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Messages - Acrobatic Flea

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« on: February 20, 2007, 01:26:09 AM »
Yeah, but I'm very distressed with the sheer VOLUME of supplemental material that exists for some games. I'm glad to hear someone creating a game that can be played properly with only a single book, rather than some other games that require several *coughworldofdarkness* or even dozens *coughD&D*. Sorry. Seems to be something in my throat.

Seriously though, I'm totally in favor of a single volume with occational updates and errata to be gotten and printed offline. I wouldn't be opposed to collecting said updates and errata and publishing them as a second volume should there be enough to merit it, and not as a replacement to the online availability, but rather as a cleaner, prettier alternative. (which of course you guys would be totally expected to  throw in some sort of nifty extra to encourage sales and cover the printing costs. It doesn't help anyone for you to go into debt or out of business.)

net balance: -$.02

As a long time, old skool gamer I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this will be a self-contained entity. This will put an end to to the nightmare of players turning up with supplements (and rules) you know nothing about and throwing a spanner in the works! Now, I know a gamesmaster (GM) can always overrule his players and say these supplements aren't canon to his game ... but that immediately drives a wedge between players and GM ... and the rot begins!

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