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Messages - ccalvert

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: How do you go about finding a Cover/Cover-Artist
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:41:31 AM »
You could try spec design sites like  I'd also recommend asking around among writers who live in areas with a lower cost of living.

Author Craft / Re: Villain discussion - Justified
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:00:18 PM »
I watch the show, but don't have the DVD set.  I'll have to see if any of my friends have it.  They do have interesting and nuanced characters on that show, which is why I watch it.  Walton Goggin's character of Boyd Crowder is particularly interesting.

Nuanced, three dimensional villains are just as important to a good story as well developed heroes.  Better yet, characters who are neither hero nor villain, but alternatingly allies or opponents, can make for a great story.  Jim's Marcone character is one such.

[edit: fixed Walton Goggin's name]

I just called the store myself and asked about me and my husband buying one book and both getting in to the Q&A and signing, and the guy on the phone double-checked and then told me it would be fine so long as we have the receipt.

Thanks for posting this info.  I've been so busy that I hadn't gotten around to calling them.

In Chapter 10, there's a phrase "But the Red Court was dead, the same way the Black Court was dead".  A couple of paragraphs after Mister runs into Harry. Would the "Black Court was dead" mean that it no longer exists?  I have to think it means something else as there wasn't a major action against the Black Court...

The point was that while not every single member of the Red Court may be dead, the organization itself is gone and no longer has any influence on the world except through its absence.

Just spoke with someone from the B&N, apparently there's some changes to the event, but this is his latest information:
First, to answer my questions above...

There WILL be a Q&A session held before the signing. 
You will need a wrist band to get into the Q&A.

Here's a rough time line:
5:00 Wrist Band passed out
       This is your "Ticket," It will say Block 1, Block 2, etc.  This tells them what order you'll get signed.

Thanks for getting this information.  Did you happen to ask about the wristband to book ratio?  I ask because my wife and I were planning to come and buy one book to get signed.  We've already ordered the Kindle version, so we don't really need two hard copies.

If you didn't happen to ask, I'll call them and ask, then report here.

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