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Messages - WedgeWolf

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Melee Combat, little help here...
« on: August 12, 2007, 05:58:20 PM »
Combat always gets to me too. Honestly, I think the best thing to do is just rein it in. I have the same problem where I want to over-describe everything, but in the end, while I might care exactly what type of Eskrima/Boxing/Kung Fu/Whatever, the character is using, in the end it's the cinematic play-by-play in the reader's mind that matters.

As for authors, for a good martial arts writer check Barry Eisler, particularly the final chapters of Hard Rain, you're looking for the knife/baton/pit bull fight (the book's pretty sweet too, if you're into that genre - espionage/assassin). For somebody you can check right now, read the Amazon preview of Matthew Stover's Heroes Die, which contains, hands down, the best fight scenes I've ever read in a Fantasy novel.

Link here to HEROES DIE, copy and paste:

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