I hate you right now. Mainly because Amber Diceless is... Unweildly. Awesome in concept, but unweildly.
Fred has stated several times that FATE evolved from some things that he was doing Amber.
The biggest problem mixing the DV and Amber is finding a reason to stay in the DV. Keeping PCs from popping out to get something or trumping home for a meal. Then there's always the always popular "I go to a fast time Shadow that is completely safe, heal, and trump back in a minute or so".
The second biggest problem is PC scale. In Amber the average PC can toss an easy chair across the room and two of them could pick up a 70's car (all metal and heavy as hell) and carry it.
While it can be adapted, you'd almost have to rewrite the stat system or in Proven Guilty Harry and Molly would have the same strength score (human).
Speaking of Diceless, there's a new Diceless book coming out. Due to issues with the Zelazny estate it's not set in Amber but in a cosmos where you travel the Shadows...er, I mean travel the "Realms" by means of a stairway.