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Messages - Valkyrina

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: February 27, 2007, 05:23:01 PM »
Can't say I was ever a pony kind of girl I'm afraid, not even a unicorn kind of girl.

If you had a dragon around however...


Anyway, might have to add those 2 books to my amazon shopping list...

Been meaning to put more energy into my writing recently.

*pokes imagination with a stick to see if it's dead*

Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: February 26, 2007, 09:29:56 AM »
Make the writer's block stop...

I prescribe one of these:

A lot of sleep and lots of fruit in your diet.

See if that helps.

Unless you're writing about a unhealthy, insomniac who can't write and you're trying to get into their head.


Seriously though, this book is awesome.

I read a few pages, went to sleep and a few days later my imagination *pinged* microwave style and came back with a "look what I found" kinda story.

Every author on this site needs at least one of these by their beds.


... Except Jim, 2 reasons: 1) he's already got an awesome character and we love Harry to bits. 2) the book gives you lots of little mental tributaries to go down, little stories that if you're used to writing one character's life story, may make you shelf that character for a while (been a while since my Valkyrie had much to say) and we'd HATE for Harry to get shelved.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: February 02, 2007, 10:42:13 PM »
I began writing after spending afternoons at college reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction.

I'd read so much of it, that my imagination reached critical mass and I had to write things down or my brain would explode.


A few years later I'm finally beginning to write my own stuff (sort of) based on vague concepts rather than pre-constructed worlds.

Fanfiction is the McDonalds of writing: it's already to go, there isn't much you can do with it except eat it.

You can maybe add a little of your originality by using your fries to eat your McFlurry (I know someone who does that) but for the most part it's just all done for you.

Writing at author level is killing your own cow, harvesting your own wheat, milling your own flour and baking you own bread, growing your own vegetables, making you own sauce and creating your own packaging (Though you can get an artist in to do that for you if you want to).

Once you're at the gym and eating healthily after realising how bad McFanfiction is for you, you don't tell people how you were raised on it.

I was a smart McFanfictioner as a kid - I wrote stuff for the fun of it - then never showed a soul.

Author Craft / Re: How likeable does a main character have to be.
« on: January 31, 2007, 03:08:55 AM »
I have read a few such stories, though I can't think of titles off the top of my head. Stupid memory gaps...

"some books are undeservedly forgotten. None are underservedly remembered."

forgot who the quote is by.

mmmmm memory-loss.

Author Craft / Re: Unrealism In Books
« on: January 30, 2007, 09:30:49 AM »

Spreading inspiration wherever I go.

Make his life suck more... it's a plastic knife.

The god has a spork.



Author Craft / Re: Unrealism In Books
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:17:06 AM »
just a quick note on point #2.

Would you want to bring about the apocalypse with a butter knife...?


Thought not.


Author Craft / Re: How likeable does a main character have to be.
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:08:21 AM »
Disclaimer: I write for fun. I am not published - possibly never will be. Take anything I say with a pinch of salt, a shot of tequila and a squirt of lime - people tell me I'm hilarious when they're drunk.

My main character doesn't necessarily have to be likeable. I base them on my own personality (I have few enemies to be fair) and always write from a first person perspective.

It's hard not to connect with that.

It's rare I ask other people (who won't have my personality to base the character on/to artificially flesh it out) to proof read.

As an exercise I once wrote a story from an I perspective but gave no hints as to either of the 2 characters personalities and history except for the actions and thoughts of the then and now.

Turned into a short love-story.


Put that one on an anonymous blog page.

Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: January 29, 2007, 11:29:37 PM »
I put my current baby as being about 10k, it's a short-story, I intended it to be a short story.

I find if I try to put a story on the computer it dries up and goes quiet on me.

I therefore put this one on the computer pretty soon.

It stayed short.

Compared to other stuff I've done over the years it's the bonsai tree of my imagination: kept small, put in a confining place and not nourished much.

My other baby I've been trying to write since I was 12, and now that's turned into this big bad monster that constantly hangs over my head, gnawing at me.

I started a story when I was 19 just starting uni. I have to write it by hand on paper or my ideas stagnate (anyone else find this?) and this one kept going for almost 4 years. I have no idea what the word count is and as I seem to have lost the thread, when uni burned my brains out, I'ma either have to dedicate some time to regaining it, or shelf it for a few more months/years.


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