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Messages - Joelok314

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DFRPG / Re: Specializations and the Attack Roll
« on: February 08, 2015, 10:20:23 PM »
That's what I thought, but we wanted to make sure we weren't doing it incorrectly.

DFRPG / Specializations and the Attack Roll
« on: February 08, 2015, 10:08:52 PM »
So, I'm fairly certain of the answer, but not completely certain.

If a spellcaster takes a control bonus for evocation, does that bonus apply to both the controlling of the spell AND for the attack roll necessary to dodge, or does it only apply to actually controlling the spell?

IE. Spellcaster has conviction and discipline at Great (+4) and has an offensive control bonus for the element (lets say fire) of +1. He wants to cast a spell at Superb. After gathering power (taking two stress for the spell), he rolls to control. Adding his discipline and specialization bonus, he starts at Superb to control the spell. He rolls a +1, getting a total of fantastic. Does this mean that the enemy has to beat the Fantastic (+6) roll or only Superb (+5) if the specialization only applies to controlling the spell and not toward the attack roll?

DFRPG / What language would Grevane use for his magic?
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:14:16 PM »
I'm running a 1920's campaign and I'm going with a story that Grevane (after his master was killed in World War I) is trying to build up his forces to take his master's place. Was it ever mentioned what language Grevane used for his magic? If not, what do you think it would be? German after his master's native language?

DFRPG / Re: Can enchanted items boost stats?
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:48:29 PM »
Yes, that certainly implies this. It's probably mechanics-breaking if enchanted items grants straight bonuses, but would be nice if the rules 
were more explicit.

It does give you a good rule of thumb, "Nearly any effect within the range of thaumaturgy or evocation is allowed (though evocation tends to be easier because the amount of power involved is usually comparatively small)". So, you would just follow the guidelines in spellcasting rules.

DFRPG / Re: Question...
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:36:26 PM »
I'm actually thinking that he took extra mild physical consequences. We see multiple occurances where he just keeps going after taking a beating.

There are multiple times where lines like the one in Small Favor come up: "He hammered punches into my short ribs, and he knew how to make them hurt. Unfortunately for him, I knew how to be hurt."

So, I'd say he likely took extra physical consequences. Since you can take backlash as physical consequences, he could use those extra mild consequences to either take more of a beating, which he usually did, or to use more powerful spells even with his lower discipline...

DFRPG / Re: Question...
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:05:55 PM »
It would really depend on the time between the conflicts. In the example you gave from Dead Beat, it could be argued that Harry had a chance to "Catch his Breath" between the fight with Cassius and when he got to the fight near the campus.

Also note that he really didn't throw much magic after getting to the campus. He mainly used his staff to fight off the ghosts (with a minor use of magic to infuse it) and his gun. Then, in the main event with the darkhallow, I think he only used his a shield once (don't have the book handy, so can't confirm that). The majority of his fighting was handled by "Tiny". those fights. So, it could also be argued that he was still down stress tracks.

DFRPG / Re: Changelings and Seelie/Unseelie magic?
« on: June 25, 2013, 01:30:15 PM »
I would say that they are not subject to the laws of magic as they deal with mortal magic. While a mortal may be wielding it, the magic comes from the faerie court. If they attacked a changeling for breaking the laws of magic without just cause, the white council would run the risk of angering one or more of the courts and that is something they do NOT want to do.

DFRPG / Re: Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:28:49 PM »
I find the idea good. Simplistic, but to the point. If it works should really be up to the story:
Would it fit to have the fetch be barred by it and thus dealt with?
Or should the fetch be a "larger" antagonist and require a more direct approach?
Or should it be both - the bars blocked the fetch but it knows who did it and is now mightily annoyed at the interference?

If it fits the story, I'd definitely allow it to work. But I could just as easily say "tough luck, you just turned that single mirror into several different mirrors, it can still get through".

This is a good idea. If you want to truly go with the story, remember that the huge scarecrow used a tiny side mirror on a van to get through, so really I don't think the size of the mirror matters.

But, if the story didn't need this to be a huge thorough affair, then you could rule it works...

DFRPG / Re: What are your favorite aspects?
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:24:28 PM »
Yeah, Unfortunately it is on my main NPC, so it won't be as good as if it were on a PC... but, still something I can use well.

DFRPG / Re: What are your favorite aspects?
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:41:10 PM »
Campaign hasn't started just yet, but I'll add some that I like from my player's characters, NPC's, and the city

One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer
Crabs For Change (Must... Not... Be... Juvenile...)
Reckless Pixie Prince (can't help but laugh at that one)
Old Testament Justice
All-In-One Beauty and Beast
I'm Not a Real Doctor, But I Play Like One
I May Have Mother Issues
My Father's Sense of Humor Is My Doom (The character's name is Benedict Iscariot, think about it)
What Did You Say?!
The Only Monsters Out There Are Us Humans
A Good Christian Girl, Right?
The Road To Hell is Paved With Good Intentions

Yeah, I think that was my problem of transitioning from D20 where the story is a complete mystery to just laying it out there for all to see. None of us have tried a FATE game before and I wanted to kinda ease them into it, haha.

As for the Theme, I had a similar thought when we were doing city creation. They insisted that it be a theme, so I think they were treating it more as a fact of life that no one is willing to do anything about. They said it fit in the following category from the book:

Some themes are more specific to a
group in the city. A college town with a
notorious fraternity of wealthy troublemakers
might have “If the Beta Alpha
Chis want it, they get it.”

Since they wanted this to be the theme, I decided not to push. I'm imagining that the White Court Family has so entrenched themselves that they pretty much control both the government and the crime world. Kinda makes them harder to "remove". In essence they are the John Marcone of New Orleans. He's not really someone even Dresden could remove easily... In the end, I'm just justifying what the players wanted. *shrug*

Do you think that would work for a theme or shoudl we still need to make it a threat and come up with a different theme?

I think we covered that pretty well in the discussion beforehand. We covered what the city is like and how things actually work. We treated the city sheets like summary pages where we took all those ideas and "bullet-pointed" them for ease of access.

DFRPG / Running My First Campaign and Want Opinion on My City Sheets
« on: June 17, 2013, 03:14:36 PM »
Hello All,

I'm an experienced DM when it comes to Dark Heresy, D&D, and other D20 RPGs. However, this will be my first campaign with FATE, let alone within the Dresdenverse. I just wanted to get some (hopefully constructive) opinions on the city sheet my players and I came up with.

Here is a link to the city sheets:

The sheets on the left are what I can see and the sheets on the right are what the players will see. I strayed a little from the process in the book. I had the players work together to make a city (in this case New Orleans). Then, once they were done, went back and changed a few things (some names, one or two locations, etc.). Nothing too big, but made sure that some of it would come as a surprise.

Then, I did some low grade editing. I kinda of did it like top secret files, but purposefully left some of the stuff only partially covered. So, if you look closely at the "blacked out" info, some of it can actually still be read. So, it kind of gives hints at what might come. I did the changes mainly so that they wouldn't know what is coming and where to expect it, but I kept all the elements of what they wanted the same.

Let me know what you guys think of the city, in general, and for my style of "hidden" threats and locations. Also, it would be good to note that none of the players have read the books. If you have questions about what something means, let me know as I want as informed opinions as possible.

Oh and it would probably help to see what kind of group there will be:

1) A Half-Troll Changeling who is a drunken bouncer on Bourbon Street. His player is definitely going to "troll it up".

2) A Half-Pixie Changeling from Summer. He is the child of a Pixie Noble (something of an oddity). Think Spike from Buffy and you've pretty much got his character style down. He also is a child of the 60's and 70's. If there is a drug that was popular during that time, he probably tried it. I have worked out that he might get Seelie Magic down the line if he can help acrue power for his sire in Faerie. He is human size for now.

3) A Were-Jaguar. He is a young man from a hidden aztec tribe out for his rite of manhood, in which his task is to hunt and kill a full Red Court Vampire. His player is more of a bash and smash kinda guy.

4) A Champion of God. He is fine with having nothing but the starting powers. His character is a no-nonsense old testament kind of guy who is trying to convert his companions and turn them away from their heretic lineage or powers. His character and the half-pixie will likely have the most plot interaction.

5) A Red Court Infected. His character is a Forensic Detective who is obsessed with curing humanity of mortality due to family loss. His character and the Were-Jaguar will likely have the most character interaction and the Were-Jaguar might try to trick him into becoming a full Vampire so that he can kill him and claim his prize.

DFRPG / Re: High Concept trouble
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:31:52 AM »
hmm well then how about "Occult Shop Owning Arcane Medic"?

That doesn't sound too... wordy to you? I just think that it sounds like I'm trying to cram it all in there. But hey, I'm not good at summarizing, so maybe it doesn't sound so bad...

DFRPG / Re: High Concept trouble
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:26:44 AM »
well i only skimmed your other topic but maybe something like "Magical Dealer of Arcane Goods"?

Maybe I'm trying to put too much in to the one aspect but, I would think the healer part would come in as well. I've editted the OP because I really didn't put too much about that in there.

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