Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at DragonCon 2017 in Atlanta, GA
« on: August 28, 2017, 12:59:34 PM »My determination is strong lol. I would like to get the Dresden files RPG set I've got signed, Then have the two copies of storm front personalized. I may just have to wait in line all again or catch him both days he is autographing. Does he care for pictures/selfie as long as it doesn't hold up the line?
Nope, he's fine with that.
Also, I just checked Badali's FB page and they are hosting Jim at their booth Sunday, between 1:00 and 2:00. You'll need to stop by before-hand to get a (free) ticket, though; booth #2422. I've never done one of their ticketed signings before, so I don't know how long the tickets last. It never hurts to get it early, though.
One word of advice: it's almost impossible to catch Jim before or after a panel to sign things because a) Jim is usually pretty busy and doesn't have a lot of time to hang around and b) con staff and Jim's assistants discourage it to some extent because it can quickly get out of hand and they're trying to clear a room or get him to his next panel. If you want to attempt this, your best bet is after the two 10 p.m. panels he's on, but be aware that Jim is attending with his fiance, and they may want to get to a party or something and not hang around.