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Messages - Carnus

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DFRPG / Re: Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« on: July 08, 2010, 12:44:33 AM »
Thanks for the responses.

From what I can tell the rules as written wouldn't work. As you can tell from my first post and I agree with Drachasor.  Not sure if that was the writers intention or it just comes across that way with the wording.

But you guys have given a lot of great ideas in creating a new power that would let undead heal, I like that they might have to consume something to fix the broken bits. I also like the idea about a catch of fire as it destroys the body entirely.

Chris M yeah the player will be taking Human Guise also, it does sound like an interesting character.

Thanks for the ideas keep them coming or just add your opinion if it should work as written

DFRPG / Rules question: Living dead and Inhuman Recovery
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:46:32 AM »
Hi this might be simple but I wanted to know how it works.

A character has taken Living dead (He is playing a Crow like character)
Under that power Corpse Body it says that you cannot recover from consequences and any you get are permanent unless you take some kind of effort to resolve them.

Now if this character take Inhuman Recovery can he heal consequences?

Going by the wording alone I would rule The following.

Total recovery wouldn't work because it says all you need is time and Living Dead says you do not heal with time.
Fast recovery wouldn't work for the same reasons.
Vigorous would work
Shrug it off would work as it has no restrictions you just ignore it.

Does this sound right or does purchasing Inhuman Recovery totally ignore the restrictions from Living Dead?

Thanks in advance

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