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Messages - QuicksilverKite

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Deus ex Deus?
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:59:18 PM »
the knight character is given a mission by an angel... when he questions certain parameters the angel gives him an "instant replay" of everything that hasn't happened yet. so the knight moves in the way he was told he was, feeling more like a pawn than a player. It makes for great internal conflict but externally it feels contrived...

Author Craft / Re: Deus ex Deus?
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:43:40 PM »
Maybe it's the character himself that I'm struggling with...
He has actually seen his god and his mission is handed to him... His motivation to do what he does is more that of a tool or weapon, and not that a person with choice. His struggle with his own humanity is a large part of the story, and when things fall into place... I guess it just seems hard to show the free will of a character when they are predestined to do what they do, you know?

Author Craft / Re: Deus ex Deus?
« on: September 10, 2010, 08:40:32 AM »
it is the judeo-christian god, the protagonist is a devout knight type of character and while there is no overt involvement I don't want the reader to assume that just because something strange happens it's because "God did it".

Author Craft / Deus ex Deus?
« on: September 10, 2010, 06:16:11 AM »
I'm an aspiring novelist and have run into a literary conundrum that I can't seem to get past...

I've been working on a story for several months now (writing in my free time, which is sparse) and I am having a hard time not making plot/conflict resolutions feel contrived. This is mostly due to the fact that a god is a central idea in the story. So I guess my question is how do you take the "Deus ex Machina" out when the "Deus" is the machine in the first place?

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