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Messages - Jack Mann

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Lycanthropy Idea
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:59:20 AM »
The books mention the difficulty of playing a character with the lycanthrope class, given that they only have their abilities five days out of the month.  I was thinking about ways to help alleviate that somewhat, while still tying into the basic themes of the template.

My basic thinking on this is that when a lycanthrope changes, he loses a certain amount of control.  So, how about giving them a couple of stunts that they can only use when they're not able to access their strength or recovery?  With two extra stunts during the regular part of the month, they're still a little behind pure mortals, but still reasonably competent.  And since these go away when the full moon approaches, it doesn't increase their power when the change comes over them.

I'd suggest skills that represent the bonds of civilization, or their self control.  Calm Blue Ocean comes to mind (picture a zen-like man who becomes a berserker once a month).  The Social Graces.  Pretty much any Performance stunt.  It's hard to put your Best Foot Forward when it takes a huge amount of self control not to just tear someone's throat out.


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