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Messages - jesster64

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Famous Dead People
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:33:43 PM »
Stuart Kaminsky uses a lot of dead people in his Toby Peters mysteries, which are pretty good. He weaves famous people like mae west and howard hughes into his stories. It saves a lot of time because you allready know the characters without a lot of backstory.

Author Craft / Opinions on Remy Chandler
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:43:46 PM »
I read "Mean Streets" and thought Thomas E. Sniegoski's Remy Chandler story had some interesting ideas. I bought the whole series on amazon. I couldn't make it though 2 books before giving up. He has some interesting ideas on angels, heaven, and hell, but there's too much fluff. The main character talks to his dog too much about nothing. Pure filler that adds nothing to the story line. Plus he keeps remembering his dead wife, which is also fluff on top of fluff. It doesn't move the stories forward at all. Yes, he loved her, gave up heaven for her, we get it. He doesn't have to go on and on and on about her. Worst of all, the hero, a mighty angel warrior, keeps getting his butt kicked in every book, because he holds his inner warrior in check. Any one else read the series?

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