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Messages - halfer92

Pages: [1]
To be honest, I don't think the Quickening would be a big deal unless the beheaded in question had some kind of special power or stunt. You would just find yourself with the knowledge of a centuries old swordsman, which by definition, you already are. Maybe after experiencing the Quickening two or three times you could get some kind of ability, but that should be up to the GM.

DFRPG / Re: Oathbroken Wizard
« on: June 27, 2010, 02:20:09 PM »
Could the system you suggest also be used for someone who has sworn off their power? For instance, as a boy someone's first example of wizardry involved turning their parents crispy, but later as older man (27) discovers it was a set up and decides to reclaim his power. For people that have read the books, there's already a great example, but shame on spoilers.

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