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Messages - Deep_Flow

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: [Aspects] Compels for Gun-Fu?
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:02:26 AM »
Some ideas to buil compels around:

- Gravity sets back in...

- You remeber the laws of physics

- Nobody was watching...

- You pulled that trick too many times, it's getting lame...

- People think that you are just shooting a movie.

- You have to go through the main entrance.

- It's too easy.

- It's not just yet dramatic enough.

- A puppy dog gets caught in the cross fire, you girlfriend insists on saving it...

- You start thinking it all over again in mid-air...

- The puppy now lives with you and gets itself in all kinds of trouble...

- As the negotiations drag on it occurs to you that you haven't fired your gun in a while.

- The puppy mastered the art of puppy-eyes-fu and you fall for it every time...

- A bullet gains consciousness and starts a philosophical discussion on matters of life and death with you.

- Your old master returns...

- You have to stop a heavily armed man from going fully postal. No, you may not just shoot him...

- Your old master lectures you on getting sloppy.

- You left your luck-charm somewhere.

- A physics nerd approaches you and tells you how unrealistic all this is.

- While shooting him, the physics nerd keeps coming back at you telling you how implausible it was.

- Oh, no Dr. Gun-Man-Fu has your luck-charm.

- Your girlfriends talks you into spending a weekend together without any guns.

- Oh, no Dr. Gun-Man-Fu has the puppy too.

- You wake up at a table with other people who pretend to play a game. You seem to know them from somewhere...

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with Aspects
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:26:39 PM »
Sounds like a reluctant Hero to me which is a wonderful concept.

As a gm I would compel you to use your powers rather than not using them. Since you already avoid using them.

I would also advise you to expand upon the librarian aspect. Something along the lines of: Cannot forget about what he read about what's out there. In other words, your book knowledge is haunting you...

Another good aspect might be: Tries too hard to look normal or Appears to be normal at first sight.

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