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Messages - Userisk

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Thresholds working with wards
« on: July 13, 2010, 04:01:13 PM »
Yeah it was a typing error. I'd fix it but then your post will look odd :)
Quotes are forever ;)

I've gotta say thanks for the input, we've really clear some things up (at least to my satisfaction ;D)

DFRPG / Re: Thresholds working with wards
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:30:14 PM »
I might be wrong but I would say that a +0 treshold would be a "just moved in" bachelor place. A Public place would be a -0 (or -1) as no one actually calls that place home. (A side thought, a well run, good public shelter could be a +0 or +1 treshold despite being public)
The idea of a negative threshold disturbs me. If I apply this to the rules and consider the role of a threshold "as a suppressor", a magical being would actually gain strength! Maybe you want just want to imply that there is so little threshold, a ward would find no foundation? (Which was actually one reason why I asked if +0 meant anything in the first place.)

Public buildings like English Pubs, Libraries (old, well-loved ones), Greasy Spoon cafes (with regulars) and old book shops may have a threshold of -0 depending on the circumstances. Anything where a few people have been there for a long time, anywhere with a lot of history and personality, might have a -0 threshold.
Is there a typo here? Because it seems to be an argument for a +1 threshold, which appeals to me. These are definitely special places and "normal" public places have +0 threshold anyway.

Oh, and why do you differentiate between -0 and +0? I know fate point costs consistently use -0, but using it anywhere else doesn't make (mathematical) sense to me.

DFRPG / Re: Thresholds working with wards
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:36:56 PM »
So, undisputed remains the size of the ward being restricted to the threshold. As a brain-teaser, does a +0 threshold (from any public building) count as legal base for a ward?

I'd like to refine the idea so that thresholds and wards stack for blocks. (Otherwise two attacks would be needed, and that's seems like something we want to avoid anyway.) I'm cool with the necessity/capability of attacking thresholds and wards seperately. Would it be too much to presume that they work together (stacking) as suppressors or sources of harm?

Actually, after re-reading the descriptions, that question answers itself for me. They should "stack".

DFRPG / Thresholds working with wards
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:20:00 PM »
One of my players wants to maintain a ward in his apartment (as all good wizards should) and we're both stumbling around a little in the dark. How might the (admittedly feeble) threshold affect his ward? The definition of a ward mentions the threshold a few times, and we get the impression in the books that an existing threshold enhances a ward. At the very least, YS states that a threshold defines the area (eg, a single ward wouldn't cover two distinct apartments without notably increasing the difficulty).

I currently see three possibly distinct interactions:
  • The strengths of a ward and a threshold are additive (as opposed to sitting side-by-side).
  • The threshold helps or hampers the creation of the ward.
  • "Ward" can be substituted for "threshold" elsewhere in the book.
Is there anything definite for or against these points? Maybe we're just making it more complicated than it is. ???

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