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Messages - Nyforandring

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Do homunculus exist? Can I make one?
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:46:06 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with being a character that the wardens wouldn't much like if they came across me.  It makes for some flavor and interesting story telling.  However, giving life to an inanimate object sounds the most like what I'm wanting to do.  It could even actually be a clothing mannequin...nothing wrong with that.  So we're talking about a construct now.  I'm putting together the idea fully before I propose it to my GM.  So here's what we've decided;

I'm talking about a construct.
I want it to act very lifelike.  Maybe even an artificial life if possible.

If I go with a construct, will I have trouble with the wardens?  Will it be alive?  Emotions and the whole gambit?  how will the construct function in combat situations?  Will it work on my character sheet like an enchantment?  Maybe several enchantments?  Most importantly, how do I find out how much refresh my construct will have?  how do I find out if my character is even capable of making one in the first place?

DFRPG / Re: Do homunculus exist? Can I make one?
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:23:07 AM »
All of your answers are very useful.  The consensus seems to be that it's very possible to some degree or another according to lore.  I guess the question that leads to is, how close to true life do you think I can get and what avenues are likely choices.  I've heard the idea of binding a spirit to an object, like bob's skull.  That seems like a good plan.  What else do you think?

DFRPG / Do homunculus exist? Can I make one?
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:39:04 AM »
I don't know too terribly much about dresdenverse lore, but my character lost his family when he accidentally allowed a demon into the world.  Since then, he's had an obsession with creating life.  To what degree is this possible?  How should I build the character to work toward this?  I know there are some artificial guard dogs mentioned in the books.  Perhaps something along those lines?

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