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Messages - Krico

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DFRPG / Re: Thaumaturgical Shapeshifting
« on: July 27, 2010, 10:35:35 PM »
What about permanent shape-shifting? I know Bob mentioned in Fool Moon that one of the forms of werewolves involved a magic user turning someone into a wolf as a curse...but that's an unwilling victim, a full transformation, and a lifetime on the duration. That would be a hell of a spell...

DFRPG / Re: Trying to figure out my template...
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:01:45 PM »
Great, thanks for the help guys. As far as the resources thing, that's actually going to start off really low. XD Me and my friends are running a game where we're essentially playing slightly idealized versions of ourselves. We haven't found a gm yet, so we're assuming feet in the water. That being said, I'll have just moved to the town it'll be set in, with hopes of finding people to tutor/home-school on the mortal side for income (which is going to take some hunting for people who don't mind not being able to use a computer for it...maybe I can teach in a little nearby Amish community XD), and people in the magical community who'd like potions made (mechanically speaking mine will be power 8 after all) or some other service that they can't provide for themselves. Since both of these are small business ideas with their own limitations, it's going to take me a while to build a reputation so understandably my resources are going to start at crap. So ya, I'ma be stuck with more public areas for the purposes of research. It is a college town though, so that should make things somewhat easier as long as I stay away from the catalog computers.

DFRPG / Trying to figure out my template...
« on: July 20, 2010, 06:08:55 PM »
Not really a focused practitioner, not really a sorcerer, certainly not a minor talent or what the crap am I?

Basically I'm trying to figure out what my template is so I can know what it would be fair/make sense for me to take as far as refinement in character advancement.

Here's the basic rundown of the powers for my character at creation.

-3 Full Thaumaturgy, +1 power to crafting spec, +2 power to crafting foci
-1 Refinement, +1 power to crafting foci (added to the previous for a total of +3), +1 to divination Foci
-1 Refinement, 4 enchanted item slots

The idea is that the character is primarily self taught (though he did stumble upon a book that helped him figure out how to do thaumaturgy which is how he awakened) and looking at the templates I can't really see what he fits under. The biggest part of the character is going to be focused on magical items and potions, but he also get's heavily involved in other forms of thaum.

Minor talents only have one limited ability, and full wizards have training with full sight, evo etc. Focused practitioners only have channeling or ritual, and sorcerers are required to have full thuam and what the crap am I?

DFRPG / Potions on contact
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:00:37 AM »
Would potions HAVE to be ingested, or can they be set up to work on skin contact, or possibly activate an effect if the container breaks (ie, potion grenade)?

DFRPG / Re: Magical shutdown?
« on: July 03, 2010, 03:59:04 AM »
Joseph, you've also got to consider that Mavra would have been resisting it. If it's just a straight block and go, she was probably powerful enough to undo it unless he was continually channeling power into it. I would think you could potentially attempt to counter-spell the effect.

DFRPG / Metal evocation?
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:17:00 PM »
One of the examples in the book for eastern elements lists metal, wood, water, earth, fire, and spirit. If you were to do metal evocation, would it essentially be creating metal out of ectoplasm? Ie. a metal evocation attack summons up metal shards that go flying at someone?

DFRPG / Re: Crafting Foci
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:14:56 PM »
2) A focused Practitioner with Thaumaturgy (Crafting Frequency +1 and Crafting Power Focus +2), Refinement 2 ( Crafting Power Specialization +2, 4 item slots), has 4 items at power 8, 2 uses/day.

I was kind of curious about this actually. Since when making an item one shift of power = two more uses would crafting frequency +1 mean one more use or two more?

Also, where did you get power spec +2? I was under the impression that the specializations only give +1 each time their taken, and if you read in the templates you can only take the refinement for specialization as a full wizard since it reflects training.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 09:01:01 PM »
As a side note, I'd just like to say, no I'm not trying to min/max much with this char. I'm actually trying to avoid it a bit. I came up with the concept, then reading through the rules about how it would work and started getting afraid of it being overpowered. You guys are doing well to aleviate that fear for the most part though. ;D

Remember, thought, that " an  item’s  casting  strength  after all  bonuses  are  totaled  should  never  exceed two  times  the  crafter’s  Lore rating—at  least not without a very good rationale and a ton of baggage," YS280.


That's not hard. The build for this char is 2 2 2 2 with Lore and Discipline as the high stats, meaning base Lore is 4. Crafting spec and +2 foci would put the base power at 7 and could technically go to 8.

Also, having items that grant you power is basically saying that the GM will take them away some of the time.  Having a character that's useless without his items it probably not that great of an idea.  Of course, plenty of characters can get a real boost from enchanted items without having to rely on them, but he most exploitive characters seem to dump  all their points into them

Actually the concept for this char was meant to be focused on alchemy/items (thus focused practitioner template rather then sorcerer despite technically qualifying to being called a sorcerer, meaning this char is really somewhere in-between the two). The main point though was for the items to make him SOMEWHAT useful in combat (the character basically saying something along the lines of I don't wanna/can't learn evocation but I don't want to be helpless if crap goes down) where having full thaum makes him much more useful out of it. Though I do have to say I did think about the idea that they could get taken away, which helps balance the idea a bit. I'm just to used to thinking in terms of Harry who has issues using evo without his foci. XD
...which is why you take the Thaumonuclear Deathzooka as an aspect silly, that way the GM has to really work to take it away, and has to pay you fate points if he does.

If one of my players actually called something the Thaumonuclear Deathzooka I'd be tempted to allow it.

Welp, I know what my last aspect is going to be. XD
Yeah, that's all legal, but bear in mind the following things:

1. You need to roll (and almost certainly with a skill other than Lore, and thus a max of Good skill) to hit with that Attack Item.That's a powerful attack, but only decent ofdds to hit.

2. The Defense, while awesome for your level, is also breakable. All you need to do to get screwed is for one guy with a few Fate Points to break it and it's down for the entire round. A coordinated enemy group will have their highest Initiative guy do that, and then everyone will shoot you during your round of vulnerability. There's nothing really comparable without magic, though a suit as an Item of Power granting Physical Immunity with a Catch like Silver or Mistletoe is only -3 or -4 Refresh, and that's even better defensively.

3. An evocation specialist at your level of focus can have 5 shift Evocations on offense and 8 shifts on Defense if he wanted, which is again, roughly comparable, though with a bit less endurance and a bit more flexibility (though he'd likely do better with more like 7 on offense and 6 on defense). He's reduced to 5 shifts on both without Items...but you're reduced to basically nothing.

1. Not any worse then evocation as you can use discipline to roll for item accuracy just like evo. I'm rolling on a 4 disc so unless I'm trying to hit something silly like a six inch tall pixie on top of a building or something it shouldn't be much of an issue.

2. Noted. I actually hadn't thought of that. Given enough rolls, one of them is going to get through...not to mention at five uses if they focus on me I'll be in trouble, but hopefully with he way the party is built that won't happen...hopefully. XD

3. This is really the point that tells me I was other thinking the over-powered part. As long as others can do something comparable I don't have as much of an issue with it.

Thanks for the ideas guys. :)

Honestly just for versatility's sake I would probably not have the items listed. 2 potion slots, 2 for an offensive, 2 for defensive, and 2 for something that throws an aspect on opponents that we can tag to capture someone and/or run away.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:24:56 AM »
Ok that works. Thanks.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:01:17 AM »
See that's what I thought based on the way the rules are worded, but that brings up an odd problem of overpowering items. For example, I rolled up a feet in the water focused practitioner with full thaum and 2 levels of refinement. Say I split it out as 2 focus item slots and 8 enchanted item slots, and put my thaum focus as crafting power +1.

I roll up a focus item using both of the focus slots for +2 crafting power bonus (see 278 in Your Story, 5th and 6th paragraphs).

This would mean that I could have both of these.

An item that throws up a power 8 block with 5 uses per session.

An item that throws and evocation style magic attack with 8 shifts of power and 5 uses per session.

This is a feet in the water focused practitioner. That seems a little odd honestly, considering he could basically take an artillery shell and then blow up whatever launched it and still be good to go to continue combat without any real trouble.

DFRPG / Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:22:37 AM »
I searched through the forums and can't seem to find a post on it since the rules have been updated, so I wanted to see if I understood this right. Judging form what I read in the item crafting section and the explanations of foci, I was wondering if I could create the following foci:

Thaumaturgy foci speced in crafting power, (+1 for a one slot +2 for a two slot etc) to increasing the base power of the items by the bonus? And if this is out it works, would it also apply to potions?

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