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Messages - Brandoch Daha

Pages: [1]
First time poster, got into the series sometime last year.

Druss75:Welcome to the Forum. I've been Lurking about for a year or so but don't post too often. Waiting for the new DF book. I haven't read any of the pre-release stuff but I plan on wearing Gortex when I do. It's gonna be a cold day in hell.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Officially ticked off
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:23:11 PM »
Cool pics of Neuschwanstein. I went by there several times but couldn't stop. My bro and best friend (we were all in Germany in the early 70's on the US ARMY travel plan) literally tripped through there and got lost, in several dimensions.
I made it to Munich in '74 & '75 for the 'Fest but never made it to the castle. Garmisch-Partinkirchen(sp?) was frikken awesome. Tram up to the Zugspitz in winter was very cool, I mean cold as hell.
I got into several castles in Marburg & Kassel and got a 200 year old caretaker to show me a library of leather bound tomes made by monks in the 1400's. Very ausgezeichnete. Some day I'd like to go back as a civilian.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Officially ticked off
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:53:12 PM »
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.
You bet yur ass I want to reply, I started this mess.
Funny how something as innocuous as my question about avatars generated a life of it's own!
I've been insane busy and haven't been here in a while so I looked up my last post and you guys ran wild with it!
As I contribute at various websites it's funny how people come and go and become the "I wonder what happened to those guys?". Every now and then they come around. I am at this stage on LOTR's Fellowship of Middle Earth. Life gets busy and we have to prioritize. I used to play Starcraft and DiabloII for hours not to mention the decade spent on Atari/Intellivision/Nintendo wasting my brain in a variety of ways. Now I wish I had that time again.
I like reading what you guys post but will have to wait a while before I manage to hit the big "100" to put up some kind of cool picture/avatar.
Life goes on, hopefully.
Oh, and just about done with Furies of Calderon. Great story. Looking forward to working my way through Codex. Maybe post a little more from that angle.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 11, 2012, 12:24:09 AM »
I don't fall into one catagory. A freind recommended Jim and I picked up Storm Front and never stopped. I saw the show via DVD from the library and was sorely disappointed. It had a lot of potential but never came close, like LOTR to P.J.'s movies, close enough to both be classic. Jim's books are so detailed in the real world vs. the Never Never and battles in both.
I thought Ghost Story was gonna piss me off and be an end to it but Jim salvaged my fan-dum and I remain hooked so get Cold Days on paper!
I need to read the Codex series. Heard good things.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Officially ticked off
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:02:45 PM »
Thanks for the replys. In the past no one mentioned having to have 100 posts, that should be in posted somewhere in the setup, ya think?
I don't know about the Bar. There's some seriously messed up people in there. Oh, wait. That's just me.
WinterEmmisary: I actually fell for that and wondered what truck you fell off of. LMAO!
I've been envious of SnowLeopard's picture ever since I came here.
You people rock.

Site Suggestions & Support / Officially ticked off
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:01:21 PM »
I have tried for almost a year now to figure out how to change my avatar. I have different avatars on dozens of web sites but this one doesn't make IT EASY!
There is no link or button or space or squat to post a URL or link to my pictures or my gramma's grave.

Finished GS at noon today.
I had posted a while ago that I was unhappy with the ending of Changes and considered it the last true DF book.
I stand corrected.
Jim did an outstanding job with GS.
And managed to wrap up and include most the major players in the game.
Jeezus, I had tears in my eyes in the scene with Mouse in Maggie's room at the end.
I really enjoy the spiritual side that Jim has worked in to the DF books. A lot of people would cast an evil eye towards any book on witchcraft, even LOTR gets a bad rep from some idiots that think it's anti-religion when that's really all it is...good vs. evil and Good wins out at the end. The ride along is entertaining and gives us something to discuss and enjoy. Butcher looks favorable on the Catholic church even with all it's failings, they are human after all, and no different than any other institution, religious or otherwise.
Mab is in for a rough time with her Winter Knight and Harry will find ways to use his free will to affect those good and bad guys in Sweet Home Chicago.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:43:46 PM »
Powell's Books downtown Portland, OR.
Missed him last time. It was pre-Butcher/Dresden for me.
Now that I've read them all it would be way cool to meet Jim.

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