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Messages - firerez

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Creating Vancouver and other Canadian cities, Dresden style.
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:45:10 AM »
Damn Arcteryx, that sounds hardcore. I never considered Chinatown as some sort of mystical gateway to another world. Some Chinese guy I am, eh?

But now you've given me a lot of inspiration for mystical beings that I can introduce. I may introduce the Buddhist deities in addition to the Taoist ones (Celestial bureaucracy etc.)

Right now I'm playing with the idea of introducing an emissary or reincarnation of the monkey king. Journey to the West was one of favorite books as a kid. This ought to be good.

DFRPG / Re: Creating Vancouver and other Canadian cities, Dresden style.
« on: August 10, 2010, 08:33:27 PM »
We're using Vancouver in our home game right now. None of us have been to Vancouver, so my wife (our GM) and I spent a few weeks doing research. We like research, so that's all well and good. Keep in mind, especially if no one in your group has ever actually been to the location, there is no need to make it identical to reality.

That said, a little research can yield some pretty awesome stuff. For example: my character is a werebear based off a particular type of black bear native to British Columbia that is actually born white (1/10 cubs, I think). They call it the spirit bear. Sooo... I gave it the spirit seeing/talking ability (sorry, I'm at work with no pdf's) and some bear-shifting fun powers. The character has been amazing.

My group, with the exception of me, were all born and raised in Vancouver, so maybe it's part of the living here for so long thing, but we can't really think of much that is interesting about our city. Maybe we're strangers in our hometown, haha. I love the spirit bear thing, I might actually use it in my game. If you don't mind sharing parts of your city with me, I'd love to see it from the perspective of someone who doesn't live here.

DFRPG / Creating Vancouver and other Canadian cities, Dresden style.
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:15:37 PM »
Hi all, I've gotten the rulebooks fairly recently and am having a pretty good time learning the FATE system (was pretty much exclusively d20 before). I'm also about 3 books into the DF and really, really liking those. As far as I can tell, Canada is fairly neglected in the series, haha. So I was wondering, how would you guys write up Vancouver and other Canadian cities Dresden-style? We comparatively have a bit less history than the US, and not as many crazy things have happened here as far as I can tell.

Curious to see what you guys come up with.

DFRPG / Re: Setting up a DFRPG group in Vancouver / GVRD area
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:32:48 AM »
I'm also in North Van, and I may be interested as well depending on the location and times? Shoot me a pm please? :)

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