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Messages - Mitchell Powers

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Rituals for Magic Items...Question on Complexity.
« on: August 01, 2010, 04:45:50 AM »
I think you misunderstood my question. Or perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

It said it 'presumed a strength' of 4.

What I wanted to figure out was if you had more strength what it would equate to in
extending the duration, etc....

But I believe I have figured it out since then.

DFRPG / Re: Help with crafting character
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:27:15 AM »
Hmmmmm and how many laws did you break to get that many? :P

DFRPG / Re: Help with crafting character
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:24:08 AM »
Certainly. +2 for both strength and frequency works fine.

Just so you know you can't change your focus items until you hit a 'significant milestone' (See page YS89) . (Which kind of annoyed me, because until I found that little door slammer I was going to do exactly what you were talking about and have lots of focus items and just swap em every day or so as needed.)

DFRPG / Re: Help with crafting character
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:17:43 AM »
right, but by my read frequency/strength is the equivalent to doing +1 control and +1 complexity for veils or whatever, and that could go on one item

Yes, one focus item could have +1 to both control and complexity
what you can't do is put one at +1 and the other +2

DFRPG / Re: Help with crafting character
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:11:02 AM »
Crafting has 3 areas.

- Frequency == More Uses Per Day

- Focus Items == Able to put more +'s on focus items(caveat you can't use a focus item to make a focus item!)

- Strength == Stronger Item Effects.

All that is on YS280 btw.

And yes...crafting is not heavily detailed.....took me a lot of digging to find a lot of things...and searching these forums to find where devs answered questions *laugh*

DFRPG / Re: Should this board have an "every type of question thread"
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:54:12 AM »
So.. on the enchanted item note...(that can be made with the character that has two refinements into focus item (for crafting) and 2 in enchanted items and a lore 5, and specialization's for crafting as well)

How would you do an enchanted net or something similar? intended as a grapple effect...
So i would have to have a maneuver to place "all tied up" aspect.
But you can't have two different effects on an enchanted item so how do you give it a "might" effect to roll?
I have 9 shifts to work with for this character...

Or would it just be a simpler "block", 6 shifts of block, 3 for duration? Would that have same effect of grapple? just without the extra bonuses?

Unless you're throwing multiple slots into it you can't do 2 different effects with a magic item. So it will all have to be in one.

You could start with page YS293 where they give an example of an 'Entanglement' spell. It's not lethal, but remember you will want to put as many shifts in power as you can to hold your target.

You may in fact be better off doing this as a one time magic item (aka- Potion).

Frequency gives you multiple uses of those as well.  per YS280
Crafting specializations for items and potions
aren’t used for control or complexity; they
usually affect frequency or strength without
making you spend an extra slot to do it.

And in the last paragraph on the same page it talks about boosting the power of a potion on the fly.

You say you have 9 shifts. And you have a 5 Lore.
So the max strength you can put in by default is 5.
This doesn't seem to include crafting bonuses or bonuses from more slots.
(not that I've seen anyway).

And we know that the maximum Effect Strength of an Item (and a potion is still an item) is TWICE your Lore.  (If you're curious it's on the same page just above the example of Harry's 3 slots.)

So your max Strength is 10, but only 5 of it comes from your base. The rest you have to build on with foci, etc...

So I'd put as much into Strength as you could and still get the duration you want.

Then on the fly you may need to boost it some more. (or you may not...who knows).

Hope this helps!!

DFRPG / Re: Should this board have an "every type of question thread"
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:35:30 AM »
--- snip ---
+1 to strength and +1 to frequency, I thought was just 2 slots, but going by the equation below, total bonus of 2 * types 2 =  four slots?

and then +2 to strength and +1 to frequency, how many slots is this?  is it just three since they are both a "crafting" bonus? or would it 6, 2 "types" * 3 bonus's = 6


And could you say use 2 different foci when crafting or for thaumaturgy? (ie, a +2 strength and a +2 frequqncy) For crafting an enchanted sword for


I have seen nothing to indicate you can't use multiple focus items. (And multiple places where it talks about gathering your focus items <PLURAL> when getting ready to cast a spell )

However, you cannot put 2 different numerical bonuses on the same focus item.
In your example you have +2 to Crafting Strength and +1 to Crafting Frequency. This is not permitted according to to page YS278

All bonuses of an item always
apply to all of the types on the item: you can’t
have +2 complexity for necromancy and +1
complexity for wards in the same focus item,

Very sad but it's rather specific on the subject.
(You could always do your own house rules of course if you prefer it).

DFRPG / Re: What Is the Purpose of An Arcane Library?
« on: July 30, 2010, 04:32:04 PM »
So after reading the section of the quality of workshops I am a little confused. The Resources skill entry says that the difficulty or complexity is limited by the quality of your workshop. So if I have a Superb Lore, but only a mediocre workshop would I be limited to only +1 complexity thaumaturgy spells? If not what does the Arcane Workspace limit?

This was talked about on another post that I saw. And from everything I've read they are very useful.
(Seriously recommend viewing this post as it has responses from the Developer(s)
The 2 that I have seen responding on the boards are Iago (Fred) and  LCDarkwood (Lenny) ),17919.msg807955.html#msg807955
But remember to look at the date on the posts because some changes have occurred and they have
updated and clarified things.

First(Unless I've got everything WRONG)
- They do not take away from your skill.
- What they do is give you the power to make declarations, and invoke aspects to help you meet the complexity of a thaumaturgic ritual.

Specifically 'well stocked workshop','made my own tools', 'crafted symbols for spell', etc....
(Basically whatever you can come up with that is reasonable and you can get your GM to agree with!)

HOWEVER, that being said, under workshop it also states in the rules that the
QUALITY of the item that you can create is capped by the rating of your workshop.

So if you have a workshop rating of 1 you can only make

See page YS320 where it talks about this in some detail.
Those circumstances revolve mainly
around three attendant factors: tools, materials,
and time.

And page YS249 where it goes into 'Tools and Trappings' and page YS312 where it talks
about 'preparation' and how it can increase your difficulty if you DON'T have the tools
(or access to them) that are needed.

Also note that the 'Arcane Workshop' is really just a specialty workshop, which is why it is now
just under 'workshop'. 

Simalarly for the Arcane Library and Sanctum, the arcane library can come into play when doing
research on an adversary, condition, place, ritual, etc....whereas the sanctum can come into play
for special prep, above and beyond what you would normally need.

Rick gives a large list of possible aspects on his blog at

But it is most certainly not a 'remnant' or useless from a pure numbers standpoint, and
 it can add a lot of 'flavor' and background to your character as well.

It is in point of fact of GREAT USE if you plan on doing a large amount of Thaumaturgy.

You can more easily expect to get your DM to approve those Aspects you want to make your complexity
requirement if you actually HAVE those Libraries, Workshops, and Sanctums!!!

Side note to remember - Thaumaturgic Effects tend to be stationary (per the devs)
and wards must be attached to Thresholds.(Although they are so wonderful to make!!)

And, crafting with Thaumaturgy, Transformation is only a skill check IF you are
doing something that could normally be done with the skill. Full on that
starts racking up the complexity FAST.

So you COULD make some things if you have the raw materials but not have the workshop(s).

Ex: You could have a thaumaturgy ritual mix together all the ingredients
for a cake(if you had the ingredients on hand), then heat the cake batter to bake it,
and then at the end you have a cake, but didn't actually change anything directly with
transformation. ( but you would still have to have the ingredients and such ). And you don't need
to increase any duration, because nothing that you made is being held together by the magic.

This is all just my $0.02 on how I've read the rules and poured over the forums
for the Developer's response to these sorts of questions.

That is how it looks, unless the developers come in and say I am completely off the mark.

Hope this helps someone else.
I know this gave me fits for a couple days tracking it all down
initially since I want to play a Thaumaturgist and NEED ways to get those complexities down!!

DFRPG / Rituals for Magic Items...Question on Complexity.
« on: July 30, 2010, 03:34:55 PM »
First, I'm fairly new to the Fate system in general.
And I've been going over the DFRPG the last week or so in great detail.
I've been able to figure out most of the complexities for the potions.

In the Your World book there are several potions listed.
I was curious if anyone knows the complexity of the rituals for them.

Specifically I'm curious about the 'Stimulant' potion, I can see parts of it,
but I can't figure out how much was added for the 'reduce the mental stress by one'.

Or maybe I'm reading it wrong, is the reduction the 4 mental consequences reduced
so that the potion only ever reduces for up to 4 castings(Since it only reduces one per cast)?

If so then an interesting side effect would be even if you made it longer
duration you'd probably use them up over the course of normal castings during the day...

Anyone know?


DFRPG / Re: Spell Compendium
« on: July 28, 2010, 07:18:48 PM »
Name: Zone of Truth
Type: Spirit Evocation, Block
Power: 5 shifts - 3 for block, 2 to effect the entire zone
Duration: 1 exchange
Area: One zone
Effect: spell creates a block against Deceit that encompasses the entire zone.

As written it would violate the laws. could avoid that I think if you altered it to instead monitor their vital signs and instead give you
a bonus to detect deceit. Turn it into a 'Magical Lie Detector' instead.

Just my $0.02

DFRPG / Re: City Creation - Detroit
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:54:45 PM »
Saw this site...don't know just how good (or accurate) it is.

One day I will escape Michigan!!!

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