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Messages - Hadeshorn

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DFRPG / Re: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938 2.0
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:34:21 PM »
I told my players that I'm willing to accept someone provided they are either a timeless character (ex. Sherlock Holmes) or they can justify how that person could/would exist in 1938. I also decided that I'm going to try and avoid doubling up on character niches, meaning that if someone picks someone like Holmes I won't allow another detective like character.

DFRPG / Re: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938 2.0
« on: July 11, 2014, 04:35:51 PM »
I guess mostly sharing...

Though if anyone has any thoughts/ideas/suggestions/etc I certainly won't mind.

DFRPG / League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938 2.0
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:14:20 AM »
So a good while back I posted my original idea to do an LXG style game. Due to various factors, it never happened... until now.

This time I've got a slightly smaller group and a more focused idea. The first part of the campaign will be sending the newly formed team into the jungles of the Yucatan in search of a missing archaeologist, Dora Croft. Yes, that Dora and yes that Croft. The idea came to me randomly that Dora the Explorer is the long lost sister of Lara Croft and the reason you never see her parents is because she got separated from them as a little kid.

My team thus far:
Either Long John Silver or Porthos.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 25, 2013, 04:22:46 AM »
Yeah, there's so many unexplored possibilities with this campaign. Hopefully some of the guys will want to change characters a bit or something after the first chapter.  Hindsight being what it is, I wish I'd modified my possible character list a bit more.  Having someone play Captain America or Black Panther (T'chaka) or even a WW2 era Batman would be really cool.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 24, 2013, 10:10:38 PM »
The Ark of the Covenant isn't a terrible idea either. Though, I may save "book 2" for a middle eastern biblical lean.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 24, 2013, 05:13:56 PM »
That's a good thought Animar.  I'm leaning towards doing a rough recreation of The Mummy with Brendan Fraser.  It'd be very easy for The Villains to have agents trying to find/steal the Book of the Dead or even the Lock of Anubis from the DF:TV Series. And unleashing some Mummy nonsense could be fun as well.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 18, 2013, 03:45:17 AM »
After thinking about it, and having some revelations due to rereading Ghost Story, I've decided that the Big Bad will be none other than Kemmler himself.  He's exactly the sort of Magnificent Evil Bastard to try and pull this level of scheme off.  Plus its hinted that he may or may not have been responsible for both World Wars.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 16, 2013, 04:41:05 PM »
I will keep that in mind!

The team is assembled and I'm going to send them off to Egypt to try and stop agents of the Enemy from stealing the Book of the Dead. I can borrow heavily from "The Mummy" and introduce some classic pulp to get my newbies' feet wet in the genre.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:31:39 PM »
I'm thinking for the initial phase of the campaign, I'm going to send them off to Africa in search of some sort of mystic artifact. This way I can introduce my unfamiliar players with a bit of classic pulp elements.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:40:44 PM »
I did a bit of research and put together a "master list" of choices for them to pick from.  I read the idea of Coffey from another forum and liked the idea.  We're essentially playing him as a good version of Solomon Grundy. 

Here's the actual list I put together:

For some of these, I've listed authors meaning you can play the author or any of their characters.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Character List:

Teddy Roosevelt
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Edgar Allen Poe
Jack London
Harry Houdini
Alexander Dumas
Benjamin Franklin
Peter Pan
The Shadow
Agatha Christie
Rudyard Kipling
Edgar Rice Burroughs
John Coffey
The Phantom
Dick Tracy
The Lone Ranger/Tonto
Green Hornet
Mary Shelley
Bram Stoker
Christopher Robin
Doctor Dolittle
L. Frank Baum
John Carter
The Phantom of the Opera

As far as the pulp feel goes, yeah, I was originally going to use SotC for this game but when I decided on using Crowley and company as Villains as well as allowing the Shadow, I figured some of the powers and such from DFRPG would work a little better.

I should also throw in that the "M" for the team is Tesla.  I was originally going to allow him as a PC option but decided I liked him as M a little better.  There were some other options that I would have allowed had someone asked, Indiana Jones being one of them, along with Captain America or even Batman.

The guys playing Arthur and Coffey respectively aren't overly familiar with the pulp genre so I think that's why they decided on those.  Arthur was originally going to play HG Wells but changed his mind.  I'm genuinely surprised no one picked Dick Tracy or the Phantom, other than they might have felt redundant with Holmes and the Shadow already there.

DFRPG / Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:59:24 PM »
So I finally came through on a promise/threat to run a Dresden Files based LXG Game for one of my groups, based in 1938. 

Currently the "roster" is as follows:

Sherlock Holmes
The Shadow (Lamont Cranston)
John Coffey (The Green Mile)
King Arthur (Reverse of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court")
Teddy Roosevelt (American version of Alan Quartermaine)

The base plot is that Allistair Crowley and his cronies (So far I'm thinking Dracula and Rasputin) are manipulating Hitler in order to cover up their fiendish plot to combine Frankenstien's necromancy and various other things to create an army of super undead monsters. 

I'd love any questions, comments and/or feedback as I continue to post about this in hopes of creating an overall better experience for my players.

DFRPG / Re: Help with Themes, Threats and Conflicts for New York?
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:35:38 AM »
I would think that Central Park would be HUGE for a NYC game.  That strikes me as a massive battleground for Summer and Winter to duke it out, or a haven for some Weres. 

Another interesting thought is you could homage to "Gangs of New York" and have different supernatural groups vying for control of the Five Points.

DFRPG / Re: Black Court Newb
« on: September 23, 2011, 04:19:57 PM »
While it is true that the RC are essentially gone, GS hints that there might still be a few hiding out because they were simply too unimportant to matter in terms of the spell.

Theory: You have a Changeling that has yet to make the choice to turn full Fae or remain mortal, thus counting as both and neither at the same time.  Said Changeling then gets "turned" by a member of the RC pre-Changes.  Having not yet drank blood or made "the Choice" this being now counts as mortal, Sidhe and RC Vamp.  Since there are a plethora of very old and very powerful laws and what-not that govern various supernatural entities, could said being have avoided the events of Changes due to some sort of protection via the Sidhe?  Also, say it makes the choice to go full Sidhe, would it retain any of it's vampiric powers? 

DFRPG / Black Court Newb
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:50:43 PM »
So, there's all kinds of stuff for making Red Court Infected or White Court Virgins but what about a newly made Black Court vamp?  I know they are generally considered evil but couldn't one theoretically turn from the dark side?

Also, what are the collective's thoughts on say a Red Court Infected Changeling or a White Court Changeling (meaning the offspring of a White Court Vamp and one of the Sidhe).  I was considering the idea of a House Malvora breeding with a Hob.  That way they would have the Cloak of Shadows and Myrk powers to assist in creating all kinds of delicious fear to feed off of.

DFRPG / Re: Help with character ideas...
« on: September 15, 2011, 06:06:27 AM »
Yeah, I think the Shaman is probably going to be an easier route as well.

I also agree that sponsored magic might be a really good way to go either that or a scion of power.  Both of those would rely on having some sort of "higher power" at work.  If you want to go the Sponsored route, I recommend checking out the show Supernatural, they have some very interesting Death-related critters that would fit the bill, reapers (the ones who escort souls from body to afterlife) and even the Pale Horseman himself.  For the Scion stuff, you could be the bizarre love child of a White Court vamp and a necromancer, that would certainly give you some troubles and aspects to play with.

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