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Messages - Dame

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: [DFRPG] Emissaries of Power... of a spirit of the City
« on: July 15, 2010, 02:35:02 AM »
  Ooh, what if the city itself "gave birth" to him from a composite of different experiences, he has no real past, just snippets of memories from a million different people.

Oh man! I really like that one.  Imagine all the trouble the character will get in for not having a traceable history.  He fills out a Job app, and they run a background check on him...and he DOESN'T EXIST!

That being said, My roomie pointed out that it would be pointless, because the character wouldn't be able to function in society, and he or she has to to that to be the mortal representative of that city.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:26:15 PM »
Hello All,

New  here, and I blame it on the roomie.  Been a sci-fi geek and gamer for 30 years, but just got started on Jim's books. Almost caught up with the series, only one more book to go, woot! As such, I have been to Dragon, and many other cons besides.  For those that have never been to Dragon, but have been to other cons, be aware that this is the largest con for this type of thing almost anywhere. It takes up three full host hotels, with overflow hotels for those who can't get reservations in the main hotels, and by now it is too late to be in the main is massive!  If you are new to cons in general this is not the con to make your first because you will get lost in the tidal wave of humanity...unless you have experienced con goers with you. Someone said earlier in the topic that no one dresses for Dragon, they were being sarcastic.  Bring your camera and plenty of memory, or a lappy to dump the pictures to. Be prepared to stint your sleep, as you won't want to miss a thing, and even then you will miss more than you will see. Have fun, be safe, and like was said before...try not to drink too much!


Dame, Mistress of the Newbs

Edited to correct typo

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