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Messages - Kraken

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Wardens and the Deathcurse
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:33:16 AM »
Something that just came to mind, for reasons that may some day be made public...

How do Wardens protect themselves from Deathcurses? I mean, I understand that by and large a lot of warlocks aren't properly trained full blown wizards, and aren't really as knowing about the laws of magic in a general manner (IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE) so might not know how to pull off a proper deathcurse.

However the time comes when a full blown wizard gets himself in too far, and does something stupid, breaks a law or several in the process, and they decide to put him down. Given that the game lets the PC own their death scene (and they should at that)

Short of a sniper rifle or employing a third party that is expendable somehow, how do they avoid it?

DFRPG / Re: Your Craziest Concepts
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:56:37 AM »
One that came up while someone was making a ghost-speaking were-jaguar...

A Were-Cougar Cougar.
T: In Heat
Aspects such as: Me-yow, On the Prowl, there were a few more that we joked about.

DFRPG / Re: Rules question
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:38:46 AM »
Makes sense. It's the difference between being chopped by a sword and stumbling into the good cut "Helping".

Course with casting, it won't improve the weapon part of the roll for the damage, but you'll still accidentally jump at the fireball instead of sideways.

Got it. Thanks much!

DFRPG / Re: Max number of people in a zone?
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:34:28 AM »
Also, beyond that, your normal person needs about 10 square feet to fight in, if they're fist fighting and normal sized. About a yard on a side, and that's really pushing it if you're close and ON someone. Swinging a sword without hitting your friends, tougher.

DFRPG / Re: Max number of people in a zone?
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:23:54 AM »
Heh, of course, all of them busting into a place is a logistic nightmare. There's only so much space for them to run in through doors.

I echo the sentiment that it depends on the zone. For most zones, since it's generally speaking enough space for a couple of people to swing a dead feline in.

For the school gym, home bleachers, away bleachers, and then 2 zones for the court sides maybe. That would still seem large. maybe 3 zones, with the ends, and then center court...

Lit "As a rule of thumb, characters in
the same zone can touch each other, characters
one zone away can throw things at each other,
and characters two zones away can shoot at
each other"

DFRPG / Rules question
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:14:45 AM »
I've got a question I could swear I put up, but guess I'm wrong.

In opposed rolls, for instance, if I'm smacking someone in the face with something and they're already bad at getting out of the way, and I roll a total of +3 and they roll truly abysmally, and can't get out of it with fate points, so they end up with like a -2, because they were unskilled AND rolled a -2...

are the shifts generated 5 or 3?

I've heard argument that for 5, you can duck INTO the swing, for 3, there's only so much you can screw it up so a defense roll isn't lower than 0.

I lean towards the first, but wanted to know if there's just a place I'm not grokking the rule.

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