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Messages - Kowandz

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DFRPG / Re: Looking for ideas
« on: December 11, 2012, 06:50:39 AM »
Thank you.  I like the full moon as the timeline for them to succeed.  Good call on the Dr. Who episode, forgot that one.  I think a fairly ornate circle in a place of power, probably on a ley line, the ritual performed at midnight on the full moon.  Inscribed in the circle is a pentacle of moonlight with the light refracted between 5 diamonds.  This leads to a pile of evidence that the PCs can hopefully track down. I'm pretty sure I know where to go with this now, thanks.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for ideas
« on: December 10, 2012, 05:24:04 PM »
I think I really like the idea that he wants to steal the were power for himself.  Fits in with some other ideas that I have.  How would a ritual work for stealing were powers for oneself.  Ritual will need a decent circle, but nothing too major.  The guy is more of a ritualist then a full wizard.  Stealing power, so everything for the ritual needs to be stolen.  Also gives more hints for PCs to potential find the perp.  He would need the child, vessel of the power he wants.  He would probably need an actual wolverine.  What else would a ritual like this need?

DFRPG / Re: Looking for ideas
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:16:05 AM »
Right now I'm tending toward black magic, but still need a goal for the bad guy

DFRPG / Looking for ideas
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:16:00 AM »

If you want to learn about the world and the details, they are in the wiki.  I have to finish putting in the details but we finished the first story a week ago.  The first story was mostly about Gene and Phillipe, not so much about Joscelin and Celeste.  I have a crazy story line about a fairy cat that tricks, marries, impregnates, and then kills noble french girls and is loosely based on Puss in Boots (almost every fairy tale you know comes from France, should make later stories fun).  That story line is meant for Celeste, she is the social beast in the group, so fairies will be fun for her character.  The potential victim is Celeste's cousin.  The other story line I want to be more for Joscelin's character, His dad has three wives and a ton of kids, and I can see where a sorcerer might have ideas for the use of a were-wolverine's child. What kind of ritual might some sorcerer try to use a were creatures child for.  I'm sure the sorcerer believes that were is a condition, not a magic trick of sorts, and is going off that in designing a ritual.  Or he might have gotten a ritual from something else.  I want to understand the crime before I start to make the criminals.

Any ideas on why a sorcerer would kidnap a were-wolverine's child?

DFRPG / Re: Have fun with this high concept for me please
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:15:34 PM »
Good catch, thanks.  Not quite fully awake yet.  Redo on the powers

Supernatural Powers:
Glamours [-2]
Claws [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4] catch is: Cold Iron and trappings of Summer [+3]

DFRPG / Re: Have fun with this high concept for me please
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:59:28 PM »
Thanks for all the ideas, I got some good stuff to work with.  Lets try first build.

The killer doesn't know he's doing it, or that he's a changeling.  He lives a life that is so normal that his mystic side takes over at times.  The killer doesn't notice that sometimes he's missing a couple of hours and the fae side acts out its troll/ogre/gruff/goblin/whatever impulses when its in charge.  Do the PCs kill an innocent man just to stop the killer?

Name: Joe

High Concept: Half-Goblin Who Doesn't Know It
Trouble: Killer Inside

OA:(Human Side)
Bank Teller
One of the Nicest Guys You Could Ever Meet

(Fairy Side)
Time To Play
Can't Let Joe Catch Me
How Come He's Not Changing Into Me?

Joe was adopted at a very young age, he doesn't know anything about his parents or the supernatural world at all.  He was a little mischievous as a kid, but his adopted parents were quite strict with him and he pushed that side of him down.
As an adult, his fairy side finally wants a chance to come out and play.  When Joe is sleeping, bored, or otherwise has his guard down the Goblin inside can rise to the top to play for a while.  When ever the Goblin is in control it uses it's fairy powers as much as possible hoping to choose for Joe, but only Joe can choose.  Because Joe has never made the choice to use the powers, his mortal side shows no signs of being fairy.

The Goblin doesn't want to get caught, it is having way too much fun.  The only real pattern to it's victims is that they are all crimes of opportunity.  Girl walking down the street at night, guy sneaking around stalking someone, etc...  The problem is that the couple of people who have gotten away have offered completely different descriptions of their attacker.  The authorities refuse to call this a serial killer because of the lack of anything connecting the different cases, but people on the streets of Boston are getting scared.

Supernatural Powers:
Glamours [-2]
Claws [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-2]
Supernatural Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-2] catch is: Cold Iron and trappings of Summer

DFRPG / Have fun with this high concept for me please
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:08:38 PM »
I have a campaign going on in set in Boston.  We really just started and are getting through my first story now.  I've been trying to figure out where to go with the second story, and I want to set two of the PC's slightly at odds.  One is a WCV vigilante who likes to kill bad people when he can get away with it.  One of the others is a Holy Warrior doing God's bidding.  I figure a supernatural serial killer is a great device to get the plot rolling between them (I told them I would set them at odds when they made their characters, and they were cool with it)

I want the fairies to play a fairly important part in the campaign, so I want to go with a crazy Changeling for my serial killer.  I'm brain-farting on ideas that don't seem cliche to me, and I need to get writing the islands for my story.  We will finish the first story next week and then I need to be ready to run the serial killer story.   I figured the concept would be something that someone could have some fun with so.....Fire away please, I'd love to see what people come up with.  Shoot for about 10-12 refresh with the character, once I have a crazy I can fit him into my city.  Thanks

DFRPG / Re: Sample Stunts
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:54:42 PM »
Trying to come up with a couple for a McGyver type character, how are these?

Ball Point Pen, Stick of Chewing Gum, and a Paperclip: You can use the Craftsmanship skill in place of the Investigation skill when searching for resources to improvise a tool that you need.

I Can Build Anything I Need: When Improvising a tool in a rushed situation, gain +1 on the roll to create the tool, and finish the construction 1 time increment faster.

would love to hear other ideas for McGyver type stunts too, thanks

DFRPG / Re: oracle of Apollo
« on: June 13, 2010, 03:10:37 PM »
The way I see the character so far is that the visions are being thrust upon her by Apollo.  The compelled visions from Apollo would be clear, Apollo doesn't want his oracle to be confused about his will.  I also think that the oracle should be able to invoke visions, with suitable things to help the vision come (meditation, drugs, gift for Apollo), and requested visions would be cryptic.

I like the sponsored magic way of handling the visions, and I really don't see this as a "spider-sense" in battle.  Any time the character is having a vision I think they would totally trance out, wherever they are and whatever they are doing.

I'm going to leave if being the oracle is choice or curse up to the player, sounds more like character flair then important to the actual power of the PC.

DFRPG / oracle of Apollo
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:50:10 AM »
One of my PCs wants to be a modern oracle of Apollo.  I need to figure out what abilities they would have, and which aspects of Apollo are the most fitting in a modern setting.  What would the god of sun, music, and healing(plague) want in modern times?  Cassandra's tears are not suitable for an oracle either, they don't quite go far enough.  As part of the high concept I figure I can compel the aspect to trance out the PC in some situations.  The character can come back in the next scene with a bit of new information to help out.  I figure that I should make some of the info cryptic to counter the fact that it's prophecy and that free will means that prophesy is merely likely and not set in stone.  Any ideas on a template level would be very welcome.

DFRPG / Re: Hotlanta, GA
« on: May 30, 2010, 02:42:57 AM »
I really like the idea that in all of these cities there may be a force that someone desires to keep trapped in the city.  Maybe some kind of ritual used by people in the past to try to ensure that that the city becomes successful.  That would especially make sense in DC, where the masons had a lot to do with the layout and creation of the original city structure.  What if DC was the first time the masons trapped this force to aid in city growth, and the masons kept the ritual for later use.

I think I am finally getting an idea where I want to go w/ the 285 thing now.   Awesome, thanks!

Now the next question is what force would you attempt to trap in order to aid in city growth?  It would have to be some sort of creature from the never-never I imagine.  Probably not the same type of creature for each city either.  I'll marinate on this for a while, thank you!

DFRPG / Re: Problems with PDF
« on: May 30, 2010, 02:23:56 AM »
If I have too much trouble when I need it, I'll make sure I reboot.  If I keep having problems, I'll just post back here.  Thank you.

DFRPG / Re: Problems with PDF
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:01:42 AM »
I'm on a Mac also and just noticed the same problem today.  Is there any way to fix this?

DFRPG / Re: Hotlanta, GA
« on: May 28, 2010, 06:41:35 PM »
  I really like your ideas for the fae courts and the order lebes of goth chicks in little 5.  I went to GA Tech, I think I met those kids. 

   Los Lobos beats my Alpha's idea by a lot!  I also have an idea for a necromancer's street gang in College Park.  Talk about a gang war!

   I think I like the idea for the white court vampires too!  Please tell me more of House Cadiz!

I want to put my rising confluence right at 5 Points station, high stakes for the mortal populace.  Maybe Centennial Olympic Park?

I am sure the CDC knows of vampires.  The idea is a CDC taskforce that is responsible for clearing unusual  sites from any possible vampire menace before the rest of the CDC begins testing for mortal diseases.  The team is also dedicated to finding potential cures for the disease, and eradicating any pockets of infection before they can spread.  This team runs by their own agenda, and may not take too kindly to the PC's in every situation.

DFRPG / Re: Hotlanta, GA
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:29:42 PM »
  I'm still just trying to populate the city a little, get a feel for the different factions there and what they would be doing.  I am waiting for the group that will be playing to finish a DnD campaign and to go through the PDF's to figure out what they want to do.

   I liked putting a group like the Alphas in Sandy Springs because it is a little quiet.  I figured that it was the kind of place that a group of college students would want to keep safe.  Alpharetta, Decatur, Marietta, or Stone Mountain might work as well (Alphas from Alpharetta has a little ring now that I think about it).

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