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Messages - Vikermac

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CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 30, 2012, 07:01:27 PM »
I did not know that.  Though now that I know it was blessed by Jim, I have to admit Molly is much better looking than she previously was in my head.  But now that she is what she is, better odds for her and Harry?

CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:04:01 PM »
That's not actually from Jim is it?  I thought it was fan art...

CD Book Club / Re: Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:33:55 PM »
Wow, I concur, this has probably been my favorite book in the series!  So much happened and it just reset so much of what we knew, it was like starting a new volume in the Dresdenverse.

I have lots of questions and I'll add some more commentary later, but here is my question from p. 506:

"It was Halloween Dresden.  You put on a mask for a time.  That's all." He looked directly at me and said, "Many, many mantles are worn-or discarded-on Halloween night, wizard."
"You mean masks?" I asked, frowning.
"Masks, mantles," Kringle said. "What's the difference?"
He winked at me.
And for the briefest fraction of a second, the shadows falling from the tower and the cottage in the gathering morning behind us seemed to flow together.  The eye he winked with vanished behind a stripe of shadow and what looked like a wide scar.  His face seemed leaner, and for that instant I saw Vadderung's wolfish features lurking inside Kringle's.

This got me thinking about a few very important things.  One, can the mantle of the Winter Knight be removed without it killing Harry?  If so, could the same be said about the mantle of the Winter Lady?  It seems like Harry can't be the Winter Knight until the BAT can he?  Doesn't he have to eventually move on?

And if he doesn't how long until the mantle drives him too far?  It seemed like there were times in CD where he was barely holding it together, and he's only had it for a few hours!  What will Molls be like?

Third, what's with the tie-in to Vadderung?  Brothers?  Similar creatures?  Surely not one and the same person, but possible?

And I don't mind at all, but this book seemed to make way more use of the f-word than the others did.  I mean, you might hear it every once and a while before, but I lost track of how many times it came up in this book.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in Beavercreek, OH, 7/29
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:48:25 AM »
It was a great signing.  I got it all on audio, and I'll try and get that uploaded in the next few days.  Anyone know a good place to upload it?

The Fallen are demons.  Remember, demon is just a generic term for supernatural and evil entity.  Thus the Fallen, the Outsiders, and others are types of demons.  While Fool Moon doesn't explicitly call Chauncy a Fallen, it was only the second book and the Fallen weren't introduced until Death Masks.

Eh...I was under the impression that the Fallen, like the Outsiders, where something different.  Demonic, maybe, but they weren't vanilla demons like Chauncy.  The Fallen were angels, I'm not sure all demons were once angels.  Some things are just evil from the start.

i didn't read this entire topic so maybe i missed this.. but has anyone expressed thoughts on how harry being in the winter court will effect his Za Lord Guards power. seems like getting Winter sponsorship is gonna swell their magical muscles alittle.. anyone else expect these initially completely irrelevant and puny faeries to end up as moderately heavy hitters in dresden's arsenal?

We already saw that in Changes when the Guard showed up wearing Winter's colors, when Harry joined Mab, he took the Wee Folk with him.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in Beavercreek, OH, 7/29
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:17:14 AM »
Is there any way we can identify ourselves or do we just have that crazed look in our eyes that says, "yes, you've ready my witty quips, and I know way more about the DV than you."

Well, I find it unlikely. "Boy, sorry I did not have time to avenge your murder, I was busy for 6 months after you were killed. Lots of paperwork, you understand."

 ;D  I laughed out loud.

Anyone else have characters in mind that you were pretty well convinced you'd see in action in Ghost Story - but didn't?

Malcolm Dresden
Ebenezer McCoy
Sgt Rawlins

Mac.  I think this is the first story without Mac, and I honestly missed his wise council and good beer.  Admittedly, Harry can't eat/drink but I wonder if Mac would have reacted/sensed/known about Harry's presence, which would have given us some clue about who/what Mac is.

I meant tied more in the sense that there is probably a lot going on with the WC we don't know about, and I'm sure McCoy is in the thick of it.  He might want to find Harry's killer, but he might also be too preoccupied.

It was odd that we did not see or hear of Ebenezer McCoy. Considering that he dropped a satellite on the last people to mess with Dresden, I would have expected him to be on a major vendetta against whoever might be responsible for murdering Dresden. Given that Kincaid pulled the trigger (even at Harry's request), I wonder why McCoy wasn't after Kincaid. Only explanation I can come up with is that McCoy quietly investigated, found out everything somehow (including that Dresden's body was being kept alive), and decided his involvement was not required.

I think McCoy has to have his hands tied by the Council and maybe trying to prevent Molly from being hunted as much.  I mean, I'm sure he was royally pissed at whoever killed Harry, but he also knew how upset Harry was over the choices he was forced to make.  Maybe he knew that Harry was going to find a way out of Mab's grips, and while he didn't agree with them, he accepted them.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:38:53 PM »
I'll get back to you after I hear JB at his signing on Friday.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:31:56 PM »
I like James Marsters for Bob.

Rawlins definitely not, unless it was a brief cameo of him responding to something.  If any of the WC were going to show up, sure, Eb would be logical but without them in the story, it makes sense we still wouldn't see him.  But you are right about Malcolm and even Margaret LaFey.  I mean, what with all the ghosts and afterlife talk of this one, I thought for sure we'd at least hear something from the parents.  Especially since Harry got to talk to his Dad back in DB.

How about little Maggie growing up with the Carpenters?  Seems ideal when Harry was presumed dead, but with/if Harry comes back to his Chicago life, still teaching/working with Molly, then he will invariably/inevitably interact with the Carpenters again.  I think Maggie will continue to play an important role in the DV.  Also, how are the White Council going to take the news?  If Harry was treated with mistrust and suspicion before now, how will they react to him coming back from the dead six months later?  Will his being a Winter Knight help him as far as the Council is concerned?  And will it stop him from taking up the mantel that Eb talking about in Changes?

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