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Messages - Diskhotep

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DFRPG / Re: Multiple catches
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:39:16 PM »
I think people greatly overestimate how widely known the faerie vulnerability to cold iron is these days. Sure, as gamers and mythology fans we all know these things. It can be assumed that the average practitioner in the Dresdenverse knows this or can find out with relative ease. But the typical "man on the street"? I doubt it.

If you were to go up to a random person in an office building, or on the subway, and ask them, "How do you kill a vampire?", after deciding whether you are crazy enough to warrant running or calling for help they would probably answer "a stake through the heart", or something similar. This information is common knowledge, thanks to the efforts of the White Council, Bram Stoker, and decades of vampire-related films and books. But where is this foundation of knowledge about the faerie folk?

I'd be willing to wager the same person would think of Tinkerbell when asked about faeries, and has no idea of the effects of cold iron on one. There just isn't the popular culture around the true nature of Faerie, much less how to injure or kill one. Maybe they were required to read "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" in a college literature course or something, but unless they majored in it I doubt they even remember the poem. It's just not part of our mundane world any more.

It wouldn't surprise me if Disney and similar companies weren't influenced by the Courts in order to disseminate false information, in a reversal of the Black Court Plan. Think of all the classic fairy tales that have been modified over the years to be made more tame and palatable to children. Does anyone these days remember that Cinderella's sisters had their eyes pecked out by birds after cutting off bits of their feet to make the slipper fit? Or that there was a version of Sleeping Beauty where it was not true love's kiss that awakened her, but the birth of her child (think about the implications of that for a moment, and see if you find the Prince so charming now)? While the White Council is working to combat this with the efforts of Sondheim and Bill Willingham, I'd be willing to wager the average person knows almost nothing of true faeries, let alone what to do and not do if they encounter one.

Finally, remember that the realm of Faerie is just one of many locations in the Nevernever. Just because it is likely that the monster rampaging in your general direction is vulnerable to cold iron does not guarantee it. All the more reason to do the research and confirm what you are dealing with before charging into the fray.

I'd give the Satyr a bit more oomp.

At least it should have Glamor and perhaps even some Fey-Magic. Also important: Is it summer, winter ow wild fey? Can't remember to whom the Pug belongs in "A midsummer nights dream"

Puck was a servant of King Oberon, though he was not necessarily a satyr (just commonly depicted that way). Given Oberon's connction with Titania, I'd put Puck firmly in Summer's Court.

I would highly recommend looking at West End Games' Bloodshadows line... one of the best "fantasy noir" settings I've ever seen. The game is now out of print, but there are still copies out there, and the pdf is online and pretty cheap.

Flavor text from the game:
Almost a million people in the "City of Gold," according to seers. Most of 'em working to fatten the wallets of five or six guys. They all got sucked in by the runes, the ones that promised a car in every garage and conjurer's brew in every pot. Buildings tickle the sky and there's enough booze flowing to drown an anthor.

But that's all on the outside. Selastos, truth to tell, isn't that much different from a succubus with the plague.

On any given day, you can hear the Elders and the top sentinel making speeches about cleaning up this burg. But the politicians don't really run this town, they never have. The big rich run it, the mining tycoons and the vice kings, and they run it to suit themselves. And when they die, somebody will conjure their faces up at City Hall and declare them "civic heroes."

In the meantime, the suckers scrabble in the dark for a handful of dust and pray the walls don't cave in and the queskworms don't get them. If they make it through the week, there's a bottle and a broad to help them forget what they came here for. And if there's not enough money for the good stuff and a Human whore.... there's always the Taxim Quarter.

Also, I highly recommend one of the most flavorful movies never seen today: "Cast a Deadly Spell"

I plan on using this for WEG's old World of Bloodshadows setting. Very much a "Cast A Deadly Spell" feel to it, with a lot of pulp action also.

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