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Messages - SerShrike

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Issues with Aspects
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:39:28 PM »
The Character is a word travelling documentary film maker who has recently returned home to San Francisco. He has seen elements of the supernatural and is attempting to learn more. As the game opens, he has begun putting together an expose on a family deeply involved in the sex trade and Occult, that goes by the name Raith.

For the life of me I can not think of any decent Compel's for 'My Camera is My Shield' and  'Righteousness is my Spear'. I also have a hard time picturing how the player  is even going to be able to use these aspects in game. To a lesser extent I am having a similar difficulty with 'Warrior Documentarion'. The rest of them I have a decent handle on.

DFRPG / Issues with Aspects
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:58:23 PM »
I am just starting up a game of Dresden Files, and for whatever reasons one of the Characters aspects seem off to me. I was wondering if I could get people's opinion on potential issues with these Aspects. I'm fine with the High Concept and Trouble, but most of the others just seem to throw me.

Marhsall Duprie
Template: Pure Mortal
High Concept: Warrior Documentarion
Trouble: Curiosity Killed the Cat
My Camera is My Shield
My eyes are Open
Righteousness is my Spear
The Triad wants my lucky Jade Pendant
The Supernatural tells me it's tales

Pages: [1]