Okay, I just want to throw this out here.
IT'S A GAME. These rules are abstractions. That's just how the system works.
As incredibly useful as the above wasn't, I am looking for a way to make the rules make some sense. I understand the heat on a fireshield fending off an attack - I could describe that, but an entropy sheild that looks like a shield of liquid - no one will know what it it until they hit it with something. Person or thing throws punch hits shield of destruction and what do they pull back? How does it not inflict some stress? Does their sword, club, staff, etc. not take some damage and weaken?
I try and hit you with my wooden staff and you put up a fire sheild - logically the fire will burn something? If not, we would not have all the discussion of collateral damage from attacks.
I am sorry if my question goes beyond the abstraction of the rules of the game - but it often happens in my games and I was looking for some guidence on a house rule.
BTW - the spin rules sound like a good begining Doc Nova.