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Messages - bobtheskull

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I'm gonna hold off on actually implementing anything for this for the time being, I think.  That's the official word for the moment. :)

Just as long as I'm permitted to whack people in the head with a giant debate stick* when I feel they have crossed my imaginary lines, whether or not there are any, while screaming "DEBATER!  DEBATER!" and making that face Donald Sutherland makes at the end of The Bodysnatchers, I'm happy. 

*not to be confused with the LART, which is patented and primarily for use only on help-desk abusers.
I'm confused. Is this a joke?

DEBATER!  DEBATER!  *thwack*

I'm gonna hold off on actually implementing anything for this for the time being, I think.  That's the official word for the moment. :)

Just as long as I'm permitted to whack people in the head with a giant debate stick* when I feel they have crossed my imaginary lines, whether or not there are any, while screaming "DEBATER!  DEBATER!" and making that face Donald Sutherland makes at the end of The Bodysnatchers, I'm happy. 

*not to be confused with the LART, which is patented and primarily for use only on help-desk abusers.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:23:19 PM »
Yeah, that's pretty much it.  Or when he's upset or emotional.  Or when the stuff is delicate and high tech.

So was Murphy's computer not going out in "The Boone Identity" an "oops"? Harry was sitting right by it in her cubicle and his emotions were running pretty high between having just been shot at and arguing with Murphy. I was completely expecting a BSOD from it in the least.

Hmm.  I'd not really noticed the cubicle as being her desk.

Is Murphy the SI boss in the show yet or does the SI boss just not rate an office?  Or did you guys change it to a cubicle for space reasons, because shooting in an office is problematic?

Episode Archive / Re: BB005 - Doomboxes and Deadly Doorknobs
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:24:48 AM »
Well, it's not like I was looking for credit or anything.  I'm just happy I'm not the only one who didn't like the doorknob bit.

It was specifically called out by Entertainment Weekly as a "child-obvious plot point" weeks before the episode actually aired.  That doorknob's a problem all over, even for folks who like the show (like me). :)

Ah, well, I never read reviews.  I don't buy the newspaper, nor do I get such things as Entertainment Weekly.  Those things are good ways to ruin tv.

I never trust a man who says he doesn't watch tv. 

Episode Archive / Re: BB005 - Doomboxes and Deadly Doorknobs
« on: February 10, 2007, 01:00:50 AM »
Just curious though.  I'd noted the doorknob bite scene in another thread myself.  Are our minds working alike here?  I know I didn't watch the show as soon as most people did.  Someone else may have mentioned it before I did.  Or was your opinion on the scene changed by my ripping on it?

They're more working alike than anything else.  I didn't based my opinion on anything I read on the forum.

Wait, does Fred even read the forum here?

Yes, I do. :)

Well, it's not like I was looking for credit or anything.  I'm just happy I'm not the only one who didn't like the doorknob bit.

Episode Archive / Re: BB005 - Doomboxes and Deadly Doorknobs
« on: February 09, 2007, 11:50:36 PM »
Good podcast.  I got to the end of the show before I realized it.  

A once a week show might be a bit much anyway, even if you could easily dedicate 20% of your time.  You might even feel rushed in preparation.  I'd rather listen to a less frequent show over one that feels like work.

Just curious though.  I'd noted the doorknob bite scene in another thread myself.  Are our minds working alike here?  I know I didn't watch the show as soon as most people did.  Someone else may have mentioned it before I did.  Or was your opinion on the scene changed by my ripping on it?

Wait, does Fred even read the forum here?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Adding a pm button, and a question
« on: February 09, 2007, 07:31:23 PM »
Now I just need the second request, if anyone knows how to do that part.

But bobtheskull, people, barring moderators won't know you've looked if you don't post. That however is the tricky part...
Choosing not reply is much harder than responding to a gibe or something that's been posted that you don't like.

I choose not to respond to that.


Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Adding a pm button, and a question
« on: February 09, 2007, 05:22:28 AM »
Now I just need the second request, if anyone knows how to do that part.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Adding a pm button, and a question
« on: February 09, 2007, 12:06:34 AM »
if you look below post count and all that on the left side, there is a little person, a talking bubble and some other things if that person has them filled out in the profile...the talk bubble is the PM button.  Looks like this   You'll need to copy and pase the relevent text still, but it saves a few steps.

There it is.  Thank you Shiggy.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Don't we have enough Bob's already?
« on: February 09, 2007, 12:05:01 AM »
If it isn't Robert or Bob, is it Hrothbert?

We need a Hrothbert to keep the Bobs in line.  :)

There aren't too many Bobs.  There are too few Murphys (Murphies?).  There are some Michaels, but they don't seem to post much.  And what about Butters?  No Ilovebutters either?  Or Waldorocks?

I'd be happy to change my username here if we've got too many bobs.  Maybe I can be a symbol formerly known as BobTheSkull.  If we make it the circle with an arrow, that would make me the sex symbol formerly known as BobTheSkull, wouldn't it?

But I draw the line....wait, I can't draw, even a line, ..., even if I could draw, I won't be hrothbert.  I need not explain.  I'm not sure I can anymore anyway.

If I were switched to Butters though, I'd have to use the image from the Southpark Butters.  Just not the one where he's dressed as a girl.  Maybe the one with him dressed all in tinfoil though.

Site Suggestions & Support / Adding a pm button, and a question
« on: February 08, 2007, 11:58:04 PM »
In the forums, is there any way to add a button to respond by private mail instead of in the thread?

As it stands, if someone wants to move to pm's, they have to open up the target user's profile, click send pm, and then copy and paste the relevent text from the post if they want to quote it.  It's rather clunky.

Or maybe there's a send reply by pm function there already and I just missed it?

Also, the "show new replies to your posts." link on the top is great, but is there any way for me to edit the list of threads?  Until a thread actually dies it's final death, viewing the posts in there only keeps it from coming up again until the next time someone posts in it.  This is fine, except that I think many people will be very happy if I just stay out of certain threads and I'd like to oblige them.

Now give me my rum. [/1776]

Granted, but the 1776 rum went bad about 150 years ago, so you're left with a dusty crate of bottles of  ethanol.

Oh wait, this isn't the "corrupt a wish" thread, is it?
But you still forgot your wish bobtheskull, which might be because this is the wrong thread, though we could debate/discuss that. ;D

Actually, I specifically *didn't* wish a wish here, because it's not the "corrupt a wish" thread.  I think it's just the "corrupt a thread" thread. 

Great.  Now I'm tempted to make a "corrupt the thread thread" thread where every new post has to corrupt the previous post into a new topic.  Thanks a lot! /sarcasm   ;)

btw, thread thread threaditythreadthread.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Don't we have enough Bob's already?
« on: February 08, 2007, 09:32:20 PM »
Is it irony if my real name isn't Robert or Bob?

I just picked my userid to differentiate myself from BobTheGhost.  I hate that guy.  He's *way* too spirited, and I think his mother dresses him funny.

Now give me my rum. [/1776]

Granted, but the 1776 rum went bad about 150 years ago, so you're left with a dusty crate of bottles of  ethanol.

Oh wait, this isn't the "corrupt a wish" thread, is it?


Bobtheskull: You probably started out in the right, or at least relatively blameless, in a lot of the discussions around here, but you're starting to become what you have beheld.  You're letting yourself get baited, you're getting pulled into exactly the sort of discussions you say you don't enjoy and are trying to avoid, and when you do, you're starting to be a less than pleasant participant in them.  As with Lightsabre I do not mean this to say that you can't disagree with people, but the methods and modes of speech being used are starting to fall outside of the "civil, non-derogatory, non-inflammatory, constructive" envelope.  I must encourage you to think twice before you post.  I've seen you let Lightsabre get your goat several times, and it's only reflected poorly upon you.  And then I see you start taking cheap shots at the writers of the TV show -- to their face.  This tells me you're getting stressed out by the boards, and letting that stress color your posts.  Not a good idea, friend.

Fair enough.  I know I can be baited and tricked into debate.  Unfortunately, it's one thing to recognize one's weaknesses and another to overcome them.

Regarding the other topic with Mr. Wolfe, you closed the subthread.  I feel a bit damned if I do and damned if I don't here. I'm not supposed to talk about it but you can admonish me here for it.  You've just stated something about the argument I disagree with but I can't defend myself.

Is that really fair?

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