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Messages - YPU

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DFRPG / Re: construct characters?
« on: October 19, 2012, 09:57:14 AM »
Building a construct character isn't too hard, just takes a bit of trapping modification.  To me, the hard part is justifying a construct character in the Dresdenverse.  Does he have a good background?  That will shape some of how the character is built...
Yea that is a problem as well. Also even if there is a good background there is still the question if he looks human enough to function in general social interactions.

I agree that if he is actually going to be a construct then the living dead power should work out well, the more damage the harder socials get.

DFRPG / Re: construct characters?
« on: October 19, 2012, 12:18:44 AM »
What I do with constructs with a free will usually is make all there powers an IOP and say they are the soul trapped(or contained) within the IOP.

Actually I just got the idea of a apprentice wizards getting tricked into switching places with a genie, which would pretty much be as you describe.

DFRPG / construct characters?
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:20:08 PM »
One of my players has been playing constructs or artificial characters in the various games I have run. In DnD he had a warforged bard, in a superhero game he was a flying droid meant to boost, track and record heroes abilities. various one shots of other systems had him playing similar characters. You'll also notice both of the examples are supporting roles as well.

Anyhow, once the theme became clear he decided it was something he wanted to stick to where possible, and as you might imagine it is no different with our upcoming Dresden files game.

His original idea was something of a golem like character however as I plan to make social interaction an important part of our game I felt it would restrict him to much. The options then shifted to a more bob like idea or perhaps even a genie like character. Now as I understand it most of these entities in the dresden files lack a free will and act according to their nature, also not showing particularly developing personalities. It's something I would be fine with ignoring for his character if he had a good idea of how he wanted to play it but he can be a stickler for established lore and so he did not particularly like that idea.

I am beginning to think I might just need to talk to him about not playing a character like that in this game, but before then I was wondering if anybody here might have an interesting suggestion?

DFRPG / Re: start it off with a bang! (your coolest campaign beginnings)
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:07:36 PM »
Sounds like you got it covered. Tale of woe from my end though, I was running a Song of Ice and Fire RPG session and one of my players took a poison that killed him almost instantly. I wasn't worried, because the game has a benny system that lets you avoid certain death if you want to spend a benny. So I'm waiting for him to describe how he survives and he's just like "Nah f it. Good time for him to die."
It was the highlight of the game, but still threw all my plans to shreds and really slowed the next few sessions down, and ground the game to a halt. Anyway, post the report on how it goes. That sounds like a really cool scene

To be honest I see one particular player of my group pulling something like that, but as things stand he wont be joining in for a while yet so perhaps I should have this scene pop up before he comes around. As to your story, actually that sounds like something that would happen in a song of ice and fire, but I can see how something like that would completely screw with your plans. Anyhow I have been discussing city creation for a long time now with my players and this weekend we will finally get around to putting it all down. I might very well write a report of it here as well as discus my plans for the future.

DFRPG / Re: start it off with a bang! (your coolest campaign beginnings)
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:03:35 AM »
You want to throw them off a building? Are you using the following rules as written? Cause that's pretty harsh.
Nah, its going to be a big reveal and shock moment but I'll make sure everybody is stocked up on fate points. I'll be allowing any reasonable explanation as to how they save themselves. Also the building is surrounded by water so should somebody for some reason fail miserably (and a smart GM keeps that in mind, right?) I can still have the actual damage taken be harsh but not lethal.

Actually assuming everybody sticks to their current character concepts I'm sure they will manage. We have a were-cat freerunner princes. We have a wizard with a focus on air, we have a changeling like character who is itching to be able to take wings and a red court infected build to be as damage resistant as he can be. (sound cheesy i know, the player made a cliché combat oriented character then told me he wanted to do backstabbing politics and double agendas, nobody expect that from this kinda guy)

EDIT: scrap that, I kind of am doing it with the rules as written. Just the part that says that falling damage from an attack is part of the attack, not bonus added on top.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: Dallas (Obsidian Portal) - 1 Year+
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:13:26 PM »
Yeah! Its encouraging to me and I imagine many others to see people pouring so much passion into their game and keep on doing it.

DFRPG / Re: start it off with a bang! (your coolest campaign beginnings)
« on: October 17, 2012, 08:37:27 PM »
I have a building I am itching to throw my players of, however this will go hand in hand with a big reveal I want to hold back on for a while. So I hope somebody here comes up with a nice bang start I can use.

DFRPG / Re: The deviant aspect.
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:02:41 PM »
I'd avoid implementing anything like this as a 'hard rule', as I'm a firm believer in player agency, but a strong suggestion, if you believe it will promote a better story, is all well and good.
Good players will work to conform to GM requests and suggestions where such is reasonable, and holding back from phrasing it as a rule allows them to ignore it when it would cause undue problems for their character.

Oh yea, I really wasn't aiming for it to be a written rule. It's not like I am going to make them draw a Deviant box on their character sheets they have to fill. But putting it in there during char Kind of as a rule might make the more rule focused players comply to it and in my experience they are the ones who tend to stick to archetypes the most.

In any case its so subjective a thing that it really can only be done by GM/group veto anyway.

DFRPG / The deviant aspect.
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:48:46 PM »
My group is slowly gearing up to start our game. (things have been slow for the usual reasons) and I have been discussing character concepts with my players for the past weeks now, tough I try to keep them from pinning everything down as city generation should bring up some new and tied in ideas.

Anyhow I have been writing up aspect lists with some of my players to illustrate how aspects work and what can be an aspect. During these I have noticed I vastly prefer character to have at least one aspect that describes something particularly outside of their archetype. For instance we did a one shot and a player made a shy and quiet college student with a knack for veils. He also gave the character an aspect declaring him an active Urban BMX rider. (is that even the right word?) Suddenly he had a reason to have a decent athletics score and during the game he used the aspect to declare he knew a shorter route, because he had biked there before.

I found that this breaking of the mould to give the character a lot more depth and options as well. So I was thinking of requiring my players to give their characters at least one such aspect. Naturally some characters will be rounded enough that more then one aspect could fit the description and that's fine, but I think we all have players who sometimes lock in a bit to much on a archetype and stick to it. Do you guys think this is a good idea or would I just be trying to force something that has to happen spontaneous? Has anybody done something like this before? did it work?

DFRPG / Re: Character Design Challenge - Dexter
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:32:21 PM »
Actually, that's what the original author did with the character in the third novel, after which I stopped reading them.  I think the character works better as a psychologically damaged human than a case of demon possession.  You can wonder what it is about the human mind that breaks in that way, leaving it to develop without empathy, and you can consider just how far the average person is from becoming like that.  Saying, essentially, "um... it's magic!" is a rather unsatisfying non-answer.  The show isn't perfect, but it's the one case I can think of in which the show is more interesting than the books.
Still, if you prefer the demon-possession or hunter emissary ideas, more similar to the character in the books, write one up!  I'm trying to start these CDC threads as a way of collecting content for DFRPG games.

I have no idea why, but I find this little factoid rather amusing.

In the end I guess it really depends what theme you want for your game. Sometimes being able to blame it all on magic really is the escape we need. On the other hand you might really start exploring dark places if the biggest monster in town is not a creature of the night but a human. For some reason that reminds me of Marcone.

DFRPG / Re: DIY Dresden Dice
« on: October 06, 2012, 03:55:42 PM »
Actually I was reading an article done by this engineer who was saying that most gaming dice are skewed by up to 75% and if you want truly random you need casino dice.
Probably true, but I don't think I would want to know the price of custom casino dice with fate/fudge markings.

DFRPG / Re: Cowboys vs Samurai (creatures and powers)
« on: September 16, 2012, 06:08:51 PM »
Transformation is probably a type of take-out narration.
I agree, assuming it makes the player loose their character, even if delayed, it should be a taken out effect. That being said, you might consider having it only work part way as an extreme consequence. However this would often require powers to work all the way and might just end up being to much like taint and mutation in the end. Actually, off topic bus has anybody forces his player to become a infected in game? Much the same idea.

DFRPG / Re: Pre-gens?
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:44:32 PM »
Alternatively if you have an idea for the one-shot I am sure the wonderful people of this forum will create some interesting characters suited to it as well.

DFRPG / Re: transform regular d6 dice into FUDGE dice HALP!!!!
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:09:45 PM »
I have done something very similar, but rather I have taken whiteboard markers to the white dots on my dice. Red for - white for 0 and green for +, works like a charm and the dice still are perfectly usable for any other game.

DFRPG / Re: Stating Slenderman
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:37:54 PM »
For those of you who are only now beginning to look into the slenderman phenomenon, be warned that some of the better written and performed ones can at times give you the creeps and worse they might actually fascinate you enough to start watching all of them.

EDIT: the slenderman has quite a large following and has more then a few people admit it is actually pretty scary at times. Seems like the perfect fit for a fetch, their native form is even not that different from it. Heck perhaps the slendermen are fetches in native form?

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