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Messages - Ozymandeus

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Milwaukee and Unseelie Incursion of 1994
« on: July 04, 2010, 08:17:52 PM »
I've actually been trying to think up a way to make Summer Court an the casual observer Winter seems like the bad guys and Summer the good...I wasn't sure the best way to go about showing that having a high-degree of Summer court influence in a city is a bad thing...if it even *is* a bad thing... I like trees :)

DFRPG / Milwaukee and Unseelie Incursion of 1994
« on: July 04, 2010, 12:54:32 PM »

I'm starting up a group that will be based in the city of Milwaukee (where I live), and one of the big events that is referred to is the Unseelie Incursion of 1994.  It seems like there isn't much information regarding the incursion.  I found one quote from Storm Front:

"...the entire city of Milwaukee had simply vanished for two hours. Gone. Government satellite photos showed the river valley covered with trees and empty of life or human habitation. All communications ceased. Then, a few hours later, there it was, back again, and no one in the city itself the wiser."

I was curious if anyone knew of any additional info on the Incursion that I could incorporate (or any other possible interesting ideas for Milwaukee.)

I was actually planning to heavily incorporate the Fae Courts before I even remembered about the Incursion; I was going with the idea that the Summerfest grounds are a Summer Court Nexus of sorts, where the Summer Court draws power from the huge masses of celebrating mortals, and even abducts musicians to play eternally for them in the Nevernever, and that the Winter Court would constantly be trying to assault Milwaukee to disrupt a major stronghold of Summer.


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