DF Reference Collection / Re: Worst Kick in the Gut Moments in the Series
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:45:36 AM »
sf-murphy handcuffs him
fm-he tells kim about the circle
gp-he loses amorchiaus(spellcheck)
dm-shiro trades himself and eb killing ortega
br-soulgaze with thomas
db-hawaii with kincaid-finding the truth about eb
pg-trial when it seems molly is going to lose her head
tc-skinwalker taking thomas
changes-opening sentence
fm-he tells kim about the circle
gp-he loses amorchiaus(spellcheck)
dm-shiro trades himself and eb killing ortega
br-soulgaze with thomas
db-hawaii with kincaid-finding the truth about eb
pg-trial when it seems molly is going to lose her head
tc-skinwalker taking thomas
changes-opening sentence