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Messages - Lorillomar

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:18:13 AM »
You're probably right.  She can use her analytical tools to dissect their desire to fight before fists or bullets start to fly, but she had better start taking lessons at the gun range (not IRL, no time in the day for that) if she wants to be of assistance in the thick of things.  A good call.

DFRPG / Re: New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 17, 2010, 11:02:00 PM »
Another, related question.

My wife will be playing in the campaign.  Normally, in a D&D game, she plays a bow specialist, due to the fact that she doesn't like getting down-and-dirty with the enemies in the middle of all the muck and mire.

IRL, she is a school psychologist.  I was thinking that the rules in the Dresdenverse allow you to make attacks against an enemy's social stress track using Intimidation and/or Rapport and her years of psychological training to undermine their confidence and exploit their social weaknesses, leading to their fleeing the conflict.

Am I missing something, or is this a valid approach?  She is not the type of person to pick up a gun or a sword IRL and hew into the baddies, but I could very easily see her dissecting their sanity and using cutting language to rip them an new one.  It should serve her quite well until enough refresh is available to the party to allow her to start learning some supernatural abilities, should she so choose.

DFRPG / Re: New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:49:37 PM »
Some very cool ideas so far.  I think it will be a blast as the game progresses and they discover powers within themselves that they never suspected they were capable of.  I am planning a little intro-lead-off after city creation where they as a gaming group hear about a contest here in town: stay overnight in a haunted house and, if you make it until dawn, you get to keep the house.  Mayhem abounds.  If it all goes well, they will end up with a base of operations.

DFRPG / Re: New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 14, 2010, 09:03:32 PM »
Find a few people who would be happier with character development in a less structured system to try out DFRPG.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.  I like this crew and I think they have it in them.  It's probable that we are all just in a rut from too many years of 3.5 and Pathfinder.

Big Money sounds interesting.  How do you guys manage to keep track of all the aspects that might add up all over the place?  It makes my brain hurt just thinking of the organizational skills it would take to keep track of them all.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
« on: September 14, 2010, 08:59:46 PM »
We're starting a campaign here in Baton Rouge, set all around us in BR.  I wish I was more familiar with N.O. so that I could help with your setting, but if you want to compare notes sometime I would be happy to.

DFRPG / Re: New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:29:45 PM »
They will gain access to more skills and stunts as time progresses.  In addition, certain character templates may open up based upon their actions.

Yes, but doesn't this require a significant milestone to occur?  I am used to running campaigns which start at 1st level (D&D) and progress well into Epic after years of gameplay.  I would like to emulate this slow, steady progression in DFRPG.  It's going to be interesting finding non-magic and non-stat ways to mete out rewards as the game progresses.

As far as cash and goodies go, unless they provide real in-game benefits, I assume that they will lose interest in them after a while.  What good is cash if they can't buy anything that changes their situation with it?  For example, we are playing with people who IRL own various guns (for hunting).  I am going to allow them to start with them, since they are after all playing as themselves.  One owns a 357 magnum, if I remember correctly.  That should equate to a Weapon-3 by the chart.  Where does one go from there?  A Weapon-4 would be like a 50-cal MG.

After reviewing other posts...

Yes, this is a Dresden-fied world.  I am going to start things looking exactly like it would be if you looked out your window and expose the Supernatural elements to the world slowly as the party becomes enmeshed and aware of just how much lies beneath the surface.  It could be weeks before they encounter anything not explainable by mundane causes.

Sorry to be obstinate, but I am still in the process of wrapping my brain around this.  I appreciate your assistance.

DFRPG / New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:39:29 PM »

Our D&D group will be starting a campaign in DFRPG this weekend, set in Baton Rouge where we live.  As a matter of fact, we are going to try an ankle-deep world where everyone plays themselves as pure-vanilla mortals.  Their actual, statted-out selves.  Should be an interesting way to get into the campaign.

Anyway, with a group full of vanilla mortals, I can't very well reward them with magic items, since they can't use them.  It is such an odd viewpoint for me, coming from a D&D mindset.  How do I keep their interest in the game?  If I don't progress the world to knee-deep and beyond (taking it very slow), and I can't reward them with magic items, how do I reward them after missions?  If I give them money, eventually they will have enough money that their Resources skill should reflect their newfound affluence, right?  After all, if they make a major drug bust (for example), and liberate a huge pile of cash, and invest it, they will have access to a much bigger income.  But if they don't raise their Resources skill, how is this reflected in the game?

Very confused,


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