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Messages - Machaut

Pages: [1]
DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 08, 2007, 12:57:49 AM »
Another question that popped up when reviewing Birds of a Feather. In the opening scene, Laura states that she feels "strangely rested, despite the lack of sleep". Are we to assume that sex with Harry is rejuvenative?   ::)

Well, good sex is. ;)

REALLLLY good sex is, but damages property.*

*Reading YOU SUCK: A Love Story by Chris Moore right now. Sorry.
OMG.  I didn't know it was out...  how is it?  Fiends is one of my favorites (after Coyote Blue) :)

Replying in here to not derail the thread. It's very good...highly reccomend Moore to Butcher fans, especially A Dirty Job, The Stupidest Angel, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, and Coyote Blue. They're a different tone, but the snark is turned way up to 11. Putting Jim, Chris, Max Barry, Steven Brust, Bob Asprin, Robert Wolfe, and John Steakley in a free form panel for 3 hours would just be...interesting. Snarkadelic. -Mickey

Author Craft / Re: Unrealism In Books
« on: February 07, 2007, 09:48:13 PM »
He'd know better than to bring a butterknife to a buttergun fight  :)

Author Craft / Re: How likeable does a main character have to be.
« on: January 26, 2007, 04:10:41 AM »
The main character doesn't have to be at all likeable.  It's far more difficult to write in the voice of a villain, or an unsympathetic character, but it can be done, and done well.  A good example is The Still by  David Feintuch.   

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