DFRPG / Re: Block, Counterspell and the like
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:14:31 PM »I would respectfully disagree with you on both examples. I think these are classic blocks, with cool descriptions by the "GM". None of the bad guys in question were doing well enough with their moves to punch through the blocks, but that's boring compared to a description of someone *actively* warding off attack.(click to show/hide)
After all, would Cowl *really* have let Harry toss a car on him if he could have simply disrupted the Evocation? If there were counterspells available, wouldn't(click to show/hide)
I will have to disagree with you on the Ivy example. Harry says they are wearing her down by causing her to use up energy with each attack. If it was a block she could have been lounging around sneering at them.
You have a point about Cowl certainly and I can't remember enough about the Changes incident since my daughter ran off with my copy a while back after I had only read it once.