They will gain access to more skills and stunts as time progresses. In addition, certain character templates may open up based upon their actions.
Yes, but doesn't this require a significant milestone to occur? I am used to running campaigns which start at 1st level (D&D) and progress well into Epic after years of gameplay. I would like to emulate this slow, steady progression in DFRPG. It's going to be interesting finding non-magic and non-stat ways to mete out rewards as the game progresses.
As far as cash and goodies go, unless they provide real in-game benefits, I assume that they will lose interest in them after a while. What good is cash if they can't buy anything that changes their situation with it? For example, we are playing with people who IRL own various guns (for hunting). I am going to allow them to start with them, since they are after all playing as themselves. One owns a 357 magnum, if I remember correctly. That should equate to a Weapon-3 by the chart. Where does one go from there? A Weapon-4 would be like a 50-cal MG.
After reviewing other posts...
Yes, this is a Dresden-fied world. I am going to start things looking exactly like it would be if you looked out your window and expose the Supernatural elements to the world slowly as the party becomes enmeshed and aware of just how much lies beneath the surface. It could be weeks before they encounter anything not explainable by mundane causes.
Sorry to be obstinate, but I am still in the process of wrapping my brain around this. I appreciate your assistance.