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Messages - MadDogMike

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: question about magic blocks
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:01:42 AM »
Example 2:
Harry is walking around town, minding his own business when another goon takes a shot at him.  The goon has the Lying in Wait aspect.  The goon succeeds in surprising Harry, so Harry's defense is reduced to 0. 
The goon rolls his attack 3 + (+, _, _, _) and tags Lying in Wait for a total of 6. 
Harry rolls his defense 0 + (_, _, _, _) for a total of 0. 
The goon is using a pistol (weapon: 2), so Harry would be looking at an 8 stress hit.
Harry uses his duster to generate a block 4, so reduces it to a stress 4 hit. 
Note: Since the goons attack got though the magical block, it is broken so it no longer provides any protection to Harry.

Interesting thought; would a similar scenario sum up the shooting in "The Warrior" (with maybe Harry also using aspects like "Smoke from the Beetle" and/or the manuever "Running like hell" to try to further dodge/block) in game terms? Would make sense, and gives a good example of describing a broken block from an item besides it physically breaking (i.e. Harry's damage was from "falling down the steps" rather than "shot through the coat").

DFRPG / Re: Would a frat house have a threshold?
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:05:31 PM »
   The boosted Threshold of Churches and other institutions of faith maybe. Patriotism is just another form of faith, so I don't see why the "Faith Magic" of all those masses wouldn't strengthen the threshold.

Or, given Washington DC was constructed de novo, maybe some behind the scenes geomancy strengthening the defenses in the area? If nothing else I seriously suspect in general the Wardens watch the leaders of every major power, the consequences of a warlock or some supernatural beastie screwing around with those governments is too severe not to (or for that matter, said governments deciding on their own to start a wizard pogrom). Installing anti-magic defenses to stop somebody from mind-bending a nuclear launch is a likely precaution as well; some sort of wards to detect magic being used at a minimum.

DFRPG / Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:55:55 PM »
Had a question regarding Gard's stats from OW; she has Supernatural Recovery, but no Catch for it listed. For a valkyrie-style PC/NPC, what makes a good Catch for the power? My only thoughts are A. maybe something tied into fate/wyrd where someone "fated to kill you" can overcome it. Possibly an Aspect the GM can compel to satisfy the Catch at appropriate points? You'd either lose your supernatural resistance (but get Fate points) or spend a lot of Fate avoiding it, both of which are strong limitations on the ability and the Fate point gaining/spending gives a nice sort of accepting/fighting against fate flavor to the whole thing. Shouldn't be done EVERY fight obviously, but is fitting for some sort of specific nemesis-style enemy for the character (for bonus points, said nemesis has a similar Catch the PC/NPC satisfies as well). Or B. a more simple Gard-specific idea, given who she's descended from, venom makes a certain amount of sense given how said ancestor died. Or maybe mistletoe, if you want to channel THAT Norse myth ("No, don't kiss me under THAT!" ;D).

Apologies if this has been addressed in errata or something I missed; I also haven't gotten more than a glance at Side Jobs yet so I don't know if this was addressed in her short story either.

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