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Messages - lankyogre

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I feel like this is also an area where a perceptive player can realize something is not what it seems. “Wait, I just forced it in front of an open window and it doesn’t care.” Or “Why is he staying away from the guy with the crowbar?” 

DFRPG / Re: some questions about rpf
« on: October 08, 2017, 02:12:13 PM »
I just reread Storm Front and Harry does mention a teleportation potion. I feel like a couple of things changed between Storm Front and the later books, like Harry’s attitude toward evocation, True Names, and Red Court vampires. So, that could have been a throw away line that Jim But her nixed later.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo Style
« on: July 26, 2017, 02:16:07 AM »
I was going to do that at the demo, but you are right. It is probably a good idea to have things written down before hand. I'd like to get three example to  invoke and compel each aspect. There are a few I am struggling with, possibly because I made the phrase too poetic. Apparently, I had more of an idea than I can put into words.

I did switch the wording on Jo's Trouble.

Jo Theed
High Concept: Dragon Disciple Jeweler
     Invoke: scholarship, lore, and craft in regards to jewelry; fighting off or disrupting the plans of the Dragon’s enemies; speaking in the “name” of the Dragon
     Compel: Dragon’s enemies are my enemies; errands for the Dragon; obligations as a jeweler (business)
Trouble: It's Never Too Late for a Plan
     Invoke: Working with a plan; benefit when taking extra time; predicting another’s plans
     Compel: Not allowed to rush or decrease time on a check; try to make a plan when no time; plans can be predicted

Cole Nuttuson (Malvora)
High Concept: Malvora for the Accused
     Invoke: Knowing and using legal personnel and laws; stories from criminals; contact and support within the Malvora Family
      Compel: Criminal/prosecution that doesn't like you; assumes people are innocent; family obligations
Trouble: It's Scary and I Like It
     Invoke: resist being scared; know how to induce fear;
     Compel: seek out scary things; induce fear;

Taylor Simol
High Concept: Svartalfar Foreman
     Invoke: allies and information from work crew; knowledge of building codes and plans; skill at crafting;
     Compel: day job; fae weaknesses; be recognized
Trouble: I'm Not My Parents
     Invoke: resist fae weaknesses; avoid the Summer and Winter Court; do something on your own
     Compel: parents’ enemies come looking; don't know things about the supernatural; distrust people older

Jayden Rocks
High Concept: Telekinetic Coach
     Invoke: deal with kids; know stats and rules of a game; using magic to move things
    Compel: day job;
Trouble: If They Know What I've Done
    Invoke: bonus on deception,
     Compel: try to hide actions; overly dependent on magic

Ryder McGruder
High Concept: Zen Master Gardener
     Invoke: lore/scholarship regarding Eastern religions; remain calm; know about plants
     Compel: Take the pacifist option;
Trouble: I Can Do It Too
     Invoke: lore/scholarship regarding supernatural; deception trying to appear supernatural; not impressed by supernatural
     Compel: in over your head in the supernatural; try to hide lack of powers

Peyton Abbles
High Concept: Shadowed Journalist
     Invoke: get stories printed; investigating/researching secrets; be overlooked
    Compel: deadlines; hide where stories come from; be overlooked
Trouble: Rules Are For Others
     Invoke: knowing and exploiting rules that others have to follow;
     Compel: not follow rules;

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo Style
« on: July 24, 2017, 01:27:16 PM »
I can see the need for contacts and the stunt fits. For some reason I rarely remember/gravitate towards that skill.

A couple of thoughts:
1) I liked the pyramid because it still gave the player 1 fair and 4 average skills to choose during the demo. I'm afraid only 2 average skills doesn't give them as much ownership of the character.
2) The demo adventure will take place in a contained building over a few hours. I want to make sure that the Great skills are ones that come up frequently so that it's easy to see different ways to use a skill.
3) I could drop Weapons completely and replace it with Contacts. Then the player can choose to add Fists or Weapons at Fair or Average. Athletics is still there for dodging.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo Style
« on: July 24, 2017, 01:58:25 AM »
Oops, not quit sure how I did that. I've edited the original post to include Aspects. I'm going to have the players select the rest of the aspects as we play.

Do you think giving Peyton a stun that allows investigation for writing? Not sure how much that will come up. She does have a fair skill still available, as well as averages, so the player could decide to place that.

DFRPG / Re: How Heavy are the Rules?
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:56:46 PM »
Eh, I'd say seven or eight pounds, if you're carrying all three books.

Love, great answer.

So then, this prompts me to ask, is Paranet Papers worth it? I haven't been able to pick it up yet. Is there enough to warrant its use or is it mostly the couple of pregenerated areas and updating stats.

DFRPG / DFRPG Demo Style
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:16:00 PM »
For those of you who saw my previous post, my group has decided to try out Dresden Files. So, I’m going to run a short demo one-shot in a few weeks. I want to keep it to Feet in the Water level, so that there aren’t a lot of abilities to keep track of. I can’t use the Night Fears adventure because I know a couple of the players will not deal well with the background.
Therefore, my idea is a small group of friends that happen to have a couple of strange powers are on vacation. The adventure will take place while on a guided tour at the St. Louis Art Museum (because I’m familiar with it and there is a variety of exhibits).
For characters, I’m thinking of having 6 pregens ready for 5-players. These are extremely rough first drafts of the characters, but I'd like some thoughts and help please.

Jo Theed
High Concept: Dragon Disciple Jeweler
Trouble: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
Template: Emissary
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Marked by Power
Human Form (+1) [Dragon Man]
Breath Weapon
Inhuman Strength
Total Refresh: -5
Skills: Great (Fists), Good (Craft, Rapport), Fair (Endurance, Stealth, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Jo is a skilled jeweler who came to the attention of a True Dragon for his artistic ability. The dragon made Jo an “Emissary,” though mostly he has just been granted the strength to defend himself and his jewelry from the dragon’s enemies.

Cole Nuttuson (Malvora)
High Concept: Malvora for the Accused
Trouble: It's Scary and I Like It
Template: White Court Virgin
Stunts: Read the Surface
Supernatural Powers:
Emotional Vampire
Incite Emotion (Fear)
Total Refresh: -3
Skills: Great (Rapport), Good (Empathy, Presence), Fair (Discipline, Intimidate, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Cole is a public defender. He gets an adrenaline rush every time he enters a prison to speak to his clients, though he doesn’t quite realize that he’s really feeding off the fear that hangs over many prisons.

Taylor Simon
High Concept: Svartalfar Builder
Trouble: I'm Not My Mother
Template: Changeling (Svartalf)
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Inhuman Toughness
Inhuman Recovery
The Catch (Light?) +2
Total Refresh: -4
Skills: Great (Fists), Good (Craft, Rapport), Fair (Endurance, Stealth, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Taylor’s father is a svartalfar that fell in love with a mortal, a renowned painter. Taylor refuses to follow in the footsteps of either parent and works in construction.

Jayden Rocks
High Concept: Telekinetic Coach
Trouble: If They Know What I've Done
Template: Focused Practitioner
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Total Refresh: -2
Skills: Great (Discipline), Good (Scholarship, Conviction), Fair (Lore, Athletics, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
In high school, Jayden spent more time in the library than the gym. While in PE one day though, he managed to channel some force around himself during a game of dodgeball. His newfound notoriety in sports, led Jayden to an exploration of sabermetrics and a career in coaching.

Ryder McGruder
High Concept: Zen Master Gardener
Trouble: I Can Do It Too
Template: Pure Mortal
Mind over Matter (Discipline for defense in Hand to Hand)
Redirected Force (On a successful defense against close-combat, to create a successful maneuver)
Peace of Mind (Discipline may create blocks/maneuvers in close-combat)
Supernatural Powers: None
Total Refresh: -3
Skills: Great (Discipline), Good (Lore, Conviction), Fair (Endurance, Fight, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Ryder has spent too much time around too many friends that can do odd things. He began doing his own research and has trained his body to obey his mind. He now runs a meditation garden and retreat center.

Peyton Abbles
High Concept: Shadowed Journalist
Trouble: Rules Are For Others
Template: Minor Talent
From the Shadows (When ambushing, free aspect/maneuver)
I Know What You Did (May use Investigation for social attack with information gained from eavesdropping)
I know Just the Right Guy
Supernatural Powers:
Cloak of Shadows
Total Refresh: -4
Skills: Great (Stealth), Good (Investigation, Contacts), Fair (Athletics, Rapport, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Peyton is an investigative reporter, though few know how she is able to get such intimate knowledge.

DFRPG / Re: How Heavy are the Rules?
« on: July 15, 2017, 06:02:28 PM »
With running demo games, I quickly got to the point where I almost never referred to the rule book in DFRPG. I think that if the group is interested in the premise, the modern setting might help with the RP choices. Also, there are a couple of players that struggle with all the options in Pathfinder combat. Especially how many options you either have to devote resources to being good, or not bother trying. Ex tripping and intimidate. The aspect system of Fate allows those sort of actions to all be possible.
I think the aspects could also help create a list of pre-chosen courses of action. I.e. Choosing the aspect "It's Clobbering Time," means that when in doubt, smash something.

DFRPG / How Heavy are the Rules?
« on: July 14, 2017, 04:28:37 PM »
I picked up DFRPG when it first came out and tried to run a brief game without success. I've run a few demos and played in some online games, but that was all years ago, so I've been detached from things for a bit.
I tried playing Pathfinder with a couple of people, but it was too rules heavy and character creation was too much. I'm trying to think of another game to suggest. From what I remember, character creation can have a lot of rules-based options, in addition to the aspects that can require work. The gameplay though, is lighter on the rules thank d20, unless spells are involved. The other side of this though, is that player creativity is required in describing and flavoring various actions. Is this appraisal correct for those of you who have played more?
For those who are familiar with both d20 based games and DFRPG, how would you say they compare in character creation and gameplay rules?

DFRPG / Re: Intro Game Setting
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:20:47 AM »
For the first scenario, I kind of want it to be that "nice" as you put it. Half the adventure might very well take place after the players figure out that it's just a kid. But still getting their stuff back and possibly getting the kid to stop, without just hurting people, is a challenge in itself. From my experience, 2-3 encounters and half-a-dozen distinct skill checks ends up being a session for most new players.

For the summoning, I'm trying to keep it contained to a single location. I think I agree that having the PCs now each other is preferable. As to rewarding the players for doing nothing, I might run with that a bit more. If the summoning is ignored, the demon steps through the gate, grabs the summoner, looks at the PCs and thanks them, leaving some little reward. I know most players won't end up being to happy that they just helped a demon get "dinner." I don't really like the Arch idea, just because it is so big, but I live near it, so it is an easy point to fix on.

DFRPG / Intro Game Setting
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:53:41 AM »
I've ran the DFRPG one-shots a few times and I'd like to add to my library by writing a few more.
Night Fears is Feet in the Water and very location limited
Neutral Grounds is Waist Deep and a very unlimited location
Evil Acts is Chest Deep and moderately limited by location

I'd like to add another Feet in the Water and a Waist Deep scenario.

For the Feet in the Water scenario, I was thinking a group of friends camping. Therefore the location is moderately limited. Some items go missing from their campsite and they choose to investigate. The campsite owners are a family of shape shifters that can take animal forms. The daughter has just discovered that she can do it to, and is playing around like a precocious child. Confronting the parents could lead to a social "conflict" in which they try to convince them to admit what the daughter did and make it right. The conflict could turn physical if the parents really feel threatened though. The PCs have some motivation not to just punch their way out of the problem though, since it involves a little kid. I might even throw in a red herring in the form of an unrelated group of siblings with some sort of scion blood. Maybe part demon or part troll. Give them Inhuman toughness and inhuman strength if I think that we absolutely need a combat scene.

The Waist Deep scenario, i was thinking of using a vacation bus. The group is all on a guided tour of some site and therefore have to be there for a few hours. I haven't quite thought of what would be good for this. I was thinking something like the St. Louis Arch or another singular building that I can limit to less than a dozen rooms. On this one, I don't know if I want to make the PCs know each other or have the first scene essentially be a compel on various aspects to get them to the same spot. As a problem, I was thinking that somebody is trying to summon something. Going back to the Arch idea, they are trying to us the Arch itself as a gate. If I used a different location like a museum or old building, then he might be summoning something with a tie to that building. If the PCs ignore it, the creature is summoned, eats the summoner, and goes back to the Nevernever. If they disrupt the summoning somehow, then the thing (possibly a demon?) is let loose in the middle of a crowded tourist site. If they confront the summoner and just prevent him from doing it, he tries again later. If they manage to convince him it's a bad idea or permanently prevent him, then it doesn't happen at all.

Just like some feedback please. Usually I bounce ideas off my wife, but she'd like to play this time around. Incidentally, that's why I can't use some of the other adventures.

DFRPG / Re: An idea for modeling completely untrained magical talent
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:38:25 PM »
To me, it seems like the quote from Fred and the RAW lead towards "Pure Mortal" is the template for anything that doesn't have powers. Having powers changes the template which then changes other musts. The rules also say, "Look at the template that is closes for what you want." My summation. The bonus refresh to pure mortal could also be represented as a power [+2] You don't have any other powers. Apply as needed to any template.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:13:42 AM »
What do the characters look like now? I decided to just leave the average and one fair up for the players at the table. I'm pretty sure players will pick alertness, conviction, endurance, and/or presence because of the mechanical benefits, but we'll wait and see. In regards to the Item of Power Guardian, I have two thoughts. First, I leave him like he is and give the muse unseelie magic with a focus in cold spells. Play up the muse as a magic user more in the final battle. The second option is, I give him a 1 point power "Immune to normal cold" and add beastform and hulking size, and have the muse try to use inhuman strength and incite emotion more. The unseelie magic gives me a chance to play with magic and show the players some of the options if they haven't been thinking of them with the Pyro. It also gives the IoP a chance to shine if he is included.

For the Muse I'm thinking

High Concept: Pissed off Male Muse
Trouble: Nobody remembers ME!
Other Aspects: Son of Zeus, I'm a Man Damnit!,
Athletics Good
Deceit Fair
Endurance Fair
Fists Fair
Intimidation Good
Performance Great
Presence Great
Rapport Good

Incite Emotion: Lasting (Inspiration)
Emotional Vampire
Feeding Dependency
Inhuman Strength
Inhuman Recovery
The Catch

For inspiration feeding, I think I will either compel the players or force discipline checks to think of "new ideas" during the conflict if he has fed off them.

Because the muses are usually associated with Apollo, I'm thinking of a herd of Fae horses guarding the gates. Hulking Size, Inhuman Toughness, Claws (use Korrick as a base but subtract the glamours and social aspects).

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 31, 2011, 10:12:54 PM »
1. I was thinking that over the years the muse has become disciplined enough to space his feeding out. If the girls keep going missing on Friday, but are back in class by Monday, people are much less likely to ask questions. I was also thinking that it would give me the option of having a few of his powers gone at the beginning of the final showdown, and he can feed off the players to restore abilities if the fight starts too easy.

2. I guess I was thinking Liberal Arts school with a strong Art program. Maybe his parents really want him to be an artist, but he'd rather play sports so this is the compromise? I'm trying to set up the characters and let the players at the table fine tune them as much as possible.

3. I was thinking the security guard spends a lot of time hunting, and usually just keeps a gun in a gun rack in his truck. The school hasn't said anything yet, because he is local and they really haven't noticed. It also adds a ranged element to the group, beyond magic.

4. Actually, the Pyromancer is the only one right now with a stunt or skill in art, and one of two with an aspect. I've gone back and added a few skills and stunts, see what you think.

Hadn't really heard that specifically. Thanks for the info. I'm thinking its not so much school issued as just usually in his truck. It could be a problem (and might be if it was a continuing campaign.)
Hosting the PDF was eventually my plan. I'd just like a little help before then.

I was thinking the ex-boyfriend would be mostly a red herring. Depending on how the players respond though, he might end up being the bad guy.

I'm thinking the Muse will have inspire emotion (INSPIRATION), feeding dependency, emotional vampire, maybe supernatural toughness and strength and glamour?
An ogre has a heavy hitter bodyguard.
4 or 5 smaller fae, maybe use goblin stats with inspire emotion and call them satyrs?
I want there to be a decent brawl in which the pyro can use his abilities, but I don't want to overwhelm the players.

Any comments on powers, stunts, aspects. I still need to create rotes and items for the pyro as well.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:41:29 AM »
Cameron Winters

High Concept: “Psychic” Detective
Trouble: Prove it
Aspect: Everybody is a Critic, I'm just right; Eidetic Memory

Great – Investigation
Good – Empathy, Deceit
Fair - Discipline, Presence, Scholarship

Physical OO
Mental OO
Social OOO

Quick Eye
Scene of the Crime
Honest Lies
Corner of my eye
Critic: When using Scholarship for information regarding art gain a +2, specifically paintings +3

Pure mortal +2

Final Refresh 3

I like Psych. Think Sean Spencer. Really good at noticing things and putting clues together. Plays it off as being “psychic,” because its actually easier than explaining that its just training

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