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Messages - darkstarj13

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Midnight court?  I'd like to hear more...  ;)

the midnight court was a good case of our gm playing off our aspects to further his story, my character had a connection with the little folk and often called on two nicknamed google and beltaine, they were pranksters and a little perverted is some cases, at one point in the game the leader of the local little folk called scoot scoot (who we thought was one herself) called in a favor owed to...i think it was google, we had further dealings with her throughout the campain and later found out she was a lesser queen (less powerful than even the ladies of summer or winter) i cant remember what her real name was anymore. most of her followers were... think bob mixed with toot toot, and add prankster to the mix and youve got the followers of the midnight court, but they played a good sized role in several of our campains.

last game i played ended in a major fight in the nevernever.

the sesion rounded out to our characters, a caboomomancer warden, a weresnow leopard warden, a formerly vanilla mortal turn partial wendigo(from supernatural, that was later dubbed the winnebago spirit after a slip of the toung), a monster hunter with the blessed gun of teh Rosevelt... (not mispelled ... and another story), and an npc murphy xp cop, raiding the wearhouse hideout of a paramilitary conspiricy group that believed the grey cloaks...(wardens) worked with aliens that were trying to take over the earth.

we busted in at the same time a group of red court vampires did and turned things alittle crazy, after several round we started to get a measure of control just as a skinwalker in zenomorph...(aliens) fashion and cut through most of the remaining opposition, we managed to draw the skinwalker into the nevernever before the cops could raid the building and took the fight there, minus the npc cop, we called on a fae queen of the midnight court that we had dealings with before and that my character... the caboomomancer had to offer to become her knight to get to join the fight, we ended up with an almost total party kill sans my character but it was a really good fight all around.

DFRPG / Re: Hexing and EMP Hardening
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:19:20 PM »
I noticed that the only things that are actively hexed are electronic based. You never see harry hexus the guns of the people shooting at him. It seems that the willful hexing of something only effects electronics and an ambiant " murphy's law" effect hits the mechanical systems when a lot of magic is flying.

So looking at it like that, it could be plausible that emp hardening could help stop a direct hex.

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