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Messages - ScipioA

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Ghosts of the Past, Part Two
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:22:20 AM »
Death Walks Among You could actually apply to pretty much all of our characters, besides any NPCs of surprising dangerousness.  We're a pretty violent bunch.  Lefleur killed someone becoming a vampire (and is now a sort of crime boss); John was a soldier and has probably been involved in putting down some warlocks, Temperance is a killer.  It could have been warning the NPCs about us.

It seems Lenny is the only one in the party who isn't a killer  ::)

Lenny wasn't going to use his experimental potions on a nun: He's a good Catholic, after all!  ;)

He got lucky being the least dangerous guy on the roof at the time; Tim spent all of his time fighting Temp, and the vamps on the ground focused on John and LeFleur.  So Lenny was never really attacked.  :)

The interrogation with Rothchild was pretty great-He wasn't afraid of death, and he was more afraid of Maya than he was of us because of what she would do to him if he talked.  At this point, LeFleur asks him what Maya will think WHEN WE LET HIM GO.  LF then scored on his intimidate, and Rothchild freaks out.  John eventually promised him protection or something, and then he agreed to spill the beans.

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Blood in the Streets, Part Two!
« on: June 01, 2010, 08:06:26 AM »
Good Guess.  Your chances were only 1 in 4 ;).

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Blood in the Streets, Part Two!
« on: June 01, 2010, 07:24:20 AM »
He's right about the party fragmenting.  I wonder if it would have gone different if we had all created our characters at the same time. Not that we could have helped it. And it probably wouldn't have changed much anyway- our group enjoys intra-party conflict too much.  Well, certain players do :)

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