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Messages - Tzarii

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DFRPG / Crazy Tech
« on: July 20, 2010, 06:31:05 PM »
After seeing the EMP Hardening thread I figured I would bring up mad scientist levels of possible tech that could theoretically work, then again I doubt anyone would use it. I will post more on this later, as I am at work now. I will just put basic stuff that has exsisted before WWII or at the time of for now and eleborate on stuff that could also be wizard proof theoretically. The first item is probably the most popular, the Rail Gun.  Feel free to add other crazy tech. That being said if there are some errors in my rail gun please correct me I want to be as accurate as possible.

Rail Gun: Born on April Fools day in 1919 (that was the day it was submited to the US patent office) the Rail gun is quickly becoming the favorite weapon of steam/diesel punk fans and would be a nightmare if an enterprising young wizard/ practicioner got hold of it  and doom if a Fae queen got a hold of it..

How it works:
The essential design of a rail gun has not changed since the inception however powering the machine has always been a problem.  The Solution?  Magic.  Rather force rings or force devices like Harry's ring and something to transfer that to the electrical power to charge the rail gun (although causing lightning to constantly hit something that absorbs energy would probably work just as well.) Daily walks and activity charges even on a mass scale isn't exactly the way to go here.  Rather you need to charge them supersonically or something else  to cause insane amounts of charge.  This can be done by instead making these objects into nuts and bolts to moving parts on a car or into tips for a whip or tips of a helicopter both of which break the sound barrier.  (And a helicopter quite frequently.)  How you would do this would be probably up to the story teller to see if it's feasible (Or if the story teller is using it as a Macguffin.) These objects should be designed to fit together like a puzzle and function as a force battery to actully charge up the rails creating the magnetic field (Here is a nifty diagram from Wikipedia Depending on the weight of the object (which will likely be smaller than a mail box but realitively dense) the projectile can go from mach 3 to theoretically around mach 10. 

Problems:    A rail gun shoots things at insane speeds which cause the gun itself to easily wear out.  Then again there is the whole thing about the power of the gun causing plasma to fire around the projectile.  Essentially that projectile is going fast, and you do not want to be near that gun when it goes off.  Also when it goes off, everything is going to come down on that location from the local cops, to some 3 & 4 letter agencies (who would also probably like to see your designs) and probably every supernatural organization.  This gets even more complicated with the size of the rail gun, which is quite big.  So unless your dealing with something horrifyingly powerful it is not going to be worth making one.  Almost forgot to mention the problems presented with an object traveling near other objects at speeds of Mach 3.5+, which are of course the matter of sonic booms and waves destroying all sorts of things.  Collateral damage would be insane, and with the speed it's traveling its going to take a long time before it hits the ground even if it hits a target (Once it gets over Mach 7 I could safely say that it would probably go through anything including a tank and killing everything inside from the speed.) 

Next up when I get on next break The Hwatcha (Unless of course someone wants to go ahead and do it.)

DFRPG / Re: Hexing and EMP Hardening
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:53:32 PM »
Having friends who work for Glock and actually seeing them work helps with the knowledge.  By the way, my friend who works there read the books too and suprisingly enough, is a fan of Kincaid. That being said Glocks are not cheap. I can tell you one military gun that would fail the second a wizard looked at it though, M-16 A1-4 or an M4.  Just trust me on this. 

As for no black powder yet, well Black Powder Rifle hunting is a popular sport in the Midwest and the Rifles do have slugs that are 50 cal.  Actually they are the easiest guns to purchase legally due some being also considered collectors items.

Oh and another note on EMP's hexing an actual item can cause one to occur!  An  example would be like a microwave or a vacum as both produce minor emps already.  If a wizard strayed near a transformer and needed to kill all electronics within a certain radius he could cause one there as well, though most people forget EMP = Permanent Death of electronics. Also EMPs while most people don't think they cause any pain or do anything within a short enough radius and a well aimed shot can actually cause serious pain and even lead to cancer down the road if it is high powered enough.  But if your using such an EMP I am sure that is the last thing on your mind. If you wanted to just get redonkulous with EMP fun you could somehow manage to get a  Which would be also probably the best way to take down some eldritch horror.

DFRPG / Re: Hexing and EMP Hardening
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:10:05 PM »
Aloha, and hello.  Back from my sabatical. As a person who knows a metric ton about EMPs and EMP (due to personal interest and study) as well as some working knowledge of fire arms I would like to add some points to go along with Bruce's. I promise I will not be too wordy.

1.  Reasons a Glock would work under magical stress or why Kincaid uses it.  Glocks are mechanically designed to not fail under circumstances that would prove otherwise and are probably the closest thing to artisan guns these days (Yes desert eagles are prettier but there is a good reason why a glock won't jam, and if maintained properly can be fired after situations that are normally reserved for showing off the reliability of an AK-47, it's how they are designed.)  Another issue is the people who work for Glock have pride in their work, and make great strives in innovation.  Much the same ways that several revolver manufactures did back in the day.  Sounds like a bunch of mortals putting a loving threshold onto a gun to me. However a weakness Glocks would have is most models are made out of plastic.  So if a hex doesn't work some spells at the gun would easily end it due to the nature of the material. Then again when someone is shooting at you I am pretty sure the last thought in going through your mind would be "Wait a second that is a glock!  If I freeze it the gun will break into a million tiny peices when the guy drops it!"  This makes me ask Bruce about other reliable guns like the AK47 or the thompson Sub-machine gun which use low tech and are highly reliable (one of my squad leaders found a Tommy gun from WWII that was still friring and got to use because he was the only one who knew how to.)

2.  On actual EMPs.  The most common thing that causes an EMP is explosions-- well besides angy hexing wizards.  That being said there is lots of actual technology for making EMP Generation that could theoretically be toted by a wizard due to it's nature.  That being said most devices would not be easy to hand carry.  Most of this goes along with Bruce's previous statement (IE weapon was designed to CREATE AN EMP for one use or multi use therefore it should be able to at least withstand some minor hexing etc.) Additionally some EMP technology that was non nuclear explosion type was made in 1951, while after WWII most of it was indeed WWII tech. Hilariously though, an EMP works in real life how Jim portrays the wizards magic field.  You have unaimed dome/explosion/Radial EMP (Via Nuke or Wizards Field) Or an Aimed EMP (Via EMP Bomb or or Hex Spell.)  An Aimed EMP works like this you have the Power source which is conditioned via modulation, which goes through an electron source, which is then accelerated through a microwave source and then aimed using something.  Which is basically how Harry aims his Hex spell. A wizard could likely use the second method I suggested earlier make some huge explody spell on the EPFCG and basically do a conical hex on an area.  That being said most EMP's require explosion, the portable that doesn't a Wizard maybe could use, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went off early. 

I hope I have not infuriated anyone.

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: May 31, 2010, 05:35:42 PM »
If Molly was sent back in time, and got enough power I figure she might figure out some sort of way.  And if she can figure out how to become a Faerie and has the temerity to do it, then yeah, I am pretty sure she would play this way exactly.  

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: May 31, 2010, 05:11:38 PM »
Well, Molly really really likes Harry.

DFRPG / Re: Military Concepts and Military Help
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:31:07 AM »
Okay all good points.

If the person makes effort to remain unidentified (IE lets hair grow out and 86s the military lingo, while not telling them) they can remain unidentified. That being said I will have to bring up a quote from starwars: "Those blaster marks are too accurate for sand people" there are little tells in combat for former military. Really this would be largely up to the story teller. 

That being said, if there were Israeli soldiers tailing people I know in my platoon, we would know almost immediately. Not because we deal with them but because we know how they operate well that and that is our region that we look at.  That being said, Israel also has compulsory military service.  So it would be like "oh they are ex military." "How do you know"  "cause they are Israeli and didn't go through religious training." "oh"  

This does need to be clarified.

You can identify former and current members of Allied or Host (where the campaign is set) nation military and members of some other military powers if you had knowledge of that area.  For further clarification on the trouble -- the more prominent an army you were in the more likely other foreign military will identify you.

An example of this would be A US soldier is in a bar that is frequented by ex military types of all nations. He would likely identify other US troops, Canadian soldiers, UK soldiers, and Aussie soldiers.  He might be able to identify german soldiers (if he spent time in germany) Israeli troops (if he was in the region) South Korean troops (if he helped them before) Iraqi or Afghanistan soldiers (same) or maybe even a Russian soldier (remnants of the cold war.)  This same soldier would probably have trouble identifying a Swiss military man, a Finnish military person, Indian officer, Kenyan soldier, or a former Kazakhstani troop.  However due to military prominence and his american accent, it is more likely that most of the soldiers in the room could identify him as a member of the American armed forces if he was really overt.

So in short

Know your own applies to troops you know of and works on troops that know of you.  To further clarify a scenario

A former soldier and sapper who is contracted out by someone to penetrate a white court mansion, notices that the guards on the outside are operating using military stances for guarding and have the hair cuts to go with.  Additionally when the guards handle a pesky stalker by grabbing his punch and summarily breaking his arm and the sapper notices this is a military form, particularly Krav Manga. Upon further examination the level of comfort they have with Uzi sub machine guns, Desert Eagles as well as their uniform appearance and unusual call signs our hero can safely determine that these are former Israeli Special forces. Our former sapper realizes he is going to need one hell of a tester to get these guys to look one so he can get inside.

DFRPG / Re: Military Concepts and Military Help
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:26:49 PM »
I'm not that informed on military matters, but this isn't necessarily true. For example, one of my players (who IS informed on military matters), is playing a British ex-SBS (Special Boat Services, explained by him to the very uninformed me as "the British equivalent of Navy SEALS") sniper, who was discharged after most of his unit was killed by Djinn in Afghanistan...and he reported what really happened and refused to change his story. While they were somewhat sympathetic due to his recent trauma and he recieves veteran's benefits and avoided being sent to an institution, there is absolutely no chance of him ever being recalled to service, since they view him as dangerously mentally unbalanced.

A similar story could easily do the same in terms of their chances of recall for another PC. As could many other things, actually

I am in the army, I have seen it happen to two officers.  One of them served in Vietnam and got brought back in for the recent going ons in Afghanistan.  Granted it is extremely rare, (even more so now that quotas are surpassed) but it is a possibility. Granted this happens only to either higher ranking officers or ones that had previous duties that were low on personnel (like intell) granted I doubt that this would have any effect on anything your running, but still it could be something fun to note.

That being said, UK officers don't have the recall thing, they are lucky like that.

And yes 4 years active 4 years inactive reserve for most enlisted, pending medical issues, change in lifestyle (you make more money than the president) and after the 4 years inactive are up you are free.  For the most part they do not call you up however technically the war on terror in the US is a national emergency and people get recalled for it. 

Here is another

Scout Sniper
You are the very definition of the word sniper.  You are a patient, keen eyed, survivor, who can shoot a doorknob from more than 400 meters out.  You also know how to hide and how to scout terrain, not to mention lie perfectly still for days...
Trouble  Your skills are quite in fact too epic.  Scout Snipers are rare so if people some how turn up dead from long range gunshots, chances are you are a prime suspect.

DFRPG / Re: Military Concepts and Military Help
« on: May 27, 2010, 09:59:05 AM »
Wow all this.  So far pretty good pretty helpful.

Special note for Former military officers: Recall.  You can be turned NPC at the outbreak of another war.  Your ass belongs to the US government.  Guess that free college idea wasn't so good afterall.
Upsides: Good with most weapons, steady under pressure, leadership skills, good with tactics and you can run fast to boot.  Since you went to college you will likely have some education in a certain area and be fairly good at it. 

Special note for former military people: Know your own.  Seriously, most former military people can identify other former military people or current military people with relative ease. That being said you will be easier to pick out also by other military.

Special note for former military people: Tactics.  Most former military people can at least retain how to enter a room properly and how to put themselves into a good firing position to get the best shot or put themselves in a key position.  Then again most people would be expecting that...

Likely scenarios:
Former Military guy going to college and bumps into the supernatural.
Former Crypto Officer pissed off at his military doing nothing but "observing and reporting" strange supernatural activity
Former CID turned detective gets put on a case involving the supernatural
Former Sapper is called in by local police to investigate a huge explosion that has no known cause
Former Seal defends the block against things that go bump in the night
Former Delta guy gets hired by an NPC to be a guard against "strange stuff" that has been going on lately
Former Fighter Pilot gets hired by mysterious clientèle to fly them somewhere fast for no questions asked
Former MI Analyst who is just getting out discovers some mysterious classified information that leads him to seek answers after he gets out

Thanks so far for helping with this guys lets see if we can put out a few more concepts...

DFRPG / Military Concepts and Military Help
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:51:13 AM »
Okay so I looked through and dug up data and found out a few things using my super military analytical skills.

1.  There is not much info on military concepts (other than the occasional former ranger shtick)
2.  There is not much info on how current, or former military characters/concepts could affect gameplay. 

So I am going to attempt to call out other former military members to help out in this arena.  Basically this will be done by posting what information we can (without getting into trouble of course) on some Military jobs and what they would be concept wise and how certain things are handled.

That being said I am going to put out some fairly simple concepts you can draw from that are a little uncommon and you can draw from edit at your discretion etc.  These are only ideas at this time.  Please don't kill me.  I have so much to live for.

I only know army and a few navy

All Army concepts should include the fact they know a thing or two about firing and maintaining a weapon, survival, and maintenance of the body.  Also in the trouble, certain areas the locals may despise them, they will likely trust authority a little more.  Also the person may be a little uptight

Former Sapper (add additional background on character like Sapper turned Sorcerer)
The US Army sapper is an elite warrior that has more knowledge of explosives in his pinky then some people will ever learn over two life times.  They can make explosives from scratch, know how much to use, and the best places to use it for, and create precision detonations.  Not only that, but they have  a physical training regime similar to an Army Ranger (only a larger focus on rucking around explosives)
Trouble:  First time there is even a little explosion your probably going to be the one who gets blamed.  Even if you were two states away.

Former Psy Ops:
You are the bastard son of George from Seinfeld and one of the fae queens when it comes to trickery. You can scare even the Nagloshii with the kind of insanity you can pull out of your hat.  The amount of BSing you can do has the Fey taking notes and you probably learned a few things from Old Scratch himself.  Hell a wizard might even have problems soul gazing you for answers. You know exactly how to play an audience.
Trouble: Well, you can shear a sheep over and over but you can skin him only once.  People will eventually stop trusting you.

Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator:
You are so good at computers you can fix something Harry hexed, and probably make it run better. 
Trouble You are part of a really tiny community, making you that much easier to find. 

Honor Guard
You have unquestionable honor. You have done one of your countries highest honors and have incredible internal fortitude and a powerful spirit. Many others in the military look up to you.
Trouble  Sure all that is good, but this may cause you to fall prey on people who would use your morals against you.  Then again people might view you as uptight and aloof even for military standards.

Military Intelligence Analyst
You are viewed as an oxymoron by many and thats the way you like it, the less they know about you the better.  You have dived into some of the governments deepest secrets and are capable of making insane decisions and figuring out things much faster then some police.
Trouble That being said, you probably second guess when you shouldn't and you can be overly analytical not taking things at face value when you should.

Other military folks feel free to chime in post more or help out (cause I need sleep.)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:17:31 PM »
For Kincaid/ Hell Hound: Timothy Roth

For Marcone:  Joe Montaigna (I think thats how its spelled), the guy who does mob boss from the simpsons. 

For Billy:  the Mac guy. 

My 2 cents.

DFRPG / Re: Am I getting myself too much in over my head?
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:05:54 PM »
Maybe it's he who walks behind he who walks behind...  But seriously it looks like you are going to have to pay the piper with your layout eventually. 

DFRPG / Re: The Pure Mortal Death Curse...
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:54:58 PM »
Did it once in a modern D-20 campaign.  He was like a level 2 equivalent.  I laughed hysterically when they saw his character sheet after it was all over "He.. Did all of that.. and he was a level 2?"  "Yeah but he had a high intelligence  score and some good skills..."  "YOUR A MONSTER!"

DFRPG / The Pure Mortal Death Curse...
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:25:57 PM »
As a bearer of the Squashed Bug on my collar and a lightining fast backstabber, I know that a regular every day Jane Doe has the capacity to be scarier than Eldest Gruff.  Here is my idea, please add RPG stuff to it to make it better.  Anyways here is my adventure hook.  If you have what a sheet would look like or how to build this kind of person that's amazing, but mostly it's a plot device.

Your team of adventurers has finally found the easy to get to dealer of :insert magical drug here or some other low level easy task plot device: who they decide its time to dispatch of.  Before he "dies" he smirks and lets go of his cell phone.  Your party shrugs it off and walks off wondering what his last act was about and heads over to their favorite local drinking spot.  They spend their reward by going to the bar and partying.  When they get to their safe house however somethings wrong.  Way wrong.  The house has been ransacked.  By police.  Crime scene tape is over the front door and Men in black suits want to ask them about certain "dealings" that they have had in the past few days.  They are arrested on the spot and find out that they are flat broke and all their worldly possessions are gone, their families are being held for questioning and it seems like the world is collapsing on them.  What just happened?  Why is the FBI NSA and CIA in their safe house?  Why are their crazy people speaking foreign languages in their living room?  Congratulations.  You were just hit by a Pure Mortal Death Curse, and you will likely never get to see the outside except for 15 minutes a day for the rest of your life at best. 

What this requires is someone who is insanely deceptive and well connected.  Someone who has worked inside the system for years, and has wanted to see it fall, only they did not want to be held responsible, in fact they needed a patsy, someone like you.  That whole "go bust this drug dealer" thing?   That was to get you to think you killed him, taking him out of the game in order to make you look like suspects.  He likely uses crazy devices like cryptexes with high tech fail safes so that when a wizard tries something magical to open it whatever part of his schemes and set of instructions is gone forever, making getting the evidence impossible unless you were one of his cat's paws.  Whatever his will says, it likely isn't pretty for you, it might even include you, just so it can be used as evidence against you in the court of law.  Don't expect it to be anything useful either.  What may seem like 5 acres of land may end up being 5 acres of dead bodies and evidence.  Meanwhile, somewhere in Aruba, this guy is sipping umbrella drinks (if he didn't have a death wish and was just faking his death.) while you are pleading for your life in a courtroom and the world is falling around you. 

This guy is the definition of why you should be thorough. 


DFRPG / Re: Tread softly for you tread on my dreams...
« on: May 08, 2010, 05:47:27 PM »
Turn that frown upside down! Just joking, but thats the kind of people that would make it even more insane fun.  Your other GMs would be perfect!  If you have a few inspired PC's who want to ascend to godhood that would be even better.  The more insane over the top competing plots and different goals they have going on the more fun to have, just so long as you can control the chaos. Granted you would probably be expending a lot of your UberGM powers (you might even have to descend to mortal level) just to keep them in line long enough to get your PCs used to the fact that its a crazy pantheon. 

DFRPG / Re: Tread softly for you tread on my dreams...
« on: May 08, 2010, 05:27:35 PM »
Wow really?  Thanks.  My mom taught me how to be a good GM (third generation nerd third generation occulter.)  You don't need that many good GMs, its more of a scenario that you could teach em while it was going on.  Though this does seem to be a common problem, though it does make me think of an episode of robot chicken.  I think the Fate system would be forgiving enough to field test new GMS with this type of play setting. 

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