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Messages - LepRecon

Pages: [1] 2
DFRPG / Re: How to bring a group together...
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:21:40 PM »
Lots of ways can be used 2 of my fav ones for DFRPG have been:

1. Party start in a chase after the big bad, they are told he is getting away and you need to catch him. Follow him into a TV store. As they enter it explodes sending them back and out (minor stress). With that I took them 12 hours earlier and set up the whole game. 2 hours of gameplay later and they were back chasing down the street. Not a lot of Railroading required just a few motivators that suited the characters.

2. My favourite one. Party all know they need to be a certain location at a time but are unsure why. They just know its very important. On turning up they meet each other (who they know from their character gen). Then a woman walks up to them and say "so have you solved the problem?" Characters don't know her but she knows them. She then goes "oh no its got you." Explains she is cursed and people keep forgetting her. She doesnt know who cursed her but she hired the party to find out who, as she was advised they knew the supernatural. She then produced a DVD which she played to the party showing them each saying they had agreed to the task. At this time each person had to reveal a secret they would be happy for the others to know. Many funny ones came out. The best one was the Goth Girl Minor Takent who looked at the party and said "I secretly love ABBA!"
The party had to solve the problem as they already had said yes the day before. Including the price. Party liked it as well.

DFRPG / Re: Crazy idea - portable magic circle
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:35:04 AM »
I think the Tin foil hat is a great idea!!!  Its magic and metal it has to have some effect.  Of course I am the GC of the game so maybe not.  I like the fact the PCs cant remember things it allows me to tell them they did something and they cant say they didn't. Cue laughter .......

Personally I like the Portalable hole on his head idea as well. ;)

OK maybe thgis post was not very helpful......

DFRPG / Rote Spells
« on: April 15, 2011, 03:34:16 PM »
A small question.  We have for the first time running got a Wizard in the party.  Also a Focused Prac.  Now the person playing the Focued Prac is more up on the rules and has pointed out the Wizard can have as many rote spells learnt equal to his Lore level.  He was wondering if he as a Foucsed Prac also got these rote spells?  I know in the rules it says 'Wizard' but that is because it is the Evocation section of the rules.  The Focused Prac has taken Channeling which is poor mans Evocation so does he get any rote spells?

Cheers for clarification


DFRPG / Re: Las Vegas Neutral Ground
« on: March 01, 2011, 09:48:42 PM »
Have been talking to my friends and we were thinking the top of Stratosphere(restaurant) as neutral ground.  I know the Wizard thing might be a problem but heh its magical world so a dampening field produced by the Chef who runs the restaurant.  While Neutral grounds seem to be open to my thoughts Vegas is money baby and the neutral ground is a money location.  It may make it harder for the PCs to use to the Neutral Ground(have you booked a table?) but that in itself can be part of the task.  Also its the restaurant that never stops serving. 

DFRPG / Las Vegas Neutral Ground
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:27:12 AM »
Hi all

Having had a cool New Orleans game in the pipeline we have had to change to Vegas.  I dont mind Vegas its one fo the few cities in America that I have been to.  What I was wondering from people who know it better or people who have games there.  Where is your neutral ground in Vegas.

Also any things to note for a Vegas game.

Cheers in advance


DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 28, 2011, 09:35:55 AM »
I have been looking into Mars and he is suppose to have sent a shield to Earth.  It was called Ancile. The romans gave made copies of it and gave one each to a group of Priest/Warriors called Salii.  One held the real Ancile.  So I think I kno his magic shield and his High COncept there.

DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 27, 2011, 10:34:05 PM »
I am not sure the player wants merc.  Have to chat to him.  He wants to be the Champion of Mars.  Also a merc in Vegas? Based out of Ceasers palace lol. 

I have found that Mars gave Ancile (a magic shield) to his followers so I think a Shield of power.

DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:53:51 PM »
Its not so much the fact he gets them its more can he afford them with his refresh cost for a magic everything.  I know he will also need to spend points on weapons skills.

DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:06:02 PM »
Of course he will have a full set Sword/Spear/Shield/Armour but I am not sure I will allow them all to be magically.  A little overpowered. 

I think I will leave the character to decide what he is to do in vegas.  Not sure there are many Wars there.


DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 27, 2011, 10:57:49 AM »
I like the idea they fight to end a conflict.  Maybe make it so he takes part in conflicts maybe to solve maybe to start depending on how Mars sees it.

DFRPG / Re: Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 27, 2011, 01:15:23 AM »
Hi all some great ideas.  I am hoping that he sticks with Mars as his god mainly because it was his first concept.  If you search the net there are lots of comments on him and what his apsects were, including the support of farmers and agriculture.

Becuase the game is set in vegas I am thinking maybe Mars is still going around and looking or helping with conflicts but since these gods are old and maybe not as powerful he maybe has downscaled the wars he gets involved in. Gang war or maybe localised war between wizards/red court just in vegas.  

Christian Knights of the Cross are easy they are there to fight evil.  What would Mars Knight be there for? I am seeing it as just to fight (evil/good) not as big a thing? or Fight for the defenceless?  What do you guys think?

DFRPG / Champion of God (Mars)
« on: February 26, 2011, 01:53:42 AM »
Hi all

Well planning for new game one player through this at me.

Stan Hurley (Champion of God {Mars})
High Aspect: Rome's Last Centurion.

Have to say I love it and we need to discuss it.  Game was to be in New Orleans now is in Vegas so I imagine he will be working at Ceasers Palace!

The player was thinking of being a defender more than aggressor so thought the item of power could be his shield.  What are peoples thoughts on this character concept and how should we procede with it.  I know vague but just looking for thoughts.  One thought I hand was would he be a powerful as other Champions of God as the faith base is not there as it once was.  Will this effect the character?

Cheers in advance


DFRPG / Re: New Orleans Help
« on: February 24, 2011, 11:59:08 PM »
Great stuff guys I am gratful for it all. Will shift through it and the info I downloaded. 

DFRPG / New Orleans Help
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:49:26 AM »
Hi guys

Ok so I am about to start my second game at our local rpg club. I have given over total control this time and they have voted as a group on the city.  Its looking New Orleans will be our city location.  Now surprisingly no one in the group including me have been there or know much about the location apart from TV and News.  We are UK based group.

So what I am looking for is any locations/history/information that maybe important in creating the city/region.  

Cheers in advance


DFRPG / Re: Help with Scobby Doo aspects
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:13:17 PM »
Scrappy Doo is more than evil!!!

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