense. I found it to be enjoyable, though slightly difficult to follow. I think that might have been because he had a huge assemble of characters, though.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Personal Avatars???
« on: May 09, 2007, 07:27:10 AM »
Has anybody had any problems lately with their personal avatars disappearing? Mine is within the 100x100 restriction, but randomly now, my avatar keeps disappearing and I have to reload it. Is there a reason for this?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Ask Iago--Questions and Suggestions
« on: April 28, 2007, 05:58:37 AM »
pics of Alan Tudyk - Love Love Love :D

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 30, 2007, 04:13:58 AM »
I just finished reading "Summer Knight" yesterday. It was so good! Jim's books keep getting better and better. I can't wait to get on the next one!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: What, do we have leprosy or something?
« on: March 27, 2007, 01:04:10 AM »
(as long as we're on the subject of avoidance...) So Jim, where's the love? When are you planning to make your stop in Alaska? We like to read up here too, you know!

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 23, 2007, 12:52:20 AM »
Cool. Thanks y'all for the tips. I looked up the events calendar for the game con and it looks like they're playing Mage and World of Darkness LARP. I've already started reading up on them at the World of Darkness site and am getting psyched to play. I just hope I don't screw up, embarrass myself or get myself thrown out of the game. Perhaps I should announce I'm a noobie first before I sit down...

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 22, 2007, 04:48:42 PM »
Thanks Doc! Quick question, "powergame"?

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 22, 2007, 01:28:16 AM »
Okay, I'm looking for a serious answer, please. I've never played table-top, pencil/paper RPG either, but they're having a game day at my college in two weeks, and I was planning to go. I really want to learn how to pencil/paper RPG. Is there anything I should learn beforehand so I don't make an utter fool out of myself? Any terms, unspoken protocols, etc I should get familiar with, etc? Thanks!

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