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Messages - blackicedp

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DFRPG / Interpertation of The Catch
« on: October 07, 2010, 11:40:17 PM »
ok so i am a little confused on how "the catch" works. 

I am having a discussion with one of my friends and we keep going back and forth on how we interpreted the catch.

Stats and background follow this link

Character influence: Movie: Bullet Proof Monk, anime show: Avatar (though I might drop the Channeling power)

I am trying to make a physical tank + a Face.  meaning that i want my character to be on the front line taking all the damage (or at least trying) and then for social situations i am trying have a character that will allow us to find contacts or talk to peoplel.  but what i can't do is mental attacks, Investigation, Buy things, Know things.  i am VERY much a specialist for waist deep.  Since i know i am going to be in a team situation i know i can specialize and get away with it. 

here are the rules, and how i think i was able to fit into them all
Š. If your abilities only protect you against something specific, you get a +2 discount. If they protect you against everything except something specific, you get nothing.  ----

+2; Only physical objects (Bullets, Fists, sticks, knives, car) not including Magic, wind, fire, explosions; if that is too generalized then I can narrow it down to Guns or Range weapons

Š. If the Catch is bypassed by something that anyone could reasonably get access to, but usually doesn’t carry on them (like cold iron), you get a +2. If it is bypassed by something only a rare class of people in the world have (like True Magic), you get a +1. If it is bypassed by something only one or two people in the world have access to or could produce (like a Sword of the Cross), you get nothing. Even the mere presence of the thing that satisfies your Catch will cause you discomfort (and may be grounds for a compel or something similar). ---

+2; fire is easy to find or having something explode around me.  i see it as anyone can get ahold of fire. now using fire or explosions in a very effective way like a flamethrower or grenade might be a rare class but getting bug spray with lighter, molotov cocktail (alcohol/gas with a rag), gas can with lighter, or finding something that explodes isn’t a rare class. 

Š If almost anyone with an awareness of the supernatural knows about the Catch or could easily find out (like from the Paranet, or Bram Stoker’s Dracula if you’re a Black Court vampire), you get a +2. If knowledge of the Catch requires access to specific research material that could be restricted (like a wizard’s library), you get a +1. If knowledge of the Catch requires knowing you personally to learn about it (like the effect of Judas’ Noose on Nicodemus), you get nothing. --- 

+1 requires a little research to find out that only physical objects.  i can go all three levels.  Watch the movie "Bullet proof Monk" and thats me, i even ripped the name right out of the movie. any wizards library my order is listed under Eastern monasteries. with all my powers and hindrances +1....a very small amount of people know about me or the order...+0
what i took was Supernatural Toughness and Inhuman Recovery for a -1 Refresh after adding the catch to it.  What does everyone else thing? i am very newto the game and this is my first character.

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