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Messages - the_glasglow

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DFRPG / Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« on: November 25, 2010, 01:54:22 PM »

Ring of Anubis
A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye

The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead

Grants [+2]
[-1] Ghost-Speaker
[-1] Marked by Power
[-1] Refinement (Ectomancy Control +1, Ectomancy Power +1)
(total cost -1)

(When I was running it the ring was invisible to mortals and could not be removed by the character - perhaps the Refinement shoudl be sponsored magic instead)

DFRPG / Re: Why is the white court catch worth +0?
« on: November 25, 2010, 01:07:44 PM »
The problem is, the stated guidelines for pricing catches don't count how weaponizable something is.  I mean you could define a catch as Rainbows or dishonesty.  Things which are somewhat common, but very unweaponizable.  But because everyone has access to dishonesty, it would be worth +2

I think you may be on to something here - the Catch is inherently bound up in the recovery/toughness powers, which therefore already implies damage-inflicting objects/environmental effects. I agree with you about the scarcity (or not) of people in true love, but bear in mind that the scarcity of things which can be used to satisfy the catch "True Love" is not the same as the number of people "suffering" from it.

Harry can quite safely punch Thomas - he does not satisfy the catch. The fact that Inara could not feed on Harry (because the True love acts as a defense) is more a compel of Inari's high concept or Harry invoking a susan-related aspect than the satisfaction of the catch

I think the weaponizing argument _is_ already tied up in the scarcity - and would give your rainbow/dishonesty catches an appropriate cost (+0) (OK - maybe the dishonesty one would be +1 - I personally can think of quite a few dishonest weapons ;) )

DFRPG / Re: How To Stat Sleeping Powder
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:18:21 PM »
Theoretically, if the heroes have been in conflict with said villain for several exchanges, the villain would be able to buy out of a serious compel with one of the small pool of Fate Points built up from the players' previous compels and aspect tags.
I agree - any named villan important enough to the plot should definatly have some fate when they get to the point they're actually interacting with the PCs (by GM fiat if not actually as a result of compells).
Just because they have negative refresh shouldn't necessarily mean they have no fate.

...and conversly anyone not important enough to the plot to have fate should be able to be taken out with a compel (by the GM or otherwise) of an aspect such as "Asleep" when a PC gets to a point of being able to do something like a coup-de-gras.
It need not require a fate from the player - as a GM I would probably just give the result to them, but the underlying mechanic would be a compell of the aspect.

Storywise as a GM I would be wary about doing the reverse to the PCs - When the ninja squat comes for them, I would feel obliged to go after the person with fate first, so they could at least buy off the compell, or more likely give them an alertness against the Ninja's stealth with an invoke against their "asleep" aspect as they maneuver for "in position to give a coup-de-gras" - handily giving them a fate to buy off the compell of that aspect! - They are important to the ploy after all, and the drama is from them escaping the near death experience not succumbing to it

DFRPG / Re: Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 23, 2010, 02:50:07 PM »
That's why I made it one ;)

DFRPG / Re: How To Stat Sleeping Powder
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:13:23 PM »
You could see the throat slit death as a compell of the "sleeping target" aspect, which the target could "buy out" if they had fate points to spare.

This handily makes it work easily on mooks, but the story important NPCs are likely to wake up/fight off the effects at just the right time to prevent the kill, as they will have the fate points available.

It also would reward the players by draining the NPC of fate

DFRPG / Re: Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:57:59 PM »
I was going for 7 refresh, but letting them go for a single superb (more so I'd have to allocate less skills)

DFRPG / Re: Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:49:01 PM »
Not totally sure how all these aspects invoke/compell, but they were all good quotes
Egg Shen
High Concept: Wizard Tour-guide
Trouble: "I am the past come back to haunt you Lo Pan"
Background: "See? That was nothing"
Rising conflict: "that's how it always begins. Very small"
Story aspects:
"The Evil Dream Will Die"
"see things no one else can see, do things no one else can do"
The Six Demon Bag
"China is in the heart"

Superb: +5
Great: +4
Resources, Conviction
Good: +3
Discipline, Presence
Scholarship, Investigation
Average: +1
Fists, Deceit

Not sure about Powers - Probably full wizard load-out, he seems to have a bucket load of enchantments/foci and definitely does potions!

DFRPG / Re: Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:32:03 PM »
Wang Chi - still needs a couple of aspects, but I can't find enough decent quotes from him

Wang Chi
High Concept: Martial-Artist Restraunter
Trouble: Miao Yin - the girl with green eyes
Background: Dragon of the Black Pool Restaurant
Rising Conflict:"What I thought we were, racial differences aside, was a couple of old friends"
Story Aspects:
"Cops got better things to do than get killed"
"My mind and my spirit are as one"

Martial Artist
Armed Arts (sword)

Superb: +5
Great: +4
Fists, Conviction
Good: +3
Discipline, Endurance
Scholarship, Resources
Average: +1
Lore, Deceit

DFRPG / Re: Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 17, 2010, 04:00:41 PM »
lol - yes - I was trying to come up with a skill he was actually good enough in to replace it with - I suppose conviction covers the self belief involved with quoting yourself all the time!

DFRPG / Big Trouble in Little China
« on: November 15, 2010, 09:19:29 PM »
I was Reading through YS and Harry's note on Riposte (p156) made me want to watch Big Trouble in Little China again. I thought I'd stat out Jack Burton, as a character in a possible one off tribute game:
Jack Burton

High Concept: Wise-cracking Truck Driver
Trouble: "What I thought we were, racial differences aside, was a couple of old friends"
Background: "Have you paid your dues? yes sir the check is in the mail"
Rising conflict: The Pork Chop Express
Story Aspects:
"It's all in the Reflexes"
"She can't get enough of me"
"I'm a reasonable guy, but I've just experienced some very unreasonable things"
"Give me your best shot pal, I can take it!"

Proffessional Gambler
Bend and Break

Superb: +5
Great: +4
Endurance, Might
Good: +3
Athletics, Guns
Weapons, Resources
Average: +1
Conviction, Deceit

Now I just need to do Wang Chi, Egg Shen, and Gracie Law!

DFRPG / Re: Potions potions potions. My kingdom for a list of them.
« on: November 15, 2010, 02:55:12 PM »
Does anyone ever get people to specify the 8 components? As a GM i'd be tempted to make any potion maker list them


DFRPG / Re: Tagging a Scene Aspect
« on: November 15, 2010, 11:39:26 AM »
Thanks for the long example - It really gives me some Ideas about how to use scene aspects, which i'd mostly previously ignored.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: November 15, 2010, 11:22:21 AM »
One for an actor NPC I've just come up with:
Stage fighting   -you may use performance+1 for melee  (Weapons/Fists) attacks, however you do 1 less stress with any damage inflicted

DFRPG / Re: Magical items and non-magical PCs
« on: November 03, 2010, 11:37:33 PM »
Don't enchanted items technically require "topping up" by the wizard/enchanter that created them? I thought that was the reason you only get so many uses per scene, so the wizard needs to spend the slot  (and reduce the strength to allow another character to use it)

Anything enchanted enough not to require "topping up" I would class as an item of power, though I wouldn't make a mortal pay for it if they were not aware of the full abilities

One of the PCs in my last game had an aspect of "Heiroglyphic pendant" that I could compell to give the character prophetic dreams, but I didn't make the character pay for it in powers.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: November 03, 2010, 07:11:14 PM »
Feel free to steal them for the master list ;-)

"Use their strength against them" was always intended to cost the next action (as it is obviously based on a fists version of Riposte)
I also intended defensive Focus to be a prerequisite so:

(when defending with Defensive focus you may make an automatic grapple or maneuver if successful - opponent's might complements this success (ie apply +1 to the result if their might is greater than your discipline) this costs your next action)

Would it be better to make 2 stunts - one for grapple and one for maneuver? or is it the might thing?(to be honest the opponent's might complimenting was mainly for flavour!, but I quite like it)
This was originally for a pacifist character, so I didn't want him to gain any bonus to delivering stress (which is why I tied them up in the one stunt), but you could split it up:

Use their strength against them: Use your opponent's might value to complement any attacks rather than your own
Throws and holds: When defending you may make an automatic grapple or maneuver if successful - this costs your next action

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