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Messages - Teagan

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Red Court Infected - is this idea even possible
« on: August 08, 2010, 03:53:21 AM »
Well, we've decided to put this aside for now & I'm just going to play a RCI who works/worked for the White Court as a paralegal.  Thanks for all your input folks.  We may play around at seeing if the original thought can be possible at a later time.

DFRPG / Re: Red Court Infected - is this idea even possible
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:33:19 AM »
This idea strikes me as backward.

The PCs should be allowed to be the special snowflakes. I mean, they're the ones the game is about.  As long as their special snowflake-ness doesn't mess the game up for anyone else sitting at the table, nothing should be so out there and unique that it's not doable.

Maybe I've been running Exalted for too long, but I find that most of the time I say some variant on, "Yes," when running games.

Thanks, that was kind of my thought too.  Why do the NPCs get to be battled or saved but not the PC?  And the group that I will be playing with were all there when I brought up this concept & we all started seeing how at least 2 of them would have "guest roles" in my story/background.  We are all very aware of the tragic-ness of playing this type of character but we're all twisted enough that it just might work.

DFRPG / Re: Red Court Infected - is this idea even possible
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:26:49 AM »
This is an idea I'd want to examine carefully.  First, why does the player want this origin?  What ideas do they have concerning the possible reasons for this to happen?

Looking at the makeup of out little group I had the urge to play a Vampire but not a full blown of either Red or White Court.  I thought it would be an interesting (and yes, I know, TRAGIC) twist in the plot of the game.
Consider the repercussions.  If not a breach of the Accords, this incident would be a SERIOUS point of contention between the White and Red Courts in the area.  If a war hasn't broken out, then there would be skirmishes all the time, with hapless supernaturals (including the PCs) caught in the crossfire.

When is there not skirmishes between the Courts?  :-)

Why was it done?  The Red Court doesn't do things 'just because they can'.  Was it a test run to see if they could convert WCV, weakening the White Court?  If so, why did they show their hand now, and why did they convert this character?

My thought is that it is a personal vendetta (ie, not sanctioned by the Red Court) between my character and that particular Red Court vampire.  Basically, the Red Court vampire was "wronged" in some way by my character personally.  I would leave it up to the DM to figure out what exactly brought it on between these two.  (Yes, he's actually excited about the idea. There was an evil grin & some rubbing together of his hands when I mentioned it.)

My personal feelings is that the character is a Red Court Infected; they lose all the special abilities and template of the WCV, as the Red Court demon overwrites the prior curse.

I'd first find out what the players' reasons and ideas were for this character.

My reason/idea is that a member(s) of my characters immediate family would be being protecting her tragic secret 1) from the Red Court so they don't find out that they can infect a WCV (which could, in the long run, wipe out the White Court) & 2) from the rest of the White Court so they don't just kill out right for being "tainted" or end up using her as a bargaining chip for a favor from the Red Court.

Why would the Red Court demon would overwrite the inherited White Court one?  I'm not expecting this character to be very sane since there would be two demons fighting for control.  I don't expect her to live long either but we can give a shot & see how it goes.

DFRPG / Red Court Infected - is this idea even possible
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:26:03 AM »
A friend just got the DFRPG and we were talking character creation. I brought up an idea for a character but it has put everyone in a quandry as to wither it's even possible or not...

Idea - White Court Virgin ends up being attacked, but amazingly enough not killed, during a fight with some Red Court vamps & is now a Red Court Infected.

Question - Is this even possible?!

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