DFRPG / Re: Ambush, Backstab, One Shot, One Kill Scenarios
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:32:39 PM »Another situation ripped from the last session:
The characters are in an infiltration/Stealth sort of mission, under a nice veil and sneaking up on the bad guys. They've got inhuman strength and magic weapons. The bad guys are tough supernatural types, but nothing uber special. Stealth rolls are successfully made, baddy alertness rolls are failed....
It was still practically impossible to take them out in one shot. Between stress tracks and all the consequences available, it just wasn't likely, even with a couple maneuvers to put "Blind to the danger" and "Easy target" on them.
In the end, because it felt right and I didn't like the idea of wasting such a sweet assassination scene, I let the characters take them down with one solid hit, No alarm raised, etc. etc.
I suppose you could just call it a concession, but what enemy in his right mind would concede to being assassinated, and why would the characters want anything less? Trust me, in this particular scenario they wouldn't.
How would others have handled it?
That's exactly how I would have handled it. I mean, the whole point of that scene was to show how bad-ass the PCs are, right? So with that nice stealth roll, I'd call that a manoeuvre, and invoke for effect. What's the effect? BAD ASS PLAYERS, of course!
As others have said, unless they are plot-important, don't assign consequences. If you really want to "do it by the numbers," then that's 3 stress (2 for the base stress boxes +1 to take out) plus any for Toughness and Endurance skill.
However, what you did was completely by the book, too. Invoke for effect! If it'd draw things out unnecessarily, don't do it! Just use the beautiful, beautiful aspects!