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Messages - Malefic Polyhedron

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Mummies in the Dresdenverse
« on: July 29, 2010, 07:08:47 PM »

[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-4] Supernatural Toughness
[-2] Supernatural Recovery
[+4] Catch - Fire
[-1] Living Dead
[-0] Human Guise (Looks like a young egyptian noble when he isn't a bandage-bound undead monstrosity)

That's a total of -5 so it'll work for any game. Up the refresh and you could fit in strength and maybe an egyptian IoP.

That seems pretty solid, we're still learning the system (first attempt at a Fate based game) but I think that's a good option. It has the right feel without being a complete monstrosity and could work well with others. :)

DFRPG / Re: Mummies in the Dresdenverse
« on: July 29, 2010, 07:00:03 PM »
Yes, we are steering away from "Mindless avenging machine"  and "Power mad sorcerer".  :) I know the various iterations of mummies in WOD have always caught his attention and he is looking at that as well. I think first and foremost he needs to narrow down exactly what he wants out of a "mummy" archetype. Essential a high-concept we can start trying to hang pieces on until we get a build for him that works. But suggestions that have the right feel for the setting are welcome. I think the setting is wide open for a an array of different creatures that could all be classified as mummies.

DFRPG / Mummies in the Dresdenverse
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:12:32 PM »
We are looking to start up a game here in the next few weeks and I have a player who has a real fascination with/love for mummies and is interested in playing a mummy (or variation there of) in the game. I was wondering, have mummies ever popped up in the course of the novels? I don't really see anything in the RPG books that cover it and while I'm sure we can piece it together, I was hoping I might have some sort of a precedent to build off of. That way at least we have an idea how something like that functions in the setting. I can see them being anything from mindless shambling cursed creatures to wizened immortal ritualists within the context of the setting and I was hoping to find a starting point.

Any thoughts?


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